Voidic and The Chamber of Secrets

by lightningman

Chapter 11 -Hallow's Hollow Habitant (Part 2. so stop bitching.)

As soon as everyone finished cheering, the elves began bringing in food by the bucketload and I made them suitable to be eaten by ghosts. It was taking quite a lot out of me with how much there was. The rotten food was taken away. It was there just in case my plan hadn't gone quite as I had planned it. I sighed and collapsed into a chair the elves had brought out for me.
"Holy crap, that was bad." I say, as I take my mask down a bit to wipe my forehead,
"Really? I thought you were the master of the void." Harry asked as he sat down beside me with the other two living people in the room.
"I am, but I know what you mean. I thought that this would be a cakewalk for me too. I don't know what happened." I sigh
"Hmmm.... maybe there's a limit to how much even you can channel of the void? And with how much raw void you were pumping through you, you were reaching that limit?" Hermione said as none of us noticed a female ghost gazing at us through her ethereal glasses.
"Possibly. Note to self, figure out how much raw void I can channel through me and expand on that limit. " Suddenly a flash crossed my mind from that statement and laughed at it.
"What? What's wrong?" Harry asked.
"S-Sorry. I just remembered a joke about a game. It's called 40K. And the joke is from a website called Wikipedia where people went to research stuff or something like that. like blatant plagiarism. But the joke is this. 'List of Khornate Massacres, This list is incomplete, you can help by EXPANDING IT." I burst out laughing as the other three look horrified.
"How is that a joke?" Hermione asked horrified. "Massacres are horrible!"
"Well, I guess you either have to have a dark sense of humour or you have to have some knowledge about the 40k universe to get it. But that joke is legendary to people who know about 40k." I smile a bit as I noticed the ghost coming to us. "Oh, hi Mrytle!" I said a bit cheerfully. She stopped and blinked in a bit of shock.
"You know who I am?"
"Of course. It's kinda hard not to know about you. Girls are always talking about you. Mostly good things. Don't worry about it." I smiled under my mask as the ghost blinked in shock.
"Uh... right. I... I just came to say hi and thank you. This is the first time I've felt relatively human in almost fifty years." Then, she shocked me as she actually gave a smile. A SMILE. And I have to admit, she looked pretty cute when she did smile.
"It's no trouble. Go have fun. Enjoy yourself with the others." I smile. She nodded and left as nearly headless nick came floating to us.
"Not a bad turnout you four. Voidic, thank you so much for everything you've done. my 500th deathday is gonna be the talk among the entire ghost community of the world for decades to come!" He smiled brightly. "Now, if you'll excuse me. I need to go warn the orchestra because it's nearly time for my speech and the reveal of.. well, you know." He gestured to his neck and gave a sly wink to me and harry. we smiled back at him, but suddenly horns began to blow and the entire hall fell silent.
"Oh here we go." Nick said, not bitterly, but anxiously, as if waiting for this the entire night. Suddenly, though the wall, half a dozen horses, all ridden by a headless horsemen with flamboyantly decorated robes, came trotting through. Everyone began to clap wildly while nick looked viciously happy. The horses galloped into the middle of the dance floor and halted. A large man with his head under his arm came trotting to him.
"Nick! How are you! Head still hanging in there?" Patrick have a loud guffaw and clapped him on the shoulder. A bit too hard. Because suddenly. Nick's head fell off his shoulder and rolled to the floor. There were shocked gasps as everyone backed away. Patrick gasped as well and dropped his own head which rolled besides Nick's.
"Well, well, well. How the tides have turned." Nick said as his body picked up his head and showed it to everyone. "It seems that I am finally properly decapitated. So, how about it Podmore? You feel like I can join the Headless Hunt now?"
"W-well, I... Uh, how did this happen?!" Podmore screamed a bit as his body grabbed his head and put it back on his neck. "You were Nearly Headless Nick last time I saw you! Not Fully Headless Nick!"
"Well, ladies and gentlemen. That is because of one individual. Voidic gave me this gift when he saw my predicament." He smiled at them, all teeth. "So, he decided to finish off the job for me. Thank you again." Nick bowed to me and his head fell off, which he promptly captured with his hand before he hit the floor. Everyone began chuckling a bit as the ice broke, and suddenly everyone was cheering loudly for nick and I smiled. Nick came up to me and shook my hand.
"It's no trouble, really. But I'm gonna be honest. It's getting late for these three guys. So we're gonna have to go." the ghosts all began groaning and I chuckled.
"I know, I know. But I really do have to leave now. I'm sorry." I waved bye and the living ones came with me. I sigh as the three began chatting with each other and laughing.
"Yeah, that was a really good...." Harry froze.
"Harry? What's wrong?"
"It... it's gonna kill someone!" Harry began sprinting down a corridor and we followed him. Soon enough, we were in the same corridor as the petrified cat. we slowly walked up to it and I began to investigate it. Suddenly hundreds of footsteps trampled towards us and people saw on sitting next to a pool of blood and water. There was silence as they just stared at us. The three people that were with me were staring back at them in horror and bewilderment. And I was just focussing on if I could undo it.