Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged


Thunderbolt couldn't stop licking his lips. Twilight was as well lubed up in both holes as he could get her, but there was something vitally important he needed first. "Well?"

Her whole body still fizzing and buzzing from her orgasm, Twilight looked back over her shoulder at Thunderbolt's grinning face, and felt inclined to assent. "Yeah, but you were warming me up, weren't you?"

Holding up one talon, Thunderbolt measured a tiny distance between his thumb and forefinger. "I don't want it to hurt. Does that make me bad? You enjoyed it."

"Something tells me, man, she's into you more than she's into me—not that that wasn't a wild ride." Tree Hugger looked at the two, realized they hadn't actually heard her, and then cleared her throat. When both turned to look at her, she snorted a laugh. "I'm heading inside. You're way more into him than me. Can't deny it wasn't totally gnarly."

Not liking the feeling of leaving someone out, Thunderbolt blew out a little smoke from his nostrils. "Are you sure? I have two dicks."

Tree stretched and reached out to Thunderbolt to kiss him on the nose. "Yeah, man, but she has two holes." Looking down at Twilight, Tree Hugger smiled. "Am I right?"

"It's not that I don't like you, it's just I think I like guys." Twilight blushed at admitting what she'd felt. "My fun with—The other stuff I've tried with girls was different. You don't mind?"

"Today was all about you finding stuff out, dudette. We can do some meditation once Thunderbolt's shown you how dragons mate." Tree turned and walked back toward her house, then with one last look at the pair, went inside.

"I don't like leaving her out, but I trust Tree to make her own decisions." Turning his full focus back to Twilight, Thunderbolt was acutely aware of how small she was in relation to himself. What worried him was hurting her, but he was aware that Rainbow was becoming a pony too. "Tell me if anything hurts."

Clenching down and bracing herself, Twilight scrunched her eyes closed. When the first stroke of a Thunderbolt's talons down her neck and back came, she was surprised. The second and third had her turning her head to see what he was doing. "W-What are yo—What are you doing?"

Thunderbolt noticed how Twilight pushed up into each stroke he made down her back. "You tensed up. It's not good to tense up. This should be fun."

"I know, but the last guy I was with wasn't exactly all that fun. He was at first, but his second time was just about him." Twilight couldn't stop herself from making a soft and happy sound as Thunderbolt continued petting her.

Even as Thunderbolt positioned himself over her, Twilight was able to relax thanks to his petting. She completely missed the relevance of his movement until something—two somethings—poked under her tail. For one moment she was tense, then he stroked down her back again.

Twilight felt relaxed as he started to push again—relaxed enough that she didn't fight either of the intrusions. "Y-You're big."

"Are you okay? Too much?" Thunderbolt held still, not wanting to push any further but unwilling to pull back out if she was doing okay.

"Big, but not too much." The truth was, Twilight felt like he was splitting her in half, but it wasn't pain, just stretching and fullness. "K-Keep going." The petting she was getting soothed her nerves more than she could ever admit. It was nice in a way that had nothing to do with intelligence or the sharp mind that rested behind her eyes.

His own special family had become too precious to Thunderbolt for him to hurt, but he wanted to make Twilight cry out in happiness so much it was an almost physical pain. Leaning forward, he kept stroking down her soft mane and back as more of his shafts pressed inward.

As Thunderbolt started to purr above her, Twilight had finally given up again and had screwed her eyes closed. Each inch that entered her, she told herself, would surely be the last of him. But there was always more dragon, or so it seemed.

What Twilight was surprised at was how good it felt to be so full in both holes. She was no stranger to anal—she'd played with plenty of toys—but having so much dragon shoved down there was nothing like her toys.

All the while she felt the little nodules on the tips of his shafts tickling at her. When his belly pressed down against her back, she was shocked to realize he was all the way in. "Wha—How?"

The urge to start hammering himself into Twilight was almost too much for Thunderbolt. Just having both his shafts buried into her that far was more than he thought he was going to manage. "Magic? Who knows. Are you going to argue?"

Twilight stood up as tall as she could, pushing her whole back and neck against the underside of Thunderbolt's belly. "You're so hot. I mean, exothermically hot. It's nice."

"As nice as this?" Thunderbolt slid back, dragging Twilight with him for a few inches before he held her shoulder steady so he could actually pull slowly back. Stopping just short of coming free, Thunderbolt leaned down hard onto her, forcing her forelegs to buckle so her rump was the only part raised.

It took focus for Twilight not to neigh and howl as Thunderbolt shoved back into her. She clamped down her teeth and pushed back for all she was worth. There was an odd tension coming from her vagina when he filled her, and though her analytical mind was sorely distracted, she realized what it was. He was bottoming out.

Each thrust drove against Twilight's cervix once Thunderbolt had his stride. It didn't hurt, and the sensation of him driving against that muscle caused an extra spark of sensation that had Twilight give up her attempt at silence and moan aloud.

The sound of Twilight's voice was music to Thunderbolt. Hearing her appreciation of him was, to the thinking part of his mind, what made sex enjoyable. He felt the end of her passage with each thrust, and each time he ended a stroke he made sure he shoved against it again. But, after a lot of thrusting, his body was reaching for its end.

The first thing Twilight knew about Thunderbolt's situation was added tightness and pressure inside her. She whined softly as he slowed his pace, but the growing pressure was already causing those finger-like nubs on his shafts to rub more firmly into the deepest parts of her passages.

Rocking back into Thunderbolt's motion, Twilight couldn't feel much actual movement apart from the constant increase of pressure. She surfaced from a haze of lusty pleasure for a moment, wondering what was to happen next. The first strike of Thunderbolt's hot seed against her insides did the trick, and Twilight arched her back as lightning struck within her body.

It was like an inferno. Hot dragon semen rushed into Twilight's colon and womb as his shafts tied firmly into her. She didn't want it to ever end, and tried everything she could to get more, though her efforts were scarcely needed. Each pulse of pressure in his knots—Thunderbolt's heartbeat—heralded another rush of heat inside Twilight. She trembled and shook as the pleasure seemed to bubble up through her and completely fill what parts of her body Thunderbolt wasn't already stuffing.

Curling his wings low, Thunderbolt leaned over Twilight protectively as his body continued to pump more and more of his seed into Twilight. He was bigger than her, stronger than her, but none of that mattered to him—they were equals.

The sex continued long enough that Twilight's body, a little confused at what exactly had happened, felt the continued rush of dragon semen as a good cue for a second orgasm. Twilight, however, was beyond theatrics. She shivered and trembled as the fullness just didn't seem to end.

With his climax slowly petering off, Thunderbolt felt a measure of lethargy creep into him. Adjusting his position a little so he could get a wing under Twilight' he rolled her to the side and moved with her.

Twilight's eyes opened wide and she almost shouted, but her brain realized that Thunderbolt had a plan about a quarter second after he was one. She closed her mouth and leaned back against him. "Twice. Timber didn't even get me off once, and he had proper fingers!"

"My tongue didn't count?" Thunderbolt wrapped a wing and one arm around Twilight, settling his talon between her forelegs and curling his tail up and before her. "Maybe it was too many?"

Snorting, Twilight couldn't ignore how full she was and how good it felt. It was real sex, with a real guy, and it was really great! "Is that possible? Maybe we should run some more experiments…?"

Thunderbolt purred at the idea and bent his head down to nuzzle her cheek. "I'd like that. Experiments. How many should we conduct?" He recognized surprise on Twilight's face. "What?"

"Y-You know about scientific method? Experimentation? I don't know h—" She was silenced by a kiss on the tip of her snout. "How do you know about all this?"

"Internet. I don't know about other dragons, but I get lethargic. Laying down with a computer means I can relax and learn." Thunderbolt's head teemed with the results of the parasite's work, leading to his brain being to be a steel trap for knowledge. "So, vigorous testing is needed."

"Y-You mean rigorous, right?"

"It can be both."

Rainbow Dash strained at the ropes around her ankles and wrists. Nothing she did managed to free any of her limbs because Braeburn wasn't a fool when it came to tying knots. Each limb had its own two loops of soft rope to secure them, and ultimately it was some of the most comfortable bondage Rainbow had been in. "Please?"

Casting his eyes off the side of the bed he was on—balls-deep in Spicy's rear—Braeburn looked at Rainbow tied up on the floor. "Please what?"

A whine left Rainbow's lips. The toy in her rear was barely turning over enough for her to feel it, while the base of the dildo that Braeburn had had her fill herself with was held firmly against her aching vulva by a harness of rope the stripper had fashioned. She couldn't get the big toy out of her, and she couldn't get enough stimulation from either of them. "Please, m-master?"

Despite her being a girl, and despite how odd it was to be topping her without laying a further finger on her, Braeburn smiled at the title she'd given to him so easily. "That's better." He had to shove forward hard to reach up to where the vibe remote was, but Braeburn wasn't worried that Spicy would complain. Taking the controller firmly in his hand, he turned the anal toy up two notches. "How's that? Remember, you're not allowed to climax. I expect you to tell me if you're getting too much stimulation."

And that was the crux of Rainbow's problem. She wanted to get off so bad that her belly was tied up in knots, but she wanted to be good more—but mostly because Braeburn had promised her a reward for being good. The extra buzzing in her rump, however, was nowhere near enough to really get her off, so she was comfortable just getting more stimulation. "I'll be good."

"I know you will be." Braeburn had made himself a promise, and assuming Rainbow didn't get off from the vibe loosening up her ass, he planned to stuff it himself. He hadn't been with a girl since his heady (and somewhat horrible) days of high-school, though his first and only girlfriend hadn't been a pony—something Braeburn could and did hold against her in hindsight.

Spicy's hands were bound together and tied to the spreader bar between his ankles. It left him with his legs pulled forward and under him, his butt in the air, and his arms pinned underneath his body. The blindfold that stole his vision hid the view of Rainbow from him, but none of that changed how good it felt to have his wings bound to his sides.

Oh, and Spicy was quite happy to have Braeburn plowing his ass, too.