Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

The Grand Galloping Gala

Chapter 22

I stepped off the chariot and breathed in the night time air. Twilight stepped off next to me.

She looked at me and smiled, "Beautiful isn't it?"

I nodded, looking at the magnificent Palace in front of us. It was beautiful, and the fireworks in the background gave it that awesome look. "It looks better in person than it did on the show." I muttered.

Twilight looked at me, "What was that?"

I looked over at her and smiled, "Nothing."

Twilight was wearing the same dress she wore in the show. But the cape she wore had a few extra stars on it and slightly darker. She was simply beautiful in my eyes.

I was wearing my suit that Rarity had made for me, and also my goggles. Can't leave home with out them.

Twilight began walking towards the Palace gates.

I smirked, "What, no musical number?"

She turned, a confused look on her face, "What do you mean?"

I chuckled, "Oh, nothing. Shall I escort you to the door?"

She giggled, "Yes you may."

I walked up beside her and together, we walked to the Palace entrance.

Upon entering and greeting the Princess, we made our way to the ball room, where the real party was.

We walked in and I smiled, just like the show, but so much better. Food, dancing, music. It had everything.

I looked over at Twilight, who had an excited look on her face.

I held out a hoof, "Shall we dance?"

She took my hoof, "Yes."


Greg walked into the Palace, a smug look on his face.

All the high class ponies around he looked at him like he was a street rat.

Greg had cut the sleeves off his suit, let the tie hang half done. He looked more like a punk pony than a high class pony.

He walked down the red carpet and headed for the ballroom.

Once he walked in, and frowned. This party sucks! Fancy dancing and talking. Now he knows how Pinkie Pie felt on the show.

Time to raise the bar. He reached back into his saddlebag, yeah he wore it, and pulled out a blunt. Once hes high, this party will get going.

He started smoking it, getting strange looks from the ponies around him.

As he looked around the room, he saw that one purple brony. Peter maybe? Messing with a punch bowel.

A few moments later, he walked away, a smirk on his face.

What did he do?

The answer was soon presented. A high class mare walked up and picked up the spoon to fill a cup.

The the punch in the bowl seemed to explode outward, covering the mare in punch.

She started stomping her hoofs and screaming. On the other side of the room, Peter stood laughing.

Greg shook his head, a grin on his face. Looks like he's not the only one trying to spice up things.

Spice things up. Spice. Spike. Spike drinks.

Greg smirked, an idea coming to him.

Since he had learned how to bring marijuana to Equestria, he had decided on learning how to bring different things here. So, after some work, he was able to bring one of his favorite drinks here. Vodka.

He walked over to another punch bowl and pulled out the full bottle of vodka, glad he had brought it. He poured the whole bottle into the punch bowl.

He dropped the bottle and kicked it under the table. He then backed up and smirked. Things are about to get interesting.


I leaned my back against the wall, sweat under my suit. It really was hard to slow dance, harder and needs more work than real dancing.

I let out an a sight, and enjoyed the music. I looked towards the stage. What do you know, Octavia is up there playing.

She had been one of my favorite ponies back on earth. To bad I can't speak to her, since she's performing.

I shrugged and looked across the dance floor, which had a few ponies slow dancing together, to see Greg.

What did he do to his suit?! That thing cost me four days of work salary.

Wait, what is he doing with that bottle? What is that? I looked closer.

Well, I'll be damn. He's spiking the punch. Should I stop him?

I shrugged, it might be fun to see what happens.

Twilight walked up to me and smiled, "Tired already?"

I grinned and shook my head, "No, just needed a break. How about another dance?"

She nodded, a smile on her face, "Sure, just don't drop out of it in the middle this time."


Dana sat on the edge of the bench, a confused expression on her face.

She had looked all over the town, but couldn't find a single police officer. And, all the horses just laughed and made complements about her looks, not very nice ones at that.

She still didn't know what to do with Lance. He had never be so rebellious with her. He had always obeyed, never disobeying.

But now, he's just like his older brother, Mark. Always resisting and trying to be his own person.

And, who's house was he staying at? She can't have him living with others people like that. What if their sick or try to give him something like nuts or something he may be allergic to? She can't have that!

She jumped off the bench and stomped her hoof. She was going to go back and drag Lance back if she has to. Its time she put her foot down and be the tough parent.

She began stomping back to the house, not realizing its been a full day and night and he may not be there.


Frederic was sweating uncontrollably under his suit. He was also feeling slightly sick to the stomach and light headed.

He looked down at the box in front of him. It was sort of small, but held a very important item.

He took a deep breath and walked straight up to Princess Luna, who had been standing next to the stage, just standing there.

As he neared, she looked over at him and smiled sweetly, "Well, if it isn't Iron Clad, or should I call you Frederic?"

Frederic smiled weakly, "You can call me Frederic if you want to."

She nodded, "Okay then, Frederic."

His head began to spin, a feeling of nausea wasted over him. This was harder than he had thought it would be.

"Ummm, Princess. Can I ask you something?" He sputtered.

"Sure, make it quick please." She said while turning towards him.

He took another deep breath and knelled down on his front knees.

She looked at him strangely, "Frederic, what are you doing?"

He gulped loudly and used his magic to put the box in front of him. He took a deep breath. "So long ago, five years to be exact, I was at a loss. I had no clue where to go or what I aspired to. One evening, I decided to look at the skies for answers and it was not it that brought me the answer I sought; it was who brought the night sky and it's infinite beauty. I saw a glow of magic coming from the tallest tower of the palace and it was then I saw you, I saw the most beautiful creature any living being could ever gaze upon; I saw the princess of the night, princess Luna. I witness every action she did. Every star she lit was a like a spark in my heart that ignited the fire of my passion. And when she brought out the moon, it was then that my heart ached for this artist. My craft lies in metal and heat. Hers lies in the skies and grace. Two beings, a world apart. When she was done, my heart lead me to the castle where I asked for weeks to let me enter, to let me work for the palace, to be closer to the one that claimed my heart. I proved myself worthy of being a member of the royal staff and chose to work with those that brought me the most odds of meeting my love, I joined the Lunar Sentinels. Years of devoted work had given me chances to speak with my beloved Luna. A few nights ago I was graced, honored to have a romantic evening with my greatest love and since that fateful night I knew desperately who I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Now I stand kneeling in front of you Luna, I ask of you this favor." He opened the box to reveal a golden bracelet with a diamond on it and two onyxes on either side of it. "Will you take me as your husband as I would take you as my beloved wife?"

Her jaw dropped and she let out a surprised gasp. "Frederic... I... I..."

All the ponies in the room held their breath. Suspense filled the air.

He looked away, squeezing his eyes closed. She's going to say no. He knows it.

Frederic opened his eyes slightly and noticed that everypony in the room was looking at him and the Princess.

He heard the mare named Rarity gasp and whisper something to somepony.


He looked back to her, "What?!"

She smiled, "Yes. Yes, I will." A tear in her eye, but it was of happiness.

Frederic, possessed with happiness, jumped up and wrapped his hoofs around her neck.

Everypony in the room either cheered or aww'd at the scene before them.

Luna seemed surprised at his sudden action, but she returned the hug.

Frederic broke the hug and smiled, "May I?" He said while holding up the engagement bracelet with his magic.

She held up her hoof, "You may."

He fastened it on her hoof, a smile on his face and her face.

Frederic slowly stood, grinning up at her.

She examined the bracelet on her hoof and smiled.


I stood looking at Frederic and the Princess.

That was unexpected, Frederic proposing to the Princess, and she saying yes.

Proposing? Ummm, that makes me feel like I forgot to do something.

I picked up my drink, the spiked punch, and took a sip.

Wait a damn minute! I haven't proposed to Twilight! And she's pregnant!

I started tapping my hoofs against the floor. I need to do something.

I looked up and smiled, I got it. I have seven hundred bits back at the house, and there's a nice little jewelry store down the street. Just maybe.

I turned and headed for the door. I need to hurry and get back before Twilight notices I'm gone.


Greg looked at David, who was already passed out outside in the garden.

Greg shook his head, a large smile on his face, "What? Can't handle a little vodka in your drink?"

He picked David up with his magic and put him on his back. Time to get the weak drinker home.


Captain Barehoof walked into the ballroom, dressed in a full three piece suit. Something he barely ever wore.

He looked around the large room, at all the ponies he knew would flood over him if he told anypony he was the Captain of the Guard.

He sighed, there wasn't a pony for him to dance with. Or anypony to talk to. He missed Lieutenant Brink. He had been his only true friend, and now he's gone.

He shook his head, this is the Grand Galloping Gala, its a time for enjoyment, not sorrow.

As he stood there, he didn't notice the sky blue mare behind him. Looking him over.

"Excuse me, but one of the soldiers down stairs said you was the one in charge of the army."

Captain Barehoof turned and examined the Sky blue mare behind him. She wasn't wearing a dress, which is odd since this is the Gala. Her mane and tail was black and slightly curled. Her eyes were green and gentle, but had a determined look in them.

"Yes, I'm the Captain. Why do you ask?"

She nodded, "Good, I need you to help me bring my son back home with me."

The Captain sighed, can he not get one night to himself? "I'm off duty for tonight and tonight only. Can you wait till morning?"

She shook her head, "No, I can not wait till morning. He could die of an allergic reaction over the night."

The Captain raised an eye brow. Die over night due to a allergic reaction? Who is she? "I just got here, can you let me have a few hours to myself first?"

She looked furious, "No! I need you to get him home now!'

He sighed, "This is the first night in seven years that I've had to myself. Please let me enjoy it."

She seemed to soften, "Seven years? You haven't had a night off in seven years?"

He shook his head, "No, I'm a very busy stallion."

The mare looked down, "Enjoy your night." She looked back up at him, "But tomorrow, I want you to get my son to come home with me."

The Captain relaxed, "Thank you." He turned and went back to standing and watching the party.

The mare walked up beside him, "What? Seven years and tonight your first vacation and your going to spend it standing around."

He shrugged, "I have nopony to dance with or talk to."

She bit her lower lip, "I can dance with you if you want."

He looked at her and shrugged, there wasn't anypony else who would, "Thanks, I'll take you up on that offer."

She smiled and nodded, "After you Captain."

He held up his hoof, "First, I need to know your name."


Weird short name. "Well, Dana, lets dance. Shall we?"


I ran back into the ball room, sweaty and out of breath. I had to run all the way home, grab the cash, fly at top speed to the store, then make a mad dash back to the Palace. I was gasping for air once I stepped inside.

I had a smallish box in my mouth. I looked around the room and saw Twilight, talking to Rainbow Dash. Why Rainbow Dash?

I walked up and smiled, "Twilight, can I speak to you? Alone?"

She nodded and smiled, "Yes." She looked back to Rainbow Dash, "Rainbow, let me talk to Lance and we'll talk later."

Rainbow Dash laughed, "Okay Twi, I'm heading over to the Wonderbolt's V.I.P area."

I smiled, "Follow me."

I lead us through the crowd of ponies, past the Captain and.. is that my mom! Turn to the left to avoid them, head out double doors and into garden. Walk down a few rows of flowers and into a secluded area.

I turned to Twilight, who looked to confused.

"Why did you bring me all the way out here?" She then looked me over, "And why are you covered in sweat stains?"

I smiled weakly, "Long story."

She looked at the box that was in my breast pocket, "Whats that?"

I gulped. How do I do this?

I knelled down and put it on my hoof. "Twilight, I've never done this. So, I'm kinda lost right here."

She still looked confused, "What are you talking about Lance?"

"I don't know what I'm suppose to do or say, but.." I opened the box to reveal a silver bracelet with a small diamond on it. "Will you marry me and make me the happiest stallion in Equestria."

Her face showed many emotions. Surprise, shock, happiness, joy, love.

Tears of joy began to roll down her face, "Yes!"

She jumped into me, wrapping her hooves around my neck. We both fell to the ground, holding each other.

I laughed, "You going to let me put it on?"

She nuzzled my neck, "Yes, I'm sorry."

We stood up and I grinned, "Its okay." I held the bracelet out.

She raised her hoof and smiled.

I placed the bracelet on her hoof and closed it. I stood up and smiled, "Shall we go back inside and dance the night away."

She walked up to me and put her head next to mine, "I would love to."

We walked back to the ballroom, smiles on our faces and love in our hearts. Tonight really was the best night ever.