Daring Do And The Pegasus Pendant

by Sonic The Pony

A New Quest

The wind howled and the blizzard lashed at her as she clambered up the rugged mountain. The peak was close, Daring Do pressed on, digging her hooves into the sinking snow, much like quicksand. Her wings were fully imprisoned in ice, unable to move them, but the raging wind was too strong anyway. Although she was numb, each step caused a fresh shoot of agonising pain, but this didn't stop Do. She reached her frozen hooves up to the peak in which a cave awaited her, when she suddenly slipped on some ice and skidded off of the cliff. She was falling into a cloud of sharp icicles, each one piercing her body. She was sure oblivion was her fate, when she remembered her rope. Do had excellent directional skills, and she judged that the invisible mountain was about 108 degrees anticlockwise, roughly. She span round, aware of how little time she had. Reaching for her rope, Do lassoed it through the wall of snow and wind, but the roaring wind just spat it back to her. She was panicking now, something she mustn't do. Gripping the lasso tightly in her trembling jaws, Do swung it with all of her remaining strength at the cliff. By some mere chance the rope found a sturdy tree branch, long since dead. Do hung in mid air, thanking no one in particular, then she fought the pain as she climbed the rope that was dancing madly in the storm.

A few hours later, Do had reached the peak, again. She rested in the cave, and lit a blazing fire to warm her. She soon felt the strength return to her, and fresh pain with it. A few minutes later, Do bundled a handful of sticks together to use as a torch. She lit them, then kicked the fire out and covered it with snow. She staggered through the cave, venturing deeper into the unknown. A swarm of bats squeaked from above her and surrounded her, clawing at her body. She remembered that her wings had melted now, and she stretched them out, scaring many of the bats. She took her knife out and lashed out at the remaining. She killed one, which scared the others off.

"I hate bats," Do growled.

Despite her aching muscles, screaming her to stop, she pushed on. She glanced at her grey mane. It was torn, bloody and soaked, as was her tail. Do realized how draughty the cave was, and she shivered as a cool breeze swept over her. Suddenly she felt her mane stick up, and she slowly turned around, expecting to see a dark figure stalking her. However, nopony was there. She shivered again, this time with nothing to do with the plummeting temperatures. She just hoped that what she came for was worth it.

The Pegasus Pendant, Do thought to herself. The ultimate weapon. But what does it do? Her thoughts we halted when she heard something behind her. Probably just a bat, Do, she told herself. Nevertheless, she quickened to a trot. Without warning a four fingered hand whipped her hooves, heaving her to the rough ground.

"Daring Dooo!" Rasped a high-pitched voice. Do knew that voice anywhere.

"Ahuizotl!" She gasped. "What're YOU doing here?"

"Well, I'm here to take the Pegasus Pendant of course, and destroy this world," he crackled boastfully.

"I'll never let you."

"Catch me if you can, Daring Do," Ahuizotl slithered.

She raced ahead to see him duck behind a wall that was closing, and fast. Gripping her tattered hat, Do sprinted at the door, now only meter high. She gracefully skidded on some wet mud and limboed beneath the gap, which had fully closed now. She'd lost Ahuizotl, but she wasn't about to give up. Peering through the gloomy tunnel, Do galloped, ignoring the countless bats cascading around her. She emerged into a bright room that was alight with candles. Where was Ahuizotl? Her gleaming violet eyes swept the room, eagerly searching for any traps. She saw none. However, Do wasn't that naive; she knew there'd be dozens of traps, stalking her every move. Taking several steps back, she anxiously trotted towards the door on the opposite side, not ten meters away. WOOSH. An army of arrows silently flew across her face. Instinctively, she ducked her head down just in time to see a swooping axe on a pendulum narrowly missing her head. She cartwheeled over a dozen spears and back-flipped over a sword, ablaze with scorching fire. Exhausted, Do breathlessly galloped on, earnest to catch up with Ahuizotl.

"It's mine! The Pegasus Pendant," Ahuitzotl cackled. Clutching a diamond encrusted chest in his greedy hands, he ran for the exit.

"Stop right there!" It was the pegasus. Do snatched the rope from her hat and slung it towards the beast; but he was too quick. He caught it and reeled her in, laughing at the pitiful pony. Now Do was just inches from his scabbed face, and she could smell his breath like vomit. He pushed her to the ground, and soon Do was surrounded by snakes, snapping their deadly fangs at her, eager for fresh meat. She glanced at Ahuitzotl who was clambering out of the simmering cave into the fresh, snowy air. He winked at her and pushed a large rock in front of the exit with the help of his cats. Do remembered the snakes, and swung wildly with the torch at the sounds of their approaching hisses. She stepped on one and lost her balance, stumbling on a nest of angry Pit Vipers. One sprang at her and bit her in the leg, sinking it's venom deep into her veins. She screamed in agony as the viper released its grip, and then thrashed at them with the torch and ran for cover, fighting the toxins in her bloodstream.

Do collapsed in exhaustion before a tiny gap in the wall, seeing the white of the snow, inviting her out. She scrambled through the crack, tearing many feathers off of her wings. In about two minutes, she had done it. Wasting no time with the snake bite, Do gulped before sucking on the wound on her leg before scabbing began. The taste was horrific, but at least the toxins had been released. She swallowed some snow to clean her mouth, and then just lay there in defeat.