To: Anon, From HRH Sunbutt.

by Snow

From HRH Celestia, RE: Letter 100

To my most faithful student, Twilight Sparkle,

Let me begin by saying that I am aware that Necromancy as a field of magic does have positive applications. It is, in fact, the single best means by which to repair rapid cell reproduction defects. Your applications of the field are, admittedly creative, and have been used to positive effect.

With that having been said, I am unconvinced that given your penchant for experimentation and singleminded focus to the detriment of yourself and others lend themselves to a field wherein you could accidentally reduce yourself to a lower form of undead, torment the souls of the dead, torment the souls of the living, or accidentally create yet another outbreak of carnivorous pony-eating monstrosities. And that's before you get creative. Necromancy is not wholly evil, but the reasons most pertinent for why you, in particular, should cease delving into this topic include, in no particular order:

Twilight, necromancers traditionally recieve a single 'cease and desist' warning before they are imprisoned for not just the good of whatever town lives closest, but their own wellbeing.

You cannot read books if your soul has been mutilated by a backfired experiment, Twilight. Well, one of piece of it might retain enough cohesion to read picture books but I'm pretty sure you've read all of those when you were a filly.

Your loving mentor,
Princess Celestia

PS. I am not saying 'no, never.' I am saying 'Put this aside for the forseeable future.'