Like a Diamond

by Grey Ghost

An Uncomfortable Awakening

The sun shone high, lending its warmth to an otherwise chilly autumn afternoon. Ponyville hustled and bustled as it always did, its residents enjoying the current lull in strange activity. The perfect kind of day to stay curled up in a nice warm bed, or lap. Tempest seemed perfectly content to use mine as a resting place while I gently massaged along her spine to search for that one sore spot she was complaining about yesterday, and I was happy to indulge her a bit rather than just heal it away.

She let out a disgruntled grumble as the doorbell rang, and twisted her head to the side to look up at me. “Why is it always my day off that gets interrupted, David?”

“You know damn well there are two other people here who can answer that door today. You wanted a massage, so you get a nice massage.” I replied while continuing to seek out that knot of muscle. “And I’ll even shrink down so it takes longer if you want.”

Her look softened, but a pout remained. "Don't stop for a second. I don't care what questions they ask."

“Have you been fusing with Delphi without me again?” I teased while one hand slipped down to tickle the space behind her knee briefly. Only my smallest finger could get in there, but it never failed to get at least a few laughs for the attempt.

Her guess turned out to be correct as the door to my den slid open to admit an unstable tower of pebbles and what looked like an entire class of fillies and colts.

“Shall we start getting refreshments ready as usual for guests, David?” The top pebble in the tower asked in her squeaky voice, the sound clear to me despite the din of hooves on hardwood flooring. Only one of the children reacted, a colt with a circular ruby for an eye.

"Please," I said with a smile and nod. "We should still have some lemonade and cookies. Just make sure to save some for yourselves."

“Miss David, who are you talking to?” One of the fillies asked while raising her hand. Tempest snorted softly at the ‘miss’ part while I simply smiled and pointed to the pebbles, who were now climbing down from atop each other and funnelling into a tiny hole in the baseboard of the wall that hadn’t been there before.

“Just the pebbles. They help out around the house," I explained, gesturing for them to sit. 

Our home was huge, it had to be. The living room alone could have fit their classroom. We had prepared in advance, laying out an exact number of pillows. Future sight never stops being useful. 

A fireplace dominated the back wall, its mantle decorated in artifacts of a lifetime. Most of them were well out of reach, or sight, of anyone smaller than myself. Despite its size, our house was as normal as we could make it.

 Bookshelves lined one wall of the room we were all in, and a couple of the newer faces in this cluster of young ponies scanned the titles on the spines until I cleared my throat. “So, it looks like an entire class from Ponyville Elementary is here. I know I have a general policy of being available for questions any of you may have about gems and gem-related things, but why are all of you here at once, exactly?”

“Oh! Oh! Princess Twilight was at school today to talk about the Storm King’s failed invasion of Equestria and mentioned that we should talk to you if we wanted to know how you arrived in time to stop it, and how you got all your soldiers there without anypony knowing.” The ruby-eyed colt perked up and nearly jumped off his pillow as he responded immediately. “Also, why couldn’t anypony else hear the pebble ask you that question?”

His enthusiasm was infectious, spreading amongst his classmates. I adjusted my posture, gesturing to the pebbles as they carried in a few plates of cookies. "Pebbles are kind of like breezies. They have a way of going unnoticed."

My eyes shifted from the exuberant colt to the Storm Soldier mask hanging above the door. "That was a really long time ago, but lucky for you." I winked and tapped my temple. "A gem never forgets."

“Oh good, looks like it’s storytime. Pebbles, I’d like a few hay and granola bars along with a pitcher of iced tea as quickly as you can make them, please.” Tempest spoke up, then nudged my abdomen with her elbow to remind me about the massage.

Rolling my eyes, I resumed my ministrations. "Once there was a hole in a wall, and out came a diamond..."

My return to consciousness was an explosion of sensation. A million thoughts jolted me out of sleep, overwhelming my drowsy mind. I’m not sure how long it took me to reign in my thoughts, it might have been hours, perhaps even a day.  When I finally managed to clear my head, I found myself laying in a patch of dirt. 

Pulling myself into a sitting position, I looked around and saw dusty canyon walls on either side of me that went on towards the horizon. Unsurprisingly, I had no idea how I had gotten to a gorge in the middle of nowhere. Upon further inspection, I noted the human shaped holes lining the rock face.

“This way, and hurry up. You dropping the package has made us late.” A calm voice echoed from somewhere in the distance shortly before I started hearing footsteps.

“I’m sorry, Your Clarity! It won’t happen again!” a deeper, more agitated voice replied. 

“That is true, though I wish I had foreseen the dropping the same way I’d seen that your trip was inevitable.”

Frowning, I turned my head towards the voices. They sounded so familiar, just at the edge of recognition. “Hello?” I tentatively asked, my voice foreign and strange. It wasn’t... mine. Bringing my hands to my throat, I caught sight of pink gloves covering them.

“Your Clarity, did you hear that?!” the deeper voice asked in what seemed to be an attempt at a whisper. “Someone is here!”

“There’s no need to worry, Topaz, that is the voice of the one we’ve been waiting for all this time. We must get to her side now, before she panics and makes a mistake.” The calm voice made no effort to be quiet, and I soon saw a small, blue figure wearing what looked like a dress walk around a nearby corner.

A taller, though still bulky and stout, yellow being followed close behind, wearing what looked like a tight bodysuit of some kind. 

I stared at the pair, eyes wide and hands trembling. I had to be mad, it wasn’t possible. Cartoon characters didn’t come to life; unless one was to do copious amounts of drugs, or experience a complete mental break. I tried blinking to get rid of them, but they persisted. I was watching a Sapphire and a Topaz walking towards me, looking slightly less realistic than the best cosplays ever made of them and just a bit more like they’d emerged into the real world, Roger Rabbit-style.

“S-stay away from me!” I snapped, scrambling backwards. “I’m not crazy goddammit! Leave me alone!” Patting around, I grabbed a rock and hurled it at the Sapphire. 

The Topaz stepped in front of the smaller gem, and the rock harmlessly bounced off her chest. Moments later she brought her arms in and around her chest in an odd way, only opening one hand to manage most of a salute I’d seen a few times before. “I’m sorry for defying your will, My Diamond, but this Sapphire is under my protection and I will not let even one such as you harm her.”

“Topaz, it’s alright,” the Sapphire spoke, moving out from behind cover. “Our Diamond is merely overwhelmed by the situation.” Moving to a halfway point, Sapphire copied Topaz’s salute. “My Diamond, I am Sapphire cut 9823. Please allow us to assist you.”

I merely stared at her, my back to the stone wall of the ravine. “This isn’t real,” I told myself, squeezing my eyes shut. “Just a really vivid dream. That’s it. That’s all it is."

“If you wish, we can stay here until you are feeling more like yourself? We were told that you’d likely not react well to the situation you found yourself in one way or another.” I heard the loose stone near me shift slightly before Sapphire spoke up again. “I’m also supposed to ask if you were Steven or David before you woke up... do you remember?”

“Of course I remember,” I snapped, an edge to my voice. “I know who I am, and it is not a crazy person.”

“Your Clarity, is it wise to get so close?” Topaz asked, closer but not as close as Sapphire. “I can’t protect you if you’re so close.”

“Her eyes are closed, Topaz, and she can’t shatter me if she can’t see where my gem is. If she attacks me, I trust that you will be able to grab that to defend me, and being forced into a resting state is no great hardship.” Sapphire sounded calm and confident. “How could we prove that this is no hallucination, My Diamond?”

I grit my teeth, sucking in a breath. “Slap me. Hard as you can. Right now.”

“As hard as we can? Well, I know that any blow I attempt would be utterly ineffective for proving a point to you.” I heard the rocks shift again, presumably the Sapphire moving away from my side. “Topaz, give me the package and carry out our diamond’s order, please.”

“I... you... uh… “ She hesitated before I felt her heavier steps approach. There was the soft sound of paper crumpling slightly as she handed over whatever this ‘package’ was. “This is the weirdest day of my life, being ordered to slap a Diamond by that Diamond herself…”

Half a second later I heard two things at the same time, a sudden rush of air accompanied by “Wait, not a backhand,” from the Sapphire. These were immediately followed by a hard impact against my nose and cheek, and then the back of my head smacking into the stone right behind me.

Opening my eyes, I stared up at the sky. My cheek stung, the back of my head throbbing for a moment. “Okay... that.. That hurt...” Touching my cheek, I winced slightly. “Probably shouldn’t have said so hard...”

“I-i-if it appeases you, My Diamond, my hand hurts too. Your head is... very hard. I think it might have cracked my gem if I’d used my other hand.”

Shaking my head, I turned to Topaz. “Sorry, I probably shouldn’t have asked you to do that...” Bracing myself against the ravine wall, I pushed myself to my feet. “Okay... okay. This is real. Real as I am.”

Sapphire stepped forwards and held a small package up to me. She barely came up to my knee, and looked so small. Even Topaz only came up to just below my waist. “The others left this with us, for you to open when you woke up.”

Reaching down, I gently plucked it from her hands. “What exactly is it?” I asked, doing my best to open it. 

Sapphire waited a few seconds before responding right as I managed to tear the paper open and brush the surface of the gem that had been contained and protected from contact inside for so long. “Your personal Pearl, of course. Every diamond needs an assistant for the more mundane matters that don’t deserve their full attention.”

I nearly dropped the box, watching as the pearl floated up in front of me. “What? You couldn’t have said that sooner? Slavery is wrong.”

“Please identify yourself.” The voice came from the floating pearl as a ghostly blue shell formed around it.

It held my gaze for a few beats before I sighed. “David,” I spoke, crossing my arms.

“Greetings, David. Please state preferred customization options.” The voice stayed flat and emotionless while the shell pulsed briefly.

Clicking my tongue, I had no idea what that actually meant. I merely replied with, “Default.”

“Default setting selected. Please stand by.” 

The pearl floated to the ground, the ‘shell’ opening up. Starting with a head, a body rose from the construct, solidifying once it had fully emerged. Stepping off the shell, which dissipated into numerous fading lights, the new person opened their eyes.

Her eyes immediately locked onto my form, face split by a smile. Taking another step, she took my hand. “How do you do, my David-”

“Uh, no, no singing please, and it’s just David, not ‘my David.’” I squatted slightly with my hand over this Pearl’s mouth in an attempt to stop all the stomach-turning servile bits of what was to come if all Pearls shared the exact same initial formation routine. I also looked to the Sapphire and Topaz. “That goes for you two as well. Who I am is more important than what character I look or sound like, so no saluting and enough with the ‘My Diamond’ crap, okay?”

“As you wish,” Sapphire acquiesced, bowing her head. 

Pearl blinked slightly, though didn’t seem put off by my request. Stepping back, she kept her smile. “Whatever you wish, David.” Getting a good look at her now, she appeared to have the same hairstyle as Pink Pearl, and the same style to her multicolored clothing, though she lacked the broken eye. “I am at your eternal service.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know. ‘Welcome to my new pearl…’” I sighed and rolled my eyes as I stood back up. “Look, can we just... go somewhere else. I’m starting to feel like I don’t want to stay here in this desolate valley.”

“We’re not far from the enclave,” Sapphire informed, turning to the direction she and Topaz had come from. “If you will follow me, David. Come along, Topaz.” Pulling her skirts up slightly, Sapphire glided across the rough ground with serene grace.

“Oh um, yes, Your Clarity.” Sneaking a look back at me, Topaz hustled to catch up with Sapphire.

Watching them head off, I used the brief moment to center myself. Either I had fallen into a deep coma or... I didn’t know. None of it made sense. Still, I didn’t want to hang around a ravine. “Come on, we’re not staying,” I told Pearl, beginning to follow the other two gems.

Pearl simply nodded before moving to keep pace with me. I found myself having to take somewhat shorter steps than my legs allowed for in order to be able to follow Sapphire and Topaz back to this enclave they came from.

“We have arrived, David,” Sapphire spoke, looking up at me. “I predict that your gems will come running when they see your stature.”

I shuddered slightly as I looked around at the surroundings I had been led to. We were still in the ravine, but an offshoot area from where I’d awoken, and one that wasn’t covered in idol-shaped holes. My eyes took a moment to adjust to the change in lighting, and I couldn’t stop myself from letting out a low whistle.

Several buildings had been carved into the walls of the ravine, each sporting a crystal embellishment of some kind. Many doorways had writing on them to tell what they were for, including a library that clearly had physical books that I could see through a clear wall that was effectively a window due to the perfect finish. I also noticed that there seemed to be a tendency towards colors that seemed like they would be related to the diamond associated to the general function of the building. One labelled as a weapon and tool repair workshop had a mix of yellow crystals and fine metal outlines for each letter. One oddity was that there were no red crystals anywhere, and the only red I could see was a blotch of paint near a large doorway marked as ‘Functionality Examination.’

All in all, it kinda looked like a jewel-bedecked version of a dwarven city. “Nice set up you got here,” I commented, eyes moving from building to building. “I’m very glad it’s not all pink. That would just be tacky.”

“The other diamonds left us instructions to not do that, and your bismuths have had difficulty making shades of red with materials from this area anyways.” Sapphire began walking again, heading directly towards that doorway with the pink blotch. “With you having finally emerged, we may be able to rectify that soon. I believe your head peridot will want to see you to make sure that you match all known expectations, if you don’t mind?”

“I suppose not...” I followed after her, noting the growing crowd of gems. Great, that's just what I needed. A vast horde that would hang off my every word like it was the gospel. “How many gems are here, Sapphire?”

The majority of the crowd consisted of clones of Topaz with various gem placements, and these all began to perform that strange crossed-arms salute to a diamond that sent shivers down my spine.

“Right now there are a hundred gems that are not currently on-duty. I believe the total number of gems here is around two hundred, as we are only a small force that was awaiting your emergence. Your aquamarine will have more details for you in your quarters.”

To hear people being referred to as mine never sat right to me. Just imaging them working away in that ravine, waiting for the one that would lead them. Waiting for me. I shook my head, chasing away the moral quandary. It wouldn’t help to bog myself down. Not yet anyway.

“What can you tell me about the head Peridot?” I asked, noting that the entrance, and most likely all the others, were tailored to a bit over my height. “Is she at least pleasant?”

“She’s much like the other two that are here to oversee and prepare the rest of the kindergarten areas where any of the gems you may make will emerge from. Slightly detached and clinical at best with every other gem she’s had to examine, but fascinated with the few plants that continue to grow in the local area.”

“I can speak for myself.” A familiar nasally voice made its presence known, drawing my attention. I could only guess I was looking at an Era 1 Peridot, which really just meant she was the height an Era 2 reached with limb enhancers. “Your Clarity,” was added as an afterthought as she walked up to me and saluted before suddenly poking my thigh.

I glared at her, lightly slapping at her wrist. “Ya know, you usually ask first before just touching people. It’s common courtesy.”

“Apologies, My Diamond.” Her voice changed a bit, as she quickly straightened up, and she let out a nervous half-laugh-half-whine sound. “I just... it’s been centuries and you’re finally real. I had to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating out of sheer boredom.”

Eyeing her closely, I let my expression soften. “It’s alright. Just ask first. You can do whatever tests you have to do.”

“Whatever tests I have to do…” She repeated with a bit of awe in her voice, and then began to pull various tools and implements out of the triangular gem on her right shoulder. “Let’s see. Limb measurements, flexibility testing, physical inspection of gem for visible flaws or inclusions, though you appear to match the description we were given to work with in general…”

I turned my head slightly to Sapphire, who was making her way outside. “I will return in a few minutes, with your Aquamarine.”

That was... exactly what I was going to ask her to do. Future vision was going to take some getting used to, on top of everything else. Giving her an affirmative nod, I let Peridot subject me to whatever tests she had in mind.

“So...” I watched as Peridot moved about, searching for a topic of conversation. “What’s your name?”

“Peridot Facet-4G9A Cut-6RQ. And you are Pink Diamond, no facet, no cut, just My Diamond.” Her name was quickly spit out without any real emotion or inflection, though a hint of awe crept back into her voice as she began to take careful measurements of my arms and legs. “I wish I knew how the other diamonds knew you’d be so...compact.”

I pursed my lips, watching as she worked. “I doubt I’ll be able to remember that. Would it be alright if I gave you a name?” My expression changed, turning into a mischievous smile. “I have one in mind, too.”

Peridot looked up at me with a confused expression before gently poking at the gem embedded in my lower abdomen. “You don’t think you’ll be able to remember? I think I’ll skip the rest of the measurements for the moment and go right to inspecting for defects in your crystal lattice structure in that case. Memory failure would be a massive defect and something the other diamonds would need to know ASAP.”

“It’s not a memory failure, it’s just...” I gesticulated for a moment before continuing. “Your name is very impersonal. It’s just a barcode, a string of gibberish that doesn’t really mean anything.” Reaching out, I poked her nose. “I think you’re a sure fit for ‘Bones’.”

“But I don’t have any bones. I’m a gem, not some simple organic creature.” Peridot objected before standing up stiff and straight. “I-uh... I mean, y-yes, of course. W-whatever you wish to call me is absolutely fine, My Diamond!” Her features were stuck somewhere between trying to force themselves into a happy smile and absolute terror.

I pat her head gently, like one would a child. ‘It’s okay. If you don’t like Bones, we can always go with something else. How does Bashir sound?”

“Basher? I know you’ve only just emerged, My Diamond, but I’m not a fighter like a topaz, and I’m definitely no quartz soldier. ‘Bashing’ is just not something I do.”

“No, Ba-Shir,” I pronounce, my smile returning. “It’s a name, it means ‘bringer of good news’. I certainly think you’ll bring good news.” Nodding at her, I straightened up. “Please, continue your tests. I didn’t mean to derail you.”

“Oh, so it is true. You’ve finally woken up. Not that I would doubt the word of a sapphire without significant reasons in her previous performance.” A childish voice speaks from behind me before a small figure flutters around and hovers a few feet in front of my face. “It’s been so long that I simply had to see you for myself, but the other diamonds were absolutely delighted to hear that our long-awaited fourth leader had finally emerged.”

I stared at the pixie like gem for a moment before speaking. “Yeah. I’m just gonna call you Navi. So... Navi, what’s this about the other diamonds?”

“White, Blue, and Yellow Diamonds, of course. Standing orders were to contact them as soon as it was confirmed that you had finished maturing and broken free from the local stone. I will admit that you seem a few centuries overcooked, but you’re also the right height. It’s such a confusing situation, really. Blue will be sending a ship to collect you for a happy reunion any minute now.”

Again, I stared at her for a moment. If I had a facial tick, I imagine it would have gone off at that little tidbit. “No. I think I’m quite alright here.”

“I’m afraid she’s insisted that you go, something about missing whoever you turn out to be after so long... despite the fact that she’s never actually met you before. She was so overcome with emotion that she completely stopped making sense, but orders are orders.”

Narrowing my eyes, I jabbed a finger at her tiny chest. “I’m sorry, are you assigned to me or them? I’m not going anywhere and that’s final.” Turning my head, I spoke with a bit more venom then I should have. “Are you done, Peridot?”

“I serve you at Blue Diamond’s pleasure, and the same is true for every gem here, although the other diamond may vary for others. You don’t have your own court yet, so you only have gems with borrowed loyalty.”

“Speak for yourself, Aquamarine. I’m loyal to whoever is going to allow me to continue my work and studies.”

Aquamarine waved a hand dismissively at Peridot. “Yes, yes, your report on that bumbleweed last week was soooo fascinating that it put me to sleep by page three.”

Turning back to Aquamarine, I leaned in close. Putting on my sternest look, I pointed at Peridot. “Don’t ever talk to anyone else here like that. Do you understand me? I will not tolerate disrespect in my presence, regardless of who its directed at. Am I clear?”

“Clear as water.”

“We can stop for the time being, if you like. I have enough information to make a preliminary evaluation of healthy and functional. There’s no need for the other diamonds to try and cook a second pink diamond... not that they have the materials.”

“State secrets, Peridot!”

“She’s one of the Diamonds, you flying blue annoyance, she IS the state!”

I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. “Right. Yes, I’d like to resume this at another time.” Turning on my heel, I realized that Pearl had just been standing there quietly. Her sincere smile hadn’t left her face. “Come on, Pearl. I need to get out of here.”

“Would you like me to set a time for your return meeting with the peridot that you have designated as ‘Bashir,’ David?” Pearl’s head turned towards the green and blue gems in the room as she spoke, and I noticed that she held her hands almost directly in front of her abdomen, over her pearl, with her thumb and index fingers forming a diamond the way she was holding them.

“Remind me in uh... three hours,” I responded. “I want to find a mirror. Something I can get a good look at myself with.”

“You, pearl, did you call her ‘David’ just now?” Aquamarine interjected sharply, with a wide smile forming. “Blue Diamond mentioned hours of hugging and crying if Pink turned out to be David, and hours of kissing if she was Steven...whatever that means.”

That little tidbit just made me less willing to meet the other diamonds. “Right... I’m going to go now. And, Navi, I’m not a ‘her’.” Nodding at Pearl, I walked out of Bashir’s lab and into the expanse of the enclave.