Returning Home II - Rise of the Eternal Empire

by Arceaion

Chapter 7 - Forgotten History of a Forgotten Empire

Long, long, long ago there existed a race that is now known as the Immortal that ruled the world. Before the time Ponies, Griffons and the myriad of other races that now populate even existed on Eques the Immortal were the only ones. Through science, magic and alchemy they slowly brought forth the races we now know and more however even though they created us they never treated us as equals. To them we were experiments, slave labor and animals created for their amusement; for years that was just how it was till twelve scientists grew tired of it and rebelled against their own leading the races to fight against the other Immortals. The war between the Races and Immortals lasted for centuries but ended when the Immortals capital city, Icon, was destroyed however such victory came at a price.

In the final battle the Immortals who lead the Races were in a desperate rush to stop their own kind from unleashed a weapon of great power, power they had no hope to controlling. While the Leaders did manage to prevent them from fully activating the weapon they failed to stop them from using the power. The weapon was unleashed and as a result destroyed the City of Icon. Despite the futility of such actions the Races dug through the ruble searching for their leaders and what they found would lead to a war that would span time eternal for they not only found their leaders but also the first of the Demons.

The desire to protect the Races caused the weapon to transform the leaders into the races they created however all other Immortals shared a different fate; with only darkness in their hearts the other Immortals were consumed and transformed into monsters that showed their wickedness both inside and out becoming the very embodiments of what they desired, they became Demons.

The newly formed Demons enraged at what had been done to them lashed out attempting to wipe all free will from the other races in an attempt to bring them back under their control but this time the races were not only ready but had the upper hand and so when the war start once more all the races united and sealed them away. However not all Demons were evil, and the ones that were not chose to unite with the races and earn their right to freedom. After the sealing of the demons the twelve leaders founded the Harmony Empire on top of the ruins of Icon, a reminder of the dark past of this world.

Time marched on and the races spread out across the world became their own kingdoms however the rulers grew to fear what would happen if the Demons ever were to be freed so the rulers of all the races gathered forming the first Summit of Royals and made a unanimous decision to activate one of six Doomsday machines created by the Immortals to crack the crust of the planet and alter the continents to a point they became unrecognizable. The Immortal who lead the races during the war, now the rulers of the Harmony Empire; used one of six keys they activate a device that cracked the crust of the planet and shatter he contents into the planet we now know today. In doing this they were abler to hide the seal and wiped all record of the horrid deed from all records. However even with this counter measure there had to be a guardian against this darkness and so the Harmony Empire was chosen to create and guard an archive detailing all events in history so that if the influence of the demons were to ever appear then at least one kingdom would know.

As time passed the knowledge of the Harmony Empires duty was forgotten, arrogant rulers rose in the place of once great kings and queen and soon all lusted for the knowledge the Harmony Empire safeguarded; many went to war for even a small chance to lay claim to such knowledge and power and as such the Harmony Empire was forced to protect it. During this time of conflict the Demons discovered how to influence the world and so the goal of the war changed from obtaining its knowledge to destroying. The Empire tried to fight the demons but their influence had grown too great so the rulers saw fit to erase the knowledge of the Empires location; in less than five years the location of the Empire was lost or forgotten as all records of it were destroyed. As the years passed the Empire faded from memory becoming a cautionary tale that rulers tell their descendants as a way to show what greed and desire brings.

Time once more continued onward and eventually the Rulers of the Empire chose to travel across the world to explore and catalogue its history but just as it had been feared the Demons began to break the seal that bound them. The Rulers knew that it would only be a matter of time till the demons were freed so in their wisdom they took the six keys to the Super Weapons created so long ago and forged them into the Six Elements of Harmony. Uniting the power they were bestowed with and sealing it with in the newly formed Elements they sent this power away with the keepers of Magic and Necromancy who fled with two young children to lands far to the east, lands that would in time take the name of Equestria. Once the children were safe and the Elements protected Magic and Necromancy returned to The Harmony Empire for a final confrontation between the Demons and Leaders of the Empire. This battle is lost to history as the Harmony Empire was unable to record the events and Bearers have long since forgotten the specifics of the battle. What is remembered however is that the Leader of the Demons, Demon King Tartarica Inferos, personally took to the battlefield. The Leaders met in battle and while The Bearers were able to reseal the Demons they once more payed a price and were sealed in the Void, a place outside of time and space and between the realms of the living and dead.

As Twilight finished the story the ponies in the carriage sat in shock, Captain Moon sadly curling her tails around her body as she looked down. Discord seemed to take it the best simply leaning back and rubbing his chin in thought. After several moments of silence Pinkie opened her mouth to say something only for the carriage stopped and the door opened revealing a Draconian Guard who bowed. "Empress Sparkle, we have arrived at the Palace." He said calmly.