The Tragedy of Laurana and Grogar

by kahnac

The Worlds Beyond the Ocean of Time

Far longer than either actually imagined, the two Elder Gods of dragonian stature had awakened at last from their ordeal against the Malzalam that had attempted to invade their home realm. The Bright One was the first to awaken from her self-induced coma from exerting herself in the manner she did. When her eyes opened, she saw herself surrounded by a grand, and amazing forest beyond all imagination. The first time she ever lay eyes upon trees that towered above even her. But what astounder her greatly were the alien lifeforms surrounding her. Yet none of them could be of the mortal plane, for all of the creature's essence reflected her own. Hers, and her beloved angel of the dark. Whether it be in the sky, on hooves in the growth, or the tiny, furry little creatures crawling about in the undergrowth, the essence of life could be found everywhere.

And the Bright One smiled brightly at such greatness.

Soon, however, she remembered her dear friend, and what happened to him. As such, she frantically looked around for him, desperately searching for the presence of his essence. In time, she found it just past the bushes that lay next to her. They must have gotten separated upon arrival to this mysterious realm. She herself too tired to use her own wings to travel brushed past the foliage until she discovered The Dark One, out in a clearing near a massive tree temple. She was shocked to see what had become of him, however, as he no long was in his true form. The form he was in was newly made flesh, bone, and fur

Though his body remained dark, he was a variation of his true form.

When she greeted him, he also almost didn't recognize her without the sensation of her essence flowing through her now physical shape, to which she looked to a nearby pond to see a winged, equine-shape that still held qualities of her true form.....but was far more.

Getting over their initial shock, the two warmly embraced each other in a heartwarming display of affection. Both of them grateful to see the other alright after their horrifying ordeal. Bright One asked about his injury inflicted by the Archdemon that had attacked them. Dark One brushed the fur on his chest aside to reveal a large scar hidden by his fur, and his own power of illusion. Her heart ached to see such a hideous sight, but he assured her that it was a mark of dignity, and a symbol of the ultimate victory: survival. Even as ethereal gods, minds forget - but scars remember. And he would let this scar be a reminder of his actions that day - to which he still did not regret. He was however curious about what happened after he had lost consciousness. This was when The Bright One divulged the details of her anger-fueled tirade upon see him injured, harnessed every ounce of her power, and connection to the Source, and drove the Malzalam away. Back into the dark depths of Mar'Nulum, though neither knew that was its name.

To say the Dark One was shocked was an understatement. He could hardly believe The Bright One did all of that on her own, called on such incredible power, and risked using her own essence to the very core..........all because of him being injured. It was flattering, to say the least. And the heart he had no idea he actually had, but now possessed in this organic form, began beating like a drum with feelings he couldn't quite understand. But thankfully, The Bright One called him out of his endless confusion by asking where they were, and how they came to be in this place. Sadly, The Dark One was equally as confused as she was, and wondered the exact same thing. That's when a bright light emerged in front of them, and a robed stag of such great majesty, age, and wisdom stood before them in a stoic, but calm form.

The two Elder Gods were a little weary after all they endured previously. Though not to the same extent they thought - mainly because of the calm, and serene sensation being around this entity made them feel. Seeing their confusion, the stag gave a small smile, and a light chuckle as he addressed the two.

"Be welcome, friends. In the sacred realm of Avalon, there is room for neither fear, nor distrust. To those who respect the Balance of Creation, and The Source, this realm is sanctuary. And to others, it may even be a place of learning, and strengthening of ones body, will, and mind. But most of all, it is home to those in need. Be welcome to my home, Friend Elder Gods, and know me as I am. Know me as Avalor."

Despite their age spanning eternity, the two Elder Gods were amazed by the image of this majestic figure standing before them. Neither one knew what to say to him, or what to say in general. At least until two young children of equine nature ran around their teacher. One was a silver-furred unicorn with white hair, the other was a navy furred ram with tiny stubs for horns, and wondrous red eyes. The Elder Gods found good natured amusement in the excitement the two young ones had upon seeing the two entities in Avalon, throwing questions around to the two without relent. Even making The Dark One laugh from the young one's enthusiasm, and the Bright One giggle from seeing the two foals crawl around him.

The moment ended when Avalor sternly told them to back off, and return to their studies. His tone was serious, but never harsh. He spoke to the young ones like a teacher does to his own pupils. And the two young ones respected him greatly enough to obey him without question. Bidding farewell to the Elder Gods, hoping to see them again. The two unwilling to wish otherwise, given the impression the two young ones left on them. Bright One complimented the two, saying Avalor was truly fortunate to have such eager young minds as pupils. Avalor himself agreed with a small hint of pride, though he had absolutely no qualms about admitting about how their over-enthusiasm sometimes left him with a headache that would last half a week. He still hasn't forgotten the broomstick incident last week, but he didn't want to relive that moment again.

Instead, he encouraged the Elder Gods to ask him anything they desired. The most obvious question was how they were both here, still alive, and in these new forms. Avalor took a moment to consider how to best respond, before an idea arrived in his mind. Urging them to follow, he lead them through the enchanted woods until they came to a particular tree of interest. One which held single door leading inwards.

Neither gods actually thought much of the tree, except for the wooden door in its center. At first, they actually thought it was only going to be some kind of hut in the middle of an enchanted wood somewhere out in reality unknown to the two. Dark One actually questioned how all of them might actually be able to fit in this place, since it didn't actually seem to be big enough for all of the company, including the younglings. Avalor simply chuckled, and advised the Elder Gods not to ever be fooled by a things common or otherwise simple appearance. As the aura of his magic began pulling the nob and push the door open, Avalor stated one thing as a shining light flashed through the door.

"Like so many things, it is not what is outside - but what is INside that counts."

Each of the gods embraced that wisdom by the glorious, otherworldly sight that greeted their eyes upon entering the tree door.

Neither god could actually believe anything they saw. Not only was the tree they entered an entrance to an entirely new world, hidden WITHIN another world, but the world itself was astounding beyond belief. Crystal so grand, shining, and shimmering it could put the stars themselves to shame. The jewels that seemed encrusted in its body were beyond amazing, and incredibly unique. All five radiated with a mystical essence that seemed connected to specific aspects of existence, itself - though the bigger, indigo star in the center seemed like the very heart of this tree.

A source of Harmony, if you will.

What actually stuck out to them was the part above the five encrusted jewels which actually looked like another tree was attached. And yet, it was surrounded by a branch that circled around it like an embracing hold. Like that tree growing upon the tree was being nurtured. Both Bright, and Dark Ones could sense the significance of it. A symbol of hope for the future, perhaps, in the form of the six jewels at the edge of each branch jutting from the center where the symbol of a heart, with two wings, and an arrowhead with a long, pointed shaft surrounded it. In the middle of the arrowhead was what resembled a single, horizontal eye shining with wisdom. The two gods began to piece together what this might actually represent, when Avalor himself proved them right by his explanation of what they faced.

This was the sacred Lignum Harmonia, The Source of all there was, is, and ever will be.

From the beginning of time, the birth of their universe was caused by the birthing of a single, tiny seed of cosmic, and mystical essence. The explosion that gave rise to the many realities that appeared aided in the raising, and developing of this sacred monolith of creation. A crystal forged by the essence of the cosmos, whose body is fueled by the five marks of power, while its true center held the heart of Courage, and bore The Eye of Wisdom just above. The latter two combined to form a younger, smaller extension of Lignum Harmonia that carried the true essence of Harmony: The Six Elements of Harmony. These Thirteen pieces molded together into a magnificent, crystal puzzle of life that ensure Harmony, and Balance continues its existence. What was more awe-inspiring, was how Lignum Harmonia's branches carried with them the many branching realities, and timelines that would inevitably form from the root timeline, where the sacred jewels aligned to form this reality. The groups of leaves, and fruit hanging from these branches embodied the countless lives connected to each other. Cultures, and races of such diversity that it was all but impossible to count them all. But here upon the branches of Lignum Harmonia, there were no differences save for what one saw. This godly tree that encompassed all of reality was the true symbol of unity, harmony, and even what would come to be known as Friendship. With this tree, there was only one absolute.

We are one.

When Avalor asked what the two thought of the great tree, both could hardly believe what they saw. Any other words that could be uttered were lost on their tongues before they could think of them. For which the stag was lightly grateful for, because he still had much he wished to show the two. At his urgence, he lead the Elder Gods to the base of the colossal tree, and in an unknown, yet ancient language neither heard of, the crystal opened to form a cavern he entered at a fast which seemed quite fast for one of his age. Just as he disappeared, he warned the two godlings not to stray off the path. Dark One wondered what he meant by that, but Bright One figured they would know in time when they arrived. With his beloved in front, after a display of courtesy, the Dark One walked into the cave, which closed shut behind them, to their concern. EIther way, they continued on through the crystal passageway. Every nook, and turn was also narrow, and tricky to move through. But eventually, both saw a purple light at the end of the tunnel. Some kind of portal gate leading to an unknown location. Both were a little weary about going into a place they were unfamiliar with.........but when he saw Bright One's uncertainty, he held her hoof in his paw, and urged that they should go through together. They've done everything together, and thus it was only right that they see this through to the end - together. A warm, gentle smile crossed her face as she gazed into her friend's eyes, and her confidence strengthened. With hoof in paw, the two crossed through the portal.

And their bewildered shock, and awe returned as they entered a whole new world.

The temple isle was unlike anything ever seen before. Even among the many worlds, and civilizations they visited, neither Elder God had ever beheld the sight of something so splendorous, and filled with essence. In fact, they could practically taste the pure, raw essence flowing from the surrounding islands. And above, there was a crevice which seemed to pour essence onto the temple, itself. They could somehow sense it was from Lignum Harmonia, but had no idea how it was actually connected. Perhaps once inside, the answers would become clear. Of course, The Dark One almost made the mistake of flying off of the bridge before his shimmering counterpart stopped him - figuring that because they were not of this world, they would be unable to fly as they were meant to, hover off into the spacious oblivion above, or even plummet into the endless desert below. Something about it felt off, and she had no actual desire to come into contact with the mysterious sand.

Trusting his dearest friend, The Dark One agreed, and the two trotted down the long, almost narrow pathway leading to the clockwerk temple. In a hurry they may have been, neither were unwilling to neglect the beautiful sights surrounding them. The isles pouring their beautiful essence as waterfalls, while exotic, and alien birds flew around them in small, and often large flocks. The golden orb that actually seemed to be a sun was also an amazing view. Both could sense magic was behind its existence, and wondered if Avalor himself was responsible. A half an hour passed before they finally made it to the gates, though no before having a brief encounter with a golden mare with wings, and a horn with an ethereal mane, donning time-themed armor.

Sensing the nature of The Dark One, she almost attacked him, thinking he was an evil force bent on harming the sacred temple. The Bright One stood in his defence, calling the creature resembling her on her belligerent ignorance, which both surprised and flattered The Dark One as he stood by her side, promising not to harm the equine entity whose powers might be close to theirs, should she choose to attack. The mare was quite confused, and unsure of what to do, until a familiar voice echoed in their minds like a presence. Avalor cleared up that these were the Elder Gods he had saved, and welcomed into the temple. They were no threat, and were to be treated as guests. Though she was still confused, the mare nonetheless trusted her master's judgement, and apologized for her foolishness. Both gods accepted it, and were given passage into the temple, casting a final, friendly glance to the mare, before the doors closed, and left them in a darkened hall. One filled with dimly lit wisps of blue light atop numerous torches, as massive pillars lined up along the walls. In between the pillars were large, dragon statues similar to the Elder Gods true forms, but not. Not that it truly helped them, anyway, seeing as how they had no means of truly knowing where they needed to go.

But finally, after so much walking, a pathway moving vertically to their right lead to a door that pulled open to reveal another wondrous sight that shined with, where the majestic visage of Avalor stood at the front to introduce this domain.

"Welcome, friends, to the Sacrum Cor Aeternitatis."