//------------------------------// // Greatest Captain in the World // Story: Ex-Bolts Rising // by Melody Song //------------------------------// "Spitfire's words helped me overcome Short Fuse." "Spitfire's amazing! She helped me remember to smile when things get dark! And it got really dark dealing with Frightmare!" "Captain Spitfire's the best thing that's happened to this team. I wouldn't have made the plan to escape Vortex without remembering something she said to me." "Without remembering Spitfire, I never would have thought to outsmart Electric Charge." "Nimbus Chaser almost had me, but I remembered what Spitfire told me. And that helped me get away." "Storm Shocker tried to zap me with lightning, but I remembered what Spitfire told me once, and I wasn't scared." "Rolling Thunder almost had me, but Spitfire's words to us before the race encouraged me." "Cyclone almost had me. I would have been done for, but Spitfire always told us to never give up." "Sister, I was right. Their captain does seem to be the center of all their victories." Luna said "True. Spitfire really is a great leader. However, we should look more into the cheating." "Well, you're the one who had a friendship student." Luna huffed, rolling her eyes. "Cheating is a very serious crime Luna!" "A crime that can only be investigated after the race is over and the whole team shows cheating. For now, can we just watch Spitfire's team show how much they look up to their Captain?" Luna replied "Alright. I'll agree to that." Celestia sighed.