
by thatguyfromkfc


I can't remember what happened in September. When everything is gone. When It's dark and I'm alone.

It all started when I woke up one morning. I thought I had only been asleep for a night. But I soon found out I had been asleep for 4 months. I had looked at my calender to find it was December. If you're wondering how it was on December when I fell asleep in September, well, my calender is enchanted. Anyway, I walked outside, confused, to find Ponyville deserted. Every building destroyed. There was a thick blanket of snow covering everything. I walked among the ruins of the once busy town. Ocasionally I would trip and land face first in the snow. After that I discovered bodies. Sweet Apple Acres was destroyed. The barn, the trees. And there. Still sat in her rocking chair, was Granny Smith. She was frozen to the bone, literally. You could have snapped off her hoof. Then a horrific sight caught my eyes. Applejack was on the floor. Well, actually just her head. The rest of her was nowhere to be found. There was a frozen pool of blood next to it. I turned around and walked out the way I came. I had no idea what had happened. And I didn't really want to know.

It's been forever since I could have remembered where the hell is everypony. I just want to know the story of what happened right before I became so alone

I awoke with a start. I don't even know how I managed to get to sleep after what I had seen the day before. I had no idea what time it was or what day it was. My calender had been blown away in the night and I almost had hypothermia. I stood up and looked around the the deserted and dilapidated town. I was still wondering how I would figure out what had happened. Only one thing had changed. There were new bodies. I didn't know how they got there or how the people died but I knew whatever it was that had killed them was coming after me next. I had to prepare before that could happen.

I found a few weapons in sugarcube corner. I was glad to have found them. If I was going to survive I needed weapons. I also needed supplies. It being a bakery I could easily find food. It would be stale but at least it would help me survive. I had been starved after going four months and a day without anything to eat. The only problems were finding a source of warmth and water. With the ponds being frozen and there being no way to melt the ice I was probably going to die of dehydration before I was killed by whatever killed the others. It could be a creature or a freak force of nature. All I knew about it was I had to protect myself from it.

I woke up only to have a terrifying sight meet my eyes. Hanging from a branch above my head was a lifeless, limp body. A rope was tied around it's neck and it's eyes were rolled back only showing the whites of their eyes. I crawled back in suprise and banged my head against the wall blacking out.
"Help!" Shouted a voice "He's trying to kill us all!"
"No! I'm going to be the one to save you!" A voice protested "I'm going to be the one to save you all! And don't you try to stop me!" Ponies were running about screaming in terror. There was a river of blood flowing dividing Ponyville into two seperate sections.
-------------------------------------------------------END FLASHBACK-----------------------------------------
I woke up in a rush. I had recognised the pony but I didn't know who it was. He knew this was the pony who had done this but he didn't know who it was. He was determined to find out.

I was growing tired and cold. I was beggining to believe I wasn't going to make it. But I stayed in Ponyville. I didn't even begin to think about finding somewhere else to go. The clues to who was responsible to this were right where I was. In fact I would have found them sooner if I had looked closer. I had looked everywhere unable to find any clues. Until I suddenly burst into a fit of insane laughter. I snapped out of it in ten seconds flat but the damage was done. I didn't understand what had happened. I had thought that being alone for months had made me go insane. I couldn't have been farther from the truth.

"This is your redemtion day everypony!" Yelled a pony in anger "GO AWAY FROM ME! STAY AWAY FROM ME! GO AWAY!" He burst into insane laughter "YOU CAN'T TOUCH ME NOW! You see this button here? I'M GONNA PRESS IT!" A hoof slammed down and an explosion could be heard. There were screams and the sounds of running but then...silence
-------------------------------------------------------END FLASHBACK---------------------------------------------
I just remembered what happened in Septemer. I'm the one who killed them all! I survived after the fall!

I knew now who the pony responsible was. I burst into a fit of insane laughter. I then found himself insanely muttering things. I suddenly grabbed one of the knives he had found in the bakery and raised it up. I ran across his throat and then SLASH! I dropped to the floor and a flow of blood started to flow out of the wound and continue over the snow. It would be a while before anyone would find my body. I am writing this message from the grave and I am telling you now that I sincerly regret what I did in September.

The end...