
by Cerulean Blue

Epilogue - Resolution

Cc Her Royal Highness Princess Twilight and Consort,
Cc Her Royal Highness Princess Cadance,
Cc The Dragon Spike

To Her Royal Highness Princess Luna,
As requested, a wing of Long Range Weather Patrol and a detachment of Night Guard thestrals were sent to the coordinates given. They observed a hilltop melted to the ground and a strange brightness extending from the hilltop up into the air, extending up many wingspans.

The area was observed for a week and the brightness seems to be fading slightly with time, becoming patchier and more intangible. The thestrals reported no unusual creatures in the area, and commented that things were strangely quiet, as if the very jungle was afraid.

Your loyal subject,
Wind Commander Sapphire Star
Featherstone Weather Patrol Division