//------------------------------// // Midnight Train // Story: The Glorious Escape From Fame's Grasp // by WhataGERK //------------------------------// Every. Bucking. Day. The same tedious, repetitive, mundane, uneventful routine. No. Not a routine. It's a schedule that is etched in to the very fabric of time itself. In other words, it's a very boring life. Glorious Elocution sat in a booth with his face in his hooves. He ran a rather famous radio station in Fillydelphia called the “Flying Elocution.” A fitting name for the light gold pegasus. He ran his hooves through his orange mane with gray highlights as he swung his matching tail. “Time to finish up.” Sighed Glorious. The song that was playing began to fade as the recording sign turned on. “Well, that's all the time we have today. Tune in tomorrow for everypony's favorite radio station, Flying Elocution,” Said Glorious with a fake tone of excitement. He then pressed the buzzer to alert the unicorns that were powering the station to cut off the magic. Glorious left the studio and began his flight back home. But, mid-flight, he was stopped by three pegasi. “You're Glorious Elocution, right?” The gray one of the three spoke with a look of admiration, “Can I have your autograph?” He then extended his forehooves to reveal a picture of Glorious Elocution himself, and a pen. Mentally sighing, he took the pen with his mouth and signed his name. “I absolutely love your work!” He said with a big grin. Elocution's ears perked up, maybe this one is different than the others. Glorious replied back, “Really? What's your favorite piece of work I did?” As soon as the last word left his mouth, the gray pegasus' grin vanished and his eyes became hesitant. “Well, what about the time you did that report... On that event that was important.” he said extending the last word; grin returning, trying to salvage the situation “... With that one pony, correct?” Glorious sarcastically added with a tinge of annoyance. The gray pegasus looked defeated, but then his pearl-colored friend suddenly looked offended and spat,“Well, SORRY for not mentioning any of the articles you did on your television talk show!” Glorious couldn't help but roll his eyes. “I think your mistaken, my good stallion. I like to convey my work through audio not visuals.” The pearl-colored pegasus tilted his head in confusion. Feeling pity for the pegasus, Glorious decided to aid him, “I run a radio show, not T.V.” The pearl-colored pegasus' eyes widened and cheeks burning red with embarrassment. Finally, it was the green-colored pegasus' turn to speak. She flew towards Glorious with a apologetic smile. “Sorry about my friends, I dragged them here and told them to act nice. I'm actually a huge fan of your work... and other things.” Her voice turned very seductive and threw on a grin to match her tone. 'Let me guess there's a catch.' thought Glorious. As if she could read his inner thoughts, the green-colored pegasus spoke again, “I know every 16-year-old mare says this but, I'm totally in love with you.” 'Bucking knew it,' he thought in response. “I'm shocked!” The mare's eyes sparkled as Glorious spoke, “Your parents let you date 21-year-olds?” Her face then became void of emotion but, her jaw dropped as if told her that Discord was right behind her. 'Time for truth, as if I had to guess.' Glorious knew their motives all to well. “From what I can tell all of you are clearly not fans of my work, but your interests lie for my fame! Please correct me if I'm wrong.” His words hit like cinder blocks, and the trio remained mute. He sighed and glided past them. But, just after flying past them, he heard the mare speak up, “Y'know everypony only knows you because of your dad!” Glorious clenched his jaw trying to ignore the acid covering her words but, nonetheless, he continued on his path home. _____________________________________________________________________________ Upon returning home and opening the door, Glorious turned his attention towards the small table that held a framed a picture of him and his father, Remarkable Profit. Glorious was the spitting image of his father, the only difference being his father's mane was starting to turn white-gray. But, unfortunately, all Elocution could think about is what that mare said earlier. He hated to admit it, but she was right. Glorious' father was a successful entrepreneur and his accomplishments were always published in the media. As his achievements rose, so did his fame which, transcended down to Glorious. Glorious didn't mind being famous... Until high school. During his time in high school, he was heavily involved in mock trial. It was during one of their competitions with another school that he managed to turn the odds in their favor thus, earning his cutie mark in speech. But, that's not what interested everypony at school. All they cared about was getting famous off of Glorious. He tried to make friends but, everypony he came across thought he was spoiled rich kid. Once he graduated high school and started to pursue a career as a voice personality , he thought he could break free of this bucking curse! Unfortunately, he had no such luck. Nobody truly cared for his work and, every time he wanted to make casual talk with somepony, the conversation always revolved around his fame. “That mare is right..." Glorious started with head in his hooves while leaning on the table. "My life is cursed with the fame my father bestowed upon me!" He slammed hard on the small table. He looked up at the framed picture of his dad and wondered, "If only I could escape...” Suddenly, a light bulb clicked in Glorious' head. He originally was a wedding DJ, but with the recent upgrade in technology and, the invention of the radio, he turned in to a radio announcer to share his ideas and talk to a larger audience. Luckily, radios only got sold to large cities. “If I were to lay low in a small town, hopefully with no radios. I can finally make a name out of myself through not MY work not my father's. ” A slick smile graced his lips. “But, how can I leave Fillydelphia without anypony noticing? It's like Celestia trying to sneak away from Canterlot.” Glorious thought aloud. "I can try using the train station but, everypony will be on me like that parasprite infestation a while back... Unless...." Glorious then gasped in revelation. "Eureka!" His idea struck him as if Princess Luna herself dropped through the ceiling to greet him. He galloped all the way to the living room to use the phone. He quickly dialed the phone for his agent, Opportunity. He manages Glorious' schedule and any side jobs he wants, but he's quite shady. Personally, Glorious has never met Opportunity in real life. Just phone calls. “Yo Elo, what's up?” Opportunity spoke through the phone. “Hey Opp, I need a favor,” “Shoot,” “Get a pegasus carriage set up by my radio station at midnight; I wanna go to Manehattan,” “Why not fly there, yourself? I mean you're a pegasus,” “Well, do you see Celestia flying to places?” “No?” “Thought so. Tell everypony,” Glorious' then hung up the phone. “Now to prepare,” Glorious then rushed up the stairs to his room. _____________________________________________________________________________ As 12:00 am came around, Glorious decided to leave the house. He wore a large trench coat, gray fedora, his custom watch, and sunglasses. The only items he had with him are a notebook and pen, just in case he needed to remember something. The streets were filled with ponies going to his radio station. Little did they know that he wouldn't arrive for the carriage. He made his way through the crowd to the Fillydelphia train station. Glorious remained earthbound as to not draw suspicion to himself. The light-gold pegasus trotted his way to the ticket booth. 'Just act casual.' Elocution lowered his voice to the point that it was indistinguishable from his original, “Next train out,” The red unicorn running the booth tried to analyze his voice, “Hey, you sound familiar.” 'Horseshoes, he's probably catching on; time to use reverse psychology,' “Someponies say I sound like Glorious Elocution,” The scarlet unicorn chuckled, “Well, they're dead wrong! Enjoy the ride!” He then used his magic to hand the ticket to the disguised pegasus. "You crushed my dreams, my good stallion!" Glorious looked down to convey that he was disappointed but, in reality, he was really trying to hide his smirk as he made his way to the train. Glorious found an empty cab to avoid detection. He sat near the window; waiting for the locomotive to start. 'I wonder where this train's headed.' Glorious contemplated. As he pulled out his ticket to check, the usher grabbed it and punched hole in it with her magic. When Glorious retrieved his ticket he realized that the usher had put a hole where the destination is, so now it reads Destination: Pon__lle. 'Bucking Fantastic. Well, I might as well get some rest.' Elocution took one last look outside and saw the Serendipity Circus being held here in Fillydelphia. He then pulled the fedora over his eyes and drifted off to sleep. His last thought being, 'Serendipity. What an interesting word.'