//------------------------------// // Issue 3 - When You Mess With Time... // Story: Avengers Vol. 1 - The Kang Who Leapt Through Time // by IndigoMoon //------------------------------// The magic-fueled lamps flickered to life down the halls of the Castle. The klaxon continued to wail until Starlight shut it off with a quick spell. They group quickly made their way to the Map Room. Once everyone had gathered around the table, Fizzy spoke up. “Okay, does anyone have any idea what the hell is going on out there?” She slammed her hoof down on the table as she said this, causing the map to flicker for a moment. Silence reigned over the room until Starlight gave a slight cough. “I, uh… might have an idea…” she said hesitantly. Fizzy gave Starlight a look, hoping to signal both ‘Say what you need.’ and ‘No. Fucking. Games.’ Starlight gulped, breaking into a nervous sweat before continuing, “Uh… so… back before I was reformed (Yes, I am a reformed villain, for those who didn’t know), I had a plan to make Twilight pay for wronging me, but that’s a story for another day. So, my plan was to go back in time and stop Rainbow Dash from doing her Sonic Rainboom and to keep Twilight and her friends from getting their Cutie Marks, and by extension, keep them from becoming friends. It… uh… worked, actually… but, uh, at the expense of the timeline, and by extension, Equestria. Before Twilight dragged me to one timeline, she had visited numerous others, the most prominent (or at least the main three she told me about) were timelines where King Sombra, Queen Chrysalis, and Nightmare Moon succeeded, respectively.” Everyone was giving Starlight varying looks of shock and horror. Starlight was staring at the ground, looking like she’d rather be dead than talking about this, but she continued. “After visiting those timelines, and many others, she dragged me into one timeline, one I wish I could forget.” Dane spoke up. “Who won in that timeline?” she asked. Starlight looked up, “Everyone. The timeline she took me to was one where every villain Twilight and her friends ever stopped won. It was a barren wasteland, devoid of life. After bringing me there, she got through to me before I destroyed the spell I used. After I fixed the timeline by letting the Rainboom occur, we were brought back to the present. This present. Or this timeline, anyway. After that, the spell I used sent itself into its time vortex, to be lost forever. Those soldiers out there, those have to be the ones from the timelines Twilight visited, and I have a plan to check, but even if they are, we have a bigger problem. If those are soldiers from another time, that means one of those villains must’ve gotten ahold of the time spell. And now that we don’t have the Elements of Harmony, defeating Nightmare Moon will be near impossible. Not even our combined strength can re-banish Sombra, and Chrysalis is harder to keep down than a roach.” As Starlight finished, the room was silent, the terror almost palpable. Everyone was looking to Fizzy, waiting for her to say something. “Well, before I say anything else,” she turned to Starlight. “No one here blames you. You aren’t the only reformed villain present, so we have no right to judge.” Starlight smiled with relief. Fizzy continued. “First, go do your spell. We need to send a message to Princess Twilight. Sunburst, can you do that?” “Yes, of course,” he said. “I’ll get right on that. I’ll be in the library. I’m sure there’s writing supplies in there.” With that, he left the Map Room. Starlight went to follow but was stopped by Fizzy’s voice. “Starlight,” she said. Starlight turned. “Good luck,” said Fizzy. Starlight nodded, and teleported away. Fizzy glanced at Tempest, questioningly. Tempest seemed to understand Fizzy’s silent question as she spoke. “She can’t teleport out of the Castle. The only thing capable of leaving via magic are emergency messages, which is what Sunburst is using. She teleported to our secret exit.” Fizzy nodded in understanding, vaguely remembering Starlight mention it at one point. “Alright,” she said, continuing. “What the rest of us need to do is be ready for anything. Hopefully, it won’t come to a fight, but we need to be prepared for that eventuality. For now, everyone’s dismissed, but stay vigilant. We don’t know if they’re still trying to get in.” Everyone except Fizzy and Dane silently walked out of the room, mentally prepping for a fight. Fizzy leaned her head on Dane’s shoulder, sighing. “This is exhausting. Can this villain problem wait until after I have a nap?” Dane laughed as she nuzzled the top of Fizzy’s head affectionately. “Sorry, honey, but I’m afraid that’s gonna be a no. We have a job to do.” Fizzy gave an over-exaggerated groan. “But I don’t wanna…” she moaned, grinning as she did so. The door slammed open, startling the couple. Sunburst walked in, looking pissed off. He was holding a scroll in his magic. “So,” he said, teeth gritted. “Turns out that communications in and out of Ponyville are cut off. I tried sending this letter numerous times, tried calling her directly via magic, all with no result. This Kang guy knows what he’s doing.” “Hmmm…” Fizzy pondered. “Can you please find Firebrand, and tell her to come here. Also, have her bring her chaos manual. Then, use the secret exit to leave the Castle, and try and bring a message to Princess Twilight in person. That might be our best option.” Sunburst gave a slight nod, before stomping out of the room, still frustrated. A moment later, Starlight walked in. She looked shaken. “You were right, weren’t you?” asked Dane right before Fizzy could. Starlight nodded. “Yup. They’re all from different timelines. Primarily from the main three I mentioned, but I’m seeing some from other timelines as well. I’m scared to see how many timelines Kang has conquered.” Fizzy nodded. “Alright, that at least confirms something, giving us something we know about our enemy. That’s better than what we had before. Thank you, Starlight. Go get some rest.” “I’ll try,” said Starlight. She left as Firebrand walked in, the chaos manual floating behind her. “Did you need me?” she asked nervously. Fizzy nodded. “Yes. Come with us.” “Where are we going?” Firebrand asked. Dane lifted in eyebrow, silently asking the same thing. “We’re going to the secret exit. Uh,” she turned to Dane. “Where is the secret exit again?” Dane rolled her eyes, smiling. “It’s in the third basement.” Fizzy nodded, before stopping. “Wait…” she said. “I just realized something. Where’s Zecora? I thought she was here last night.” Dane sighed. “Wow. You just now noticed she was gone? She went home early this morning, before you came downstairs. She probably trapped in her home due to the occupation.” Fizzy blushed, embarrassed at her slowness. “Well, as long as she’s safe.” Dane rolled her eyes. Fizzy stuck out her tongue in response. “I’ll be in the library if you need me,” Dane said, turning to leave. “Don’t blow anything up.” “That was one time!” cried Fizzy in protest. “Alright,” she said, turning to Firebrand. “Time to get the chaos training underway.” Firebrand nodded. It hadn’t even been five minutes before things when sideways, before doing a loop-de-loop, pirouetting five times, and promptly face-planting. Fizzy was stuck on the ceiling with suction cups for hooves, being pelted with chocolate candy hail. Firebrand was trying to swim through slime that had appeared on the floor, a meter deep. She was trying to get to the manual, which had grown wings and was determined to win a world record in keep-away. “So, ow, what happened again? Ow,” asked Fizzy between grunts of pain. “If this is Discord’s idea of a lesson, I’m gonna kill him,” she muttered. “I just tried casting magic like normal!” yelped Firebrand, who had discovered a cheese-grater shark was now inhabiting the slime. “Then my magic went haywire!” “So, what did the manual say to do? Ow!” Fizzy yelped, after a particularly large chocolate chunk was fired into her side. “It said, and I’m quoting here, ‘Unlearn what you have learned.’ What does that even mean?! How am I supposed to cast magic without casting it?!” Her horn sparked again, causing Fizzy’s chocolate-flavored torture to disappear, much to her relief. Somewhere in the room, ragtime piano music began playing. “Well, did it say to that? To cast magic without casting it? Or is that what you think it meant?” Firebrand was silent for a moment, still trying to swim towards where the book was floating. “I guess I assumed that’s what it meant. What do you think it means?” “Well,” said Fizzy, before pausing for a moment. Blood was beginning to rush to her head, making her dizzy. She began walking towards a wall as best she could. “Maybe its something else. How does magic work?” Firebrand looked up at her. “Seriously? Do you not know how magic works?” Fizzy sighed. “Yes, I know how magic works. Just tell me anyways.” Firebrand continued giving her a look before speaking. “The way magic works is different for each species. For unicorns, magic energy is stored in the horn. They can activate this energy to perform spells, such as levitation or teleportation. However, magic cannot be created or destroyed, but must be transferred to or from somewhere else, as stated in the first law of thermodymagicks, or the Law of Conservation of Magical Energy. Magic is also beholden to the laws of the universe, such as the Law of Conservation of Mass. Since matter and energy are linked, and energy can’t be created or destroyed, but must be transferred or change, the same applies to matter. Magic also cannot create life or-” “That!” Fizzy said. She began making her way down the wall towards the slime sea on the floor. “Before the life thing. Well, and the life thing, but to a small degree. Mainly the first thing.” “Matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed? What does that have to do with anything?” Firebrand asked. “Well, what did I have you attempt to do?” “Summon a toad with wings and purple polka dots. But that doesn’t exist,” said Firebrand, trying to slowly reach for the book without it noticing. “Exactly. It doesn’t exist. You would’ve had to create it out of nothing.” “Yeah, but that’s impossible with magic,” said Firebrand. “Normal magic, said Fizzy. “But this is chaos magic! I mean, even the book’s title has a hint.” Firebrand quirked her eyebrow before looking at the book, which had noticed her and fluttered out of reach. “‘Chaos Magic 101, a Foal’s Guide to Ripping the Fabric of Reality’. Wha- oh. Oh! So what it’s saying is that since I think what I’m trying to do is impossible, I can’t do it. So I just need stop believing in the possible, and believe in the impossible.” Fizzy rolled her eyes, smiling. “There ya go. Finally.” Firebrand closed her eyes in concentration. Her horn began to glow, crackling with discordant energy. There was a flash, and everything was back to normal. Fizzy popped off the wall, stopping her descent by flying. Firebrand dropped as the slime vanished, landing on her rear. Just as Fizzy touched down on the ground, a loud THOOM thundered throughout the Castle. Fizzy glanced at Firebrand, who shrugged. “It wasn’t me,” she said, raising her front hooves defensively. Fizzy’s eyes narrowed as she thought. “Then who-” She was cut off by the sound of klaxons blaring around the Castle. There was a crackle of static before Starlight’s voice was broadcasted around the Castle. “KANG GOT IN! KANG GOT IN!!” Fizzy’s pupils shrunk to pinpricks. “Oh fuck,” she said. She quickly turned and ran towards the end of the room. Firebrand quickly jumped up and followed. “I’m glad we took the time to find this before we started. Granted, while it was in case of an emergency while you practiced, it was more for the “Castle is overrun with flying muffins” type of emergency, not Kang attacking.” She pressed crystal that protruded so slightly, it was barely noticeable. A part of the floor moved down into the ground, then slid out of the way, revealing a staircase that led deeper underground. She ushered Firebrand down the passage before quickly following, the door closing behind her. It slid into place right as Fizzy heard the door to the basement being blown open. Fizzy and Firebrand slowly crept down the hall, careful to not make noise. They eventually reached a large open cavern, decorated like a house. In said cavern was a gray Earth pony mare with a purple mane. She wore a plain, dark teal dress. She stared at them with a neutral expression and half-lidded green eyes that seemed to stare into their souls. “Oh, hey, uh…” said Fizzy awkwardly, trying to remember the mare’s name. “It’s Maud,” said Maud. “Maud! Right! So, uh… I’m sure you’ve seen what’s going on outside, right?” “Yes. Ponyville is being invaded again,” said Maud. Firebrand glanced at Fizzy, looking uncomfortable. Fizzy felt equally uncomfortable. “So, we’re, uh, just passin’ through. Goin’ to go stop the invasion… and all that…”, said Fizzy, trailing off as Maud continued to stare, blank-faced. An awkward silence fell over them. “Well,” said Firebrand, a little too suddenly and a little too loudly. “We should really get going!” “Yes! Right. Right. C’mon, Firebrand. Uh, see you later, Maud,” said Fizzy. “Good luck,” said Maud. She turned and walk away, down into the cavern that made up her home. Fizzy and Firebrand made their way out of the cavern, and found themselves on the outskirts of Ponyville. They could see small groups of mind-controlled soldiers patrolling the streets as the giant sword ship floated above the town, casting a shadow over it. The pair hunkered down behind a large rock, obscuring them from any watchful eyes. “What’s the plan?” asked Firebrand. “We need to get on that,” said Fizzy, pointing to the flying sword. Firebrand stared at her, mouth hanging open in shock. “Are you crazy?” she asked. “We’ll be captured for sure.” Fizzy smirked. “Not necessarily. I’ve got my suit, so I can just put that on and we can steal a helmet for you.” “A couple questions. First, where is your suit? Second, how are we getting a helmet for me?” “I keep the suit tucked into my carapace with slime. Plus, don’t worry about getting the helmet. Leave that to me.” A few moments later, Fizzy dragged the unconscious soldier behind the rock. She gave the helmet to Firebrand, who hesitantly picked it up in her magic. “Don’t worry,” said Fizzy. It’s deactivated. I also did a bit of recon, and figured out how to get inside. Troops come up and down from outside the Town Hall. I’ll be right beside you. I’ve also hijacked their communications so I can hear their communications, and so I can communicate with you while you’re in the helmet. Ready?” Firebrand took a shaky breathe before sliding the helmet over her head. The eyes began to glow green, signaling someone was underneath. “You good,” Fizzy asked. “Yeah,” came the response in her ear, accompanied by a nod. “Excellent. Let’s go.” And with that, Fizzy activated her PYM, shrinking down. She flew up next to Firebrand as she stepped out behind the rock. They walked down the road unhindered until the reached a split in the road. “Which way?” Firebrand’s voice asked into Fizzy’s ear. “The Town Hall. Left or right?” “Left,” replied Fizzy. Firebrand obeyed, turning down the left street. At the end of it, she could see a large, pavilion-like structure in the center of the circle that marked the middle of the town. As she approached, she saw soldiers stepping up onto an elevated platform. When the got to the top, a beam of light shone down from the ship, enveloping the soldiers. When the light receded back into the ship, the soldiers were gone. “So, that’s out way in,” whispered Fizzy over the communicator. Firebrand was silent as the number of soldiers near them increased as they entered the center of town. Firebrand made for the elevated platform, but before she could step up, a guard stopped her. “What are you doing?” the guard asked. “Uh… trying to get back on the ship. I was summoned to help deal with the prisoners.” The eyes of the guard’s helmet bore into Firebrand as the guard seemingly analyzed Firebrand’s reason. “Alright,” said the guard suddenly, startling Firebrand and Fizzy. The guard stepped to the side, allowing Firebrand passage up the platform. Another soldier was at a pedestal adorned with buttons and levers at the top of the platform. A large disk sat in the center, which Firebrand stepped onto. Firebrand was starting to hyperventilate. “Breathe normally,” said Fizzy. “These things always need you to breathe normally.” Firebrand’s breathing slowed as the operator soldier began pressing buttons. Light encompassed Firebrand and the two began floating upwards, rapidly gaining speed. Just as Fizzy was sure they were going to slam into the ceiling of whatever room they were beaming into, everything became still. They stood in a pure, white room, decorated only with a disk mirror to the one down in Ponyville, as well as another operator at a similar panel. “You can step off the teleporter any time,” said the guard, annoyance lightly touching her tone. “Er… sorry,” said Firebrand, quickly stepping off the disk and exiting the room. There were only a couple other helmeted ponies in the hall. The corridor shone with an off-yellow light, giving the prismarine-colored halls a sickly hue. Firebrand’s hooves clanked against the metal floor as she walked down the hall. “Which way?” she mumbled quietly to Fizzy. Fizzy flew out of Firebrand’s helmet and down the hall. “Follow me,” said Fizzy. “I’ll fly a little ways ahead and tell you which way to go.” Fizzy directed Firebrand down the halls, wandering through the bowels of the giant sword. Fizzy turned down a hall before gasping. “A lift! Perfect.” After checking it was empty, she flew in, with Firebrand quickly following behind. As soon as she was in, she closed the door, on two soldiers who had just turned to enter. “Sorry!” said Firebrand as the door closed. Fizzy scanned the buttons and the screen above. It was displaying a key, denoting which rooms and such were on which level. She found a “Vault of Spoils” of Level 17, hitting the corresponding button. As the lift began to move, Firebrand quickly took off the helmet. “Gods, it’s stuffy in there,” she said. “I can imagine. But don’t get to comfortable. You’ve got to put that thing back on here in a sec,” said Fizzy over her comm, flying up to the display above the door, counting up to 17. It was currently on 14. “Actually, you might want to get it on now,” she amended. Firebrand sighed, pulling the helmet back over her head. The doors slid open, revealing an empty hallway. Firebrand stepped out, Fizzy flying ahead as they had before. It was a much shorter trip to the Vault, the pair only having to go left, then right, before finding it. Fizzy flew back into Firebrand’s helmet as she rounded the corner to the vault. It was guarded by two helmeted Crystal ponies. Firebrand stepped forward to enter, surprised she wasn’t blocked by the guards. ‘Odd…,’ thought Fizzy. As they moved through the vault, beams of light were shining down from the ceiling, illuminating objects. Fizzy flew back out from the helmet and began analyzing the objects. She flew over to one, a squarish hammer, reading the accompanying plaque. “‘This is the mighty Mo- myo- mjo- myolenier? The mighty something of the god-pony, Thor.’ Hmm. Real mighty lookin’.” Firebrand was also looking over the artifacts. “‘This is the Eye of Agamareto, an all-seeing relic used by the sorcerer it was named after.’ Weird.” “Oh, we can grab that later for Sunburst. He’ll appre…ciate it…” Fizzy’s train of thought died as a very familiar sword and sheath caught her eye. She ran over to the blade, reading the description. “‘Claimed from the Black Knight, Dane Whitmare, upon her capture from the Castle in Ponyville.’” She went to grab it when Firebrand hissed to get her attention. “Fizzy! Is this it?” Fizzy looked to see Firebrand standing next to a scroll labelled ‘Time Spell, created by Starswirl the Bearded, with edits by ???’ “Yeah, grab it,” said Fizzy. She quickly resized, grabbing the sword in her magic. Expecting something to happen when it was removed from its place, she was relieved when nothing did. Firebrand, sensing it was safe, snatched the scroll. “Here, give them to me. I’ll shrink them down and carry them with me,” said Fizzy. She laid both items in front of her, and took one of the spare shrinking potions out of its storage pouch on her suit. She tilted the vial over, allowing one drop of the potion to fall onto each item, shrinking it down to seemingly microscopic level, almost impossible to see. Fizzy restored the potion before shrinking back down, the small items returning to seemingly normal size, while the rest of her surroundings became gargantuan. Fizzy scooped up the items, slinging the sword on her back while storing the scroll into her pocket. “I’ll fly out through the vents, just in case there are detectors at the door. I’ll meet you at the lift,” said Fizzy. Firebrand nodded before pulling her helmet back on. “See you on the other side,” said Fizzy, before taking off and making for a vent, as Firebrand made her way to the door. Fizzy was not overly fond of ventilation. The last time she had been in one was doing Mayor Mare a favor in the Town Hall. Vents were a new technology being pushed by the Princess, and Ponyville was one of the first towns to receive it, on account of it being the Princess’ home town. The mayor had been hearing sounds coming from the vents, which Fizzy had initially dismissed as the vents were supposed to make sounds. That’s how you knew the air was flowing. But, at the continued insistence of Mayor Mare, Fizzy had relented and shrunken down to go in and investigate. She had found rats, and the experience traumatized her so badly, she couldn’t go into the town hall for a month afterwards. As she climbed thought the vents of the ship, she had to reassure herself that ‘There are no rats on the flying sword,” repeatedly. She could see through the grates that Firebrand had made it out unhindered and was making her way towards the lift. Thankfully, the sheer amount of vents and square tubing made for slow moving air, which made Fizzy’s trek a lot easier. She made her way to the vent over the lift, lifting it up enough for her to slip out the bottom, and slowly lowered it shut again. Firebrand was standing at the lift when Fizzy flew into her helmet, startling her. “Where to now?” she asked quietly as the hum of the lift got louder, signaling its approach. “Whatever passes for prisons here,” replied Fizzy. The doors slid open, revealing two soldiers. They stepped out of the elevator without a word, and marched down the hall. Firebrand stepped in, the doors sliding shut behind her with a subtle hiss. Fizzy flew out and over to the small screen that served as the ship map. “There,” she said, pointing. “The detention level.” “Where,” asked Firebrand? Fizzy was about to make a snarky reply when she realized that she was too small for Firebrand to see where she was pointing. “Oh. Uh, sub-level five,” she said. Firebrand pressed the corresponding button, and the lift gave a slight jolt before moving downwards. “Do you think they’re all right?” asked Firebrand. Fizzy was silent as she hovered, staring at the numbers above the door counting down. 8… 7… 6… “Fizzy?” asked Firebrand, trying to get the Changeling’s attention. Fizzy jumped at the mention of her name. “Huh? What? Sorry,” said Fizzy, embarrassed. “What did you ask?” “I had asked if you thought they were okay?” “Yeah. Yeah, of course,” said Fizzy, distractedly. “She’s tough.” Realizing what she had said, she quickly corrected herself. “They. They’re tough.” Fizzy swore she could hear Firebrand smiling, but hidden beneath her helmet, Fizzy would never know. The elevator jolted to a stop, and the doors slid open. The hall outside was a glaring contrast to the upper levels. The hall before them was black, illuminated by a sole white light every few paces, and small red lights going all the way down the hall, along the floor. They could see an open room down at the end of the hall. Firebrand stepped out as Fizzy once more slipped into her hiding place of the helmet. Clanks of hooves on metal accompanied them as Firebrand stepped down the hall. When they entered the room, they saw two ponies working at consoles in the center of the space. Four halls branched off from the room, including the one they had come from. Firebrand walked up to one and coughed, getting their attention. “Which cell is the unicorn in, the one from the raid on the castle?” asked Firebrand, trying to lower her voice to sound intimidating. “Which one,” asked a monotone voice. Fizzy wasn’t even sure it was a question. “The pink one. Purple mane,” said Firebrand. “Down that hall, Cell 2187,” said the soldier. “Although, we weren’t informed of anypony coming down to question the prisoners. I thought we had finished.” Fizzy heard Firebrand gulp nervously, before continuing, her tough accent faltering. “Well, uh, take it up with Kang. We got the orders from them directly.” “Okay,” said the guard. Not seeing any sign of continued conversation, Firebrand turned left towards the hall she had gestured to, and headed down it. As they looked from side to side, they saw ponies and other creatures trapped in the cells by a red force-field. As they made there way further down the corridor, they began to see familiar faces. They saw Autumn Blaze looking particularly depressed, being comforted by Zecora from across the hall. “My Kirin friend, do not be sad,” said Zecora, before looking up at them as they passed. “It does not seem like things are all bad,” they heard her say. Fizzy smiled. Zecora had recognized them, or at least Firebrand. They passed Sunburst, alone in his cell. Across from him was Spector, sitting silently. He glared at them as they passed. The cell next to his didn’t have a force-field, instead being shut by a large black door. Across from the closed cell was Dane. Fizzy slowly slipped out of the helmet, wanting to go rescue her. She flew over to the door, slipped out Dane’s sword, and swung it through the control panel. It sparked and flashed as the sword cut though it, causing the door to slide open, revealing Starlight inside. Starlight glanced up at Firebrand as she stepped in, not seeing Fizzy hovering just outside the door. “I’ve already told you everything,” she said, venom lacing her voice. “Now, fuck off,” she said. Firebrand stepped back. Fizzy flew forward, regrowing to normal size as she did so, the sword also growing, much to Fizzy’s relief. “Now now,” she said in a chastising tone. “That’s not how you thank people for rescuing you.” Starlight stared at them in slack-jawed awe. Fizzy’s comment had drawn the attention of the surrounding inmates. “Fizzy? Is that you?” asked Tempest’s voice. “It is,” said Dane, voice murky from tears. “She came for us.” Fizzy began blushing hard. “W-well, it wasn’t just me. Firebrand was just as much a part of this as I was. As if it was a cue to do so, Firebrand pulled the helmet off. “Hi,” she said. Fizzy pulled Starlight to her hooves. “Alright,” she said. “Time to get the rest of you out of here.” A crackle rang through the air, as a voice began to speak. “I don’t think so.” Fizzy, Firebrand, and Starlight ran into the corridor. They looked down towards the command center to see Kang standing there, flanked on either side by a unicorn guard. “Starlight,” Fizzy mumbled. “Get the scroll out of the pouch on my right side.” Starlight’s magic crackled to life, and Fizzy felt the scroll slide out of the pouch. As she stared down Kang, she heard Starlight unroll the scroll before gasping softly. “What have you got there, my little ponies?” asked Kang, condescendingly. “Uh, first, I’m a Changeling,” said Fizzy. “No one likes a racist.” Kang raised an eyebrow. “And second, well, it’s just a little somethin’ I picked up from your treasure vault. A little, uh, timey-wimey, somethin’.” At that, Kang’s eyes widened. “The scroll…” they said slowly. “Give that back.” Kang’s horn began crackling with magic. It was a glaring red, similar to Dane’s magic. Fizzy didn’t like it. Dane’s magic was warm and comforting. This was cold, and evil. “Uh… no,” said Starlight, stepping forward. “Since this is technically mine. Or at least, it was.” “You? You made the changes to Starswirl’s spell?” Starlight nodded. She glanced back down at it, smirking. “Hmmm, nice edits. Very helpful. So…” she glanced at Fizzy, then Firebrand. “Wanna give this a test run?” Fizzy grinned. “By all means, go right ahead.” Kang snapped. “STOP HER!” they roared. Their guards’ horns sprang to life, and they began firing magic bolts at them. Firebrand quickly cast a shield spell, although due to it being infused with chaos magic, it took the form of a Hearth’s Warming stocking. “Starlight, how’s that spell coming?” asked Fizzy frantically. Despite her best effort, cracks were already starting to appear in Firebrand’s festive shield. “Just a second!” cried Starlight. “I’ve got to make sure I get it right!” Fizzy fired a couple magic bolts towards the oncoming fire, striking her targets, only to find it had done nothing. The unicorns continued their barrage, further crippling the shield. “Starlight!” yelled Fizzy. “I’ve got it!” she yelped. Her horn began to glow, and a white, glowing circle of magic appeared behind them, opening to a glowing vortex of greens and teals. A ticking sound was emanating from it. “Go!” yelled Fizzy. Starlight jumped through the portal, with Firebrand immediately after. Just as Firebrand’s shield dissipated, Fizzy jumped through, and the vortex closed, engulfing Fizzy in green and white light.