Supernatural: Day, Night, and Shadows

by BioQuillFiction

Chapter 10 Day: The Scholars of Supernatural

Celestia had needed sleep in her youth, in her older age she still needed it but it was less mandatory. She had spent months awake before her body began to tire and succumb to the need of slumber. For the past week she was translating parts of the tablets into both human known languages, coded in ways that needed anywhere between one and nine different deciphers to decrypt, and lastly a book to house all these various works in. She would need to make a vault, no, many vaults hidden well and trapped and protected. But she needed something to help get this group Shakesphere wanted to create off its feet. There was just one issue.

“Men of letters?” Celestia asked again.

“Why do you take such offence?” Shakespeare asked.

“I mean, I’m the one supplying you with the magic and such to start, and I’m not a man.”

“True, but what other name would be so fitting?”

“Ladies of Literature?” Celestia offered, earning a deadpan look from Shakesphere as she laughed at. “See how it feels?”

“Fine fine. Wemon.” That got Shakespeare a book tossed at his head. “Owch! If you are that accurate with a two pound book I fear your skills with a much lighter blade.”

“As you should.” Celestia said with a nod then a chuckle. “How about… The Scholars?”

“Maybe… Needs something more.”

“Why is the name so important again?”

“Names don’t just have meaning they have impact. An impression that their sound and meaning upholds by the blood, sweat and tears of all those who walk under that name. Who carry it til death. Names hold power.”

“Not wrong.” Celestia murmured. “How about The Scholars of The Supernatural?”

“Supernatural… The Scholars of The Supernatural… Yes, now that says exactly what we are. Church might give us trouble but, they would have been an obstacle anyway.”

“Huh. Men claiming to carry gods will when he hasn’t told them anything. A cult of hypocrisy and is all they are. Blinded by bigotry and using the bible as a cover for their sins.”

“You have a hatred for the church?”

“No, I hate the people who run it like an excuse to butcher and burn alive innocent people based on nothing more than word of mouth from idiots and bigots. That’s why there’s so many women's ghosts running about, and even in death they still call them witches.”

Shakespeare gave a nod. “I see. Perhaps one day that will all change.”

“Sadly not any day soon.” With a sigh Celestia continued her translations.

"It has to be around here somewhere." Celestia said as she and Shakespeare walked around the nearby woods.

"What is it we are looking for again."

"Smurf Root." Celestia said. "A magically powerful root that grows wild in the woods, often near or within great sources of magic."

"I see, and what will this be used for?"

"Once ground into a paste or powdered, it can be mixed with paint to create barrier spells keeping away evil forces. It will make sure once a proper base of operations is created it will be protected."

"Ah, perfect."

"It also makes great fizzy drinks that both taste amazing and repels black magic."

Shakespeare raised an eyebrow, but simply shrugged. He long ago gave up on learning how Celestia knew all these things. He doubted those tablets held that kind of knowledge… mostly doubted.

After walking for several more hours Celestia stopped, taking several sniffs to the air and smiled and she got on hands and knees and pulled out three small root plants. "Here we are."

"That's it? It's so small." Shakespeare said, looking the tiny root over. It was smaller that the tip of his quill.

"They are small but potent and powerful." Celestia said. "Too bad we didn't run into any Smurfs. They are such happy, cheery little people."

"Huh… you've met them?"

"Just one, blue like all of them but wears a red hat and pants, white hair and beard, calls himself Papa Smurf. A wise and caring warlock."

"And they aren't monsters like the others?"

"No. While most beings born through magic or other means aren't all violent or evil in their nature. Some, the friendly ones, hide to avoid them as much as humans do, some fight them too like you are."

"I… had no idea."

"This world is wide and expansive. It is one of so many both in this universe and in others. I believe that not every Vampire, Werewolf and Ghoul are evil, violent. They all just want to live, it's their mothers fault they are like this."

"Their… mother?"

Celestia nodded. "Yes. The mother of all monsters. Calls herself Eve."

"Eve like the mother of all humans?"

"Completely different people, she took the name probably to make fun of humans. Maybe she thought it fitting, don't know all the details."

"Interesting. Was all this on those tablets?"

"Yes but I was also told by my uncles Mettatron and Gabriel."

"You're family sure has a lot of knowledge on the subject. How did this come to be?"

Celestia gave a smile to Shakespeare. "Can you keep a secret?"

Shakespeare looked at Celestia for a time, pondering the question. They haven't known one another for too terribly long but he trusted her. He gave a nod, then took several surprised steps back as she removed her necklace, revealing a horse, no, for some reason Pony fit better, a pure white coat, lovely white feathered wings atop her back, a pink flowing mane and tail that blew in the gentle wind, and a horn the length of his arm. "My word…"

"I am Celestia, adopted daughter of the angle of Wednesday, Castiel."

"You are… adopted? You were raised by angles?"

"Yes. Dad says one day I just appeared In heaven in a flash of light. God told him to raise me. I'm not an angel but I have the power of one, maybe stronger. No one can really tell with me. My body is flesh and blood but it is more durable than any other."

"So, if I may ask, what are you?"

"An Alicorn. Though from the ones I have seen I am… different still. They are magically powerful yes but they are not intelligent like I am."

"I see." Shakespeare said, taking a seat on a fallen tree. "My word… a celestial being, family to God and his angels. Heh, it's almost too much to believe and yet… here you are."

"I have been told I defy all odds." Celestia said with a smirk and she placed her necklace back on, regaining human form. She then took a seat next to Shakespeare. "I came to earth because I was bored. The angels have been ordered not to leave heaven for some reason."

"And why did you?"

"I'm not an angle." Celestia giggled. "Just like them."

"I have… so many questions."

"I will answer what I can but I ask, please try not to tell this. We both know the Scholars of the Supernatural is going to be a group dedicated to understanding but hunters…"

"Would likely kill first and never bother." Shakespeare finished with a tired sigh. "Can you be hurt?"

"Yes. Normal human weapons hurt but can't kill me, magic does a better job. Demons and my family's angel blades are the real worry."

"Angel blades?"

Nodding, Celestia pulled hers out, seeing the mark where Lucifer put his feather into it to give it more power. "Every angel has one made just for them… my uncles made this one for me."

"It is beautiful."

"It is…"

"... Why so sad?"

"Home isn't right anymore. Not since…" Celestia shuttered a bit, remembering that dark day in heaven.

"Perhaps another time." Shakespeare said, standing up and helping Celestia up. "When you are ready to speak of that, I will listen, but only when you are ready."

Celestia smiled, quickly whiling away the small formed droplets of tears that didn't get to fall as she quickly replaced her sadness with a sly smirk. "William Shakespeare, are you trying to court me."

Shakespeare blushed. "I am, I mean i-"

Celestia laughed, giving him a hug. "I wouldn't mind."

"But you are a Divine being. Isn't that forbidden?"

"For humans and angels yes, but remember, I'm not an angel."

"Right… beastiality then."


"Ouch!" William yelped as he rubbed his now brushed head as Celestia huffed, then laughed.