Equestria Girls: Super Pet Pandaemonium

by Time Agent pony

Chapter 5

The Legion of Super Pets walked through the winding corridors of the High Evolutionary's old base, it was surprisingly bigger on the inside, just big enough to allow Devil Dinosaur to walk around.

Along some of the walls were giant test tubes with nightmarish creature floating liquid.

"This place is creepy," Spike commented, shuddering as he walked past the tubes.

"The High Evolutionary was obsessed with creating the perfect race," Ace explained, "evolution through any means necessary."

"I hope nothing wakes these things up," Robbie said, he was just as uneasy as Spike about their surroundings.

"Don't worry," Krypto replied, "according to my X-ray vision these things have been died for a long time."

"Well, thats good," Spike breathed.

The team continued on, deeper into the complex.


In the base's control room, Mr. Mind, the enemy of Billy Batson Captain Marvel who is worm from Venus, watched the heroes as they slowly made their way towards him.

He was distracted from watching the heroes, as one of his subordinates, a half-dog half-plant hybrid called Dogwood, entered the room.

"What is it?" Mr. Mind demanded, his voice didn't come from his mouth but from a radio-like device around his neck.

"Your army is complete, boss," Dogwood replied, "the last few have now arrived."

"Excellent," Mr. Mind smiled, "and what about those that are immune to my mind controlling signal?"

"They have been contained," Dogwood answered, "you want us to do anything with them?"

Mr. Mind thought for a moment, "Have the one called Dragon man brought to me," he replied.

"Anything else?" Dogwood asked.

"My trump card?" Mr. Mind inquired, "did you and the others manage to acquire it?"

"Yes," Dogwood nodded, he turned to leaving the room.

"One last thing," Mr. Mind added, "inform the others we have some guests arriving soon."

"You want us to roll out the welcome wagon?" Dogwood asked.

"Indeed," Mr. Mind smiled.

Back with the heroes.

"We must be getting close to the centre of the base," Ace remarked.

"Shhhh," Krypto interjected, "someones coming."

The heroes ducked into an alcove off to the side of the corridor.

The figures, two mind controlled heroes, passed by them dragging a huge body with them.

As soon as they had passed, the heroes came out of their hiding spot.

"Yeah," Tippy toes declared, "we're definitely getting close."

"I wonder what they were dragging?" Spike wondered.

"I don't know," Jumpa answered, "but take a look at this."

She was standing in front of door, set in the wall of the corridor, and indicated to the others to join her.

There was a window in the door, inside was a cells containing figures in energy cuffs, they were: Red Tornado, Machine Man, Vision, Awesome Andy, Jocasta, Cyborg, The Metal Men, Robot Man, a chimpanzee and many more.

"Who are they?" Spike asked, "why are they here?"

"They must be the ones that are immune to the mind control," Streaky guessed.

"It would seem that the mind control only effects humans or humanoids," Batcow surmised, "machines, half-machines and animals are immune to it."

Ace suddenly recognised the chimpanzee, "we have to get him out of there," he declared.

"What?" Spike asked, "why? I thought we were on my way to save my friends and everyone else."

"Trust him," Batcow answered, "the more members we have, the better our chances will be."

"Well," Spike replied, "alright, then."

"Streaky, and I will go in get him out," Krypto stated, "the rest of you stay outside and make sure no one notices."

The rest of the Legion nodded.

With that, the three pets entered the cell block, in a little while, they returned with a chimpanzee.

"I sure am glad to see you all," the chimpanzee declared, as Ace unlock his energy cuffs.

Now that he was out of the cell, Spike could see that the chimpanzee was wearing clothes that made him look like one of Twilight's favourite fictional detective Sherlock Holmes.

"You're not hurt are you?" Goose asked.

"A few bruises," the chimpanzee replied, "but nothing serious."

"Is anyone going to tell me who this?" Spike asked.

"Bobo T. Chimpanzee also known as Detective Chimp," the chimpanzee retorted, "and who are you? My young friend."

"I'm Spike," Spike replied, "Its nice to meet you."

"I'm guessing that you're the newest member of the Legion of Super Pets," Detective Chimp stated.

"Yes, I am," Spike answered, "how did you...?"

"Eyes and brains, my friend," Detective Chimp smiled, "that and costume you're wearing gave it away."

"I suggest we continue on to the centre of the base," Ace interjected, "I think, by now whoever is behind this will know we're here."

"Agreed," Krypto nodded.

"In deed," Detective Chimp nodded.

Without another word and with a new ally on board the Legion of Super Pets proceeded deeper into the heart of the base.