//------------------------------// // Chapter One - First Sight // Story: Midnight Sun // by FluxFeather //------------------------------// Long ago, well, more like three years ago from when this story is being told. It was just a few days before Princess Twilight's coronation as the new leader of Equestria and everypony from every part of the land was preparing for this occasion. Celestia and Luna have been ruling Equestria for over a thousand years, so this shift of power was going to be a big change. Starlight Glimmer, who was at one point Twilight's student was getting ready to take her place as headmare of the school of Friendship that Twilight had built and was headmare for quite some time, but it was time for a change. "Hey, Twilight." Starlight greeted. "Hey, Starlight." The lavender Alicorn replied as she packed up a few more things of hers in boxes that were all around the castle as she was packing up to prepare for her move from Ponyville to Canterlot. "Is everything ready for your big move to Canterlot?" She asked the princess as she looked at all the boxes that were around the castle. The place seemed kinda empty now to Starlight as she watched Twilight pack more of her necessities into a box. "Almost." She replied. Then her expression changed from glee to saddened. "I just don't feel ready to leave. And this coronation is all that anypony's been talking about, but-" "But what?" Starlight inquired. She could see the expression that Twilight's face held and just by looking at her, she saw one emotion that she knew all too well… fear. "That I'm not gonna be what they're looking for," Twilight answered. "Even after all this time. Even after all me and my friends have done… I'm just not sure if it would be enough." "If protecting Equestria from any sort of harm for years isn't enough, then I'm not sure would be." Starlight reminded her. She then remembered of all the obstacles she and her friends have faced through the years. And how they have always come out triumphantly. "But I won't always have them there to help me! They'll be off living their lives and I'll just be doing everything by myself." Twilight exclaimed. "What if something goes wrong?!" "Like what?" Starlight asked. "I've seen you be able to handle just about anything, I'm pretty sure that whatever comes your way that you'd be able to stop it. It's not like there's always a monster that threatens to destroy or rule Equestria-!" Starlight was interrupted by the sound of a loud bang outside. "What was that?!" They then took no hesitation and ran as fast as they could outside only to see a horrifying sight. A bugbear attacking Ponyville. "A bugbear!!" Twilight shouted. A bugbear was a hideous bear-like creature but with a brightly-colored fur like a bee, along with bug-shaped wings, and four extra limbs of an insect that were twisted with thorns. The monster was powerful, angry, causing full destruction to the small town full of terrified ponies that watched helplessly from the safety of their homes as Twilight and her friends face the large monster. "Come on girls we need to get this Bugbear away from the village!" Twilight encouraged to her friends. "Easy for you to say; this thing is huge!" Rainbow Dash yelled irritated. "Starlight run!!" Twilight screamed for her to get as far away from the hideous monster attacking the village as soon as possible while she and her friends try to hold it off. Starlight obeyed and tried to run as far as her hooves would take her. The bugbear caught a glimpse of her galloping away and it lunged its claws to attack her. Starlight turned to head and froze in terror as she saw the sharp claws coming towards her. But just as she was about to get scratched by the razor-sharp claws, a mysterious force zapped the bugbear with its magic, vanquishing it. Starlight and everypony there was astounded by the sight that had seemed supernatural. The pony who stood in front of and protected the now bewildered Starlight looked down at her. "Are you alright?" He asked her, holding out his hoof. Starlight looked up at where the sweet angelic masculine voice was coming from and her eyes had locked with a pony who was so indescribably beautiful. He was a sky-blue pony with a blond mane and tail, as well as enchanting blue eyes. He wore a dark blue cloak that covered the rest of his body, all except for his tail and his bat-like wings. And he also had a horn. He was an Alicorn! But not like any that she had seen, or any of them have seen. She grabbed a hold of his hoof which was ice cold, which surprised her as the weather outside was warm and humid. "You alright?" He asked her as he brought her up to her hooves. "You hurt?" "No, I'm fine." She replied. "But, who are you? And what are you doing here? And how are you an Alicorn?!" He put his hoof to her lips. "I will discuss all that later, right now it is best if you guys head home. I'll keep watch for any more monsters that'll threaten to attack the village." He said. The ponies began to gallop back to the castle. Twilight turned around to face the mysterious Alicorn bat pony. "Thank you for helping us defeat that bugbear, um…" She began. The stallion turned his head. "Rainius. Rainius Songbird." He said. "And it was my pleasure." Twilight smiled before she ran back to her castle, catching up to the girls. As she ran, she began to think. 'Hmm, Rainius Songbird? Such a peculiar name. And how is he an Alicorn?..." She tried to focus her thoughts, but there were just so many questions she wanted to ask. Rainius had read her thoughts, but his mind was still focused on that one mare… Starlight Glimmer. He presumed. He turned to look back at Starlight who he caught a glimpse of her looking back at him before she immediately went back to looking in front of her. Meanwhile, in the castle. Rainbow Dash was lying on her back and staring up at the ceiling and its elegant design. "Ugh… I'm so hungry and so bored. How long do we have to wait in here?" She said irritated. Rarity softly laughs as she braids Fluttershy's hair. "Oh, I'm sure we won't have to stay in here for long, darling. And we have so much to talk about after all Rainius is the first Alicorn that can possibly be a prince!" Filled with the brim with excitement Rarity's magic pulls Fluttershy's mane leaning it to one side almost pulling Fluttershy to the ground. With a small yelp Fluttershy taps the white mare's leg "Um, Rarity, I'm thrilled that you're excited about Rainius, but can you um not pull my hair, please?" She asked her kindly. "Oh, sorry, darling. But I'm just so excited!!" She squealed. "Did you just look at him. He was so beautiful. Ahh." She pretended to faint. Starlight caught Rarity in her magic and brought her back up to a standing position. "We know, he's beautiful." She chuckled. "Oh, and don't forget he could be a prince!" Rarity reminded them. "Maybe he might ask me to the Gala. And we would dance, and maybe even share a kiss or two." She blushed softly just thinking about it. "But did ya see how he looked at you though, Starlight? I think he likes ya. As in like likes." Applejack teased her. Starlight laughed. "Pfff. Please. I don't need no stallion to come in and sweep me off my hooves." She remarked. "Uh-huh. And what about that Sunburst guy? You seem to take such a strong liking to him?" Applejack went on; making Starlight blush. "What?! No, I don't!!" Starlight shouted while blushing bright red that even Twilight could notice it from the other side of the room. Everypony started laughing, then the castle doors flung open and standing there was Rainius, letting them know the coast is clear. "Well, everything's fine. There shouldn't be any more attacks any time soon." He said. Twilight ran up to him. "Thanks, Rainius." Then she had an idea. "Hey, would you mind joining me tomorrow on a trip to Canterlot to see the Royal sisters?" She requested of him. "Um… sure." He said nervously. He wasn't really sure if he was going to be up to it though. As it would involve digging deep into his past. "But where am I going to stay tonight?" "Oh, right," Twilight remembered. "Me and Starlight will set you up with a room here for the night if you want." She told him. "Oh, okay." He replied calmly with a sigh. He really wasn't sure if he wanted to do this, but it looks like he'll have to, even if it means reminding him about his past. Later that night, it was late and everypony was asleep, well, almost everypony. There were still some ponies awake, mainly those on night shifts at their jobs. One Royal guard at Canterlot castle was packing up from the day shift and as he was about to head inside he heard the sound of hoofsteps. He turned to see no pony there. "Hello? Who's there? Show yourself!" He commanded. "Hehe." A feminine voice giggled softly. The guard quickly turned towards where the voice was coming from. He saw a figure of a pony, specifically a mare. He lit up his horn to get a better look at her. "Oh, why hello." He said in a flirty kind of way. As the mare he sees in front of him was probably the most beautiful mare he's ever seen in his life. She was a unicorn that had a marine-blue coat, a turquoise mane and tail, and beautiful green eyes, her cutie mark was a lightning bolt. "What are you doing out so late?" Just as he was about to walk closer to her another pony landed behind him. The guard pony quickly turned around to face the pony behind him. "Who are you?" The pony let out a sigh before coming into view. He was an orange Alicorn with bright red eyes, his mane was spiked back and shone like fire with a yellow and red mix. His cutie mark was a sword, meaning that he must've been some kind of warrior. "It's always the same inane questions, isn't it? Who are you?" "What do you want?" The mare egged on while smiling menacingly at the guard pony, joining in with the Alicorn. "Why are you doing this?" The orange Alicorn continued on. He glared down at the guard pony who was in fear with menacing eyes. Out of nowhere, another pony flew down. This one had a blond mane and tail both with brown streaks going through them. He was green-coated and he wore glasses as well as a green bandana around his neck which matched his coat color. He was a pegasus, but he had bat wings instead of normal wings like regular pegasi. "Fury. Let's not toy around with our victim here." He said. Fury sighed. "Fine." He then trotted up to the stallion. "Now, we'll let you go if you answer this one simple question." He told the guard. "Where is Rainius Songbird?!" The guard pony coward down in fear, looking up at the Alicorn petrified. "I… I don't know…" He answered. "WRONG ANSWER!!" Fury half yelled half screamed at the guard pony before he charged up his horn and shot a blast of magic next to the guard pony to scare him. "Now, let's try this again… Where is Rainius Songbird?!" "I already told you. I don't know!" The guard pony said terrified. "Now, will you please just leave me alone and let me go home?" "What should we do, Fury?" The mare asked. Her eyes focused on the guard pony. "Well, that should be quite obvious, Silvertail, my dear." Fury said. "What do you think, Latenighter?" The green bat pony looked up at Fury. "Whatever you tell us to do, Fury Flight." He answered. Fury smiled. "Kill him." He said. "And disintegrate the body when you're done." As he flew off, Silvertail and Latenighter jumped on top of the guard pony and as Latenighter bit him, Silvertail shot a death spell out of her horn. The only thing that was heard was one blood-chilling scream that came from the guard pony before he was no more.