by Sunny Meadows


As the Titanic continued to sink, things went from bad to worse. The water was now crowding into the sixth compartment. We would have teleported to the seventh but…oh no wait! That’s it!

“Evening Breeze, we’re going to the eighth compartment,” I said.

“Okay Mum…”

I teleported both of us to the eighth compartment where I knew we would be safe for a bit…until IT happened. But still, I knew that the water would be filling into the compartments one by one – but we would be teleporting into the compartments two by two.

It was around 12:30am by now – the water hadn’t reached the eighth compartment yet. I could still hear the water from far away smashing into other compartments. It was getting louder as they got closer. I made a last ditch effort to teleport into the ninth compartment and I told Evening Breeze where we were.

“All right then Mama,” she replied, with fear in her eyes.

Despite the faith she had in me, I could tell she was truly frightened. Sensing the fear behind her attempt at being brave, I tried my best to reassure her.

“I’ll get us out of this – you know your old Mum – I never give up.”

Evening Breeze chuckled.

“Oh Mum – you really are a funny one.”

I teared up at this and cried a little into my coat. It was good to hear a little humour in her voice. My mind drifted back to two nights ago when we were unaware of the terror about to unfold. Evening Breeze had been so grateful for the adventure they we were embarking on. She had told me she loved me as I was giving her a kiss goodnight in the bed that would no doubt be now underwater – completely ruined by this unfolding disaster.

I sighed and shifted my focus back to the task at hoof. I found a car in compartment nine and sat in it for a little bit – imagining myself as something else. It was creepy in a little way. I think I was…well…I don’t know what I was…I had absolutely no idea who or what I was picturing…oh well…must be just another version of me or something…it turns out I would look back on this moment as a small premonition of the future – an occurrence that would save all of our lives.

As the eighth compartment flooded, Evening Breeze asked what the time was. I had a watch in my horn and was horrified at how much time had gone by. It was now 1am – I estimated that the Titanic would have about an hour or so left maybe…just maybe…but who knows, I could be wrong.

Anyway, as for Evening Breeze and I – we were stuck in the ninth compartment until I began to hear the water rise again. We then tried to teleport two compartments ahead into the eleventh compartment. However, that one was locked indefinitely – impervious even to my magic for unknown reasons.

“So much for being touted as unsinkable!” I said in disgust.

I resigned myself to the knowledge that at least we were in the tenth compartment, even though this safe spot would soon be compromised in a hour or so.

We will have to go back above deck soon,” I told Evening Breeze.

“Yeah – and survive Mum.”

I knew that timing was everything at this moment – I had to cast a specific spell at exactly the right time – just before the Titanic sinks. A spell I had looked into when I was just a philly.

Whilst we were in the tenth compartment, we played games together in a vein attempt at normality. Who knows if this would be the last few moments we could play together on four legs. I knew it too – I knew what was coming. That’s why tears were silently streaming down my face as I attempted to be brave.

My mind drifted once again to my husband who was dying. This whole trip was arranged because of him. If we didn’t make it to New York….Evening Breeze was unaware of how serious her Father’s condition was and thought he was just in hospital with the flu. By the time she realises that they may escape this horror, it would be too late.

My mind drifted back to why this ship was built with iron and not nano tubes which would have been more structurally sound. It would have been able to withstand colliding with the iceberg.

It was now 1:10am and I had no idea that the Titanic had less than an hour and 12 minutes until it was below sea level. I knew that it sinking was inevitable but I didn’t know at this moment how long we had….mmm time…I thought. I’m powerful but I can’t change time…could I? Could I reverse the effects? I tried but I only managed to reverse it for just a second before it overpowered me. My magic was no match for the powerful flooding of the water. I couldn’t prevent the ship sinking.

By now the whole bow was underwater. I was horrified – absolutely horrified. How had this trip, despite the sad reason we were travelling, turn into such a nightmare? The one bright side of the whole journey was experiencing the Titanic’s opulent luxury – but we were in a living hell. My awe for the luxury liner was swiftly turning into hatred. Despite this, for now, I was aware it was the only home we currently had….would it become our home forever?

I looked at the time again and it was 1:20am. I heard a big noise – the big ship crumbling against itself. A deafening sound exploded all around us.

“That really hurt my ears!” I exclaimed loudly. “What the hell was that? It must of been the ship struggling to stay together.”

That’s when we heard the creaking again and I became extremely nervous. More nervous than I had ever been in my life. I realised that the Titanic would eventually split in two. That was when I would have no choice but to strike with the spell that would save our lives.

We waited in that tenth compartment and I was trembling at the realisation that it would split between funnels 2 and 3. Still, I was hoping that I was wrong. I was no expert after all. Whatever the eventual outcome I knew we would face it head on – we weren’t the type to cower with our tails between our legs. Tails being the operative word.

As Evening Breeze and I waited, I heard the sound again for the third time. It was louder and more violent than ever before. It was now 1:30am.

Damn flaming Titanic, don’t you dare split in two! I thought fretfully.

As for Evening Breeze, she was becoming more and more nervous.

“We’re in the tenth compartment and well….I don’t know how to say this but I feel trapped in here even if it isten times my size – if not more!” she cried.

“Oh Evening Breeze – we can make do for now in here.”

“Oh thank you Mum…but…I just…I want to go home…”

“We are going to go home,” I reassured her – not knowing at the time that our new home was closer than we thought.

“Yeah – but our home is way back in South Hampton Mum. How can you say that?”

“Well…I don’t know. I know you feel hopeless. But there is always room for hope. Isn’t there my Darling – even if it’s small?”

“Okay Mum…” she replied.

As the Titanic continued to get lower, lower and lower still, the ship began to list to port by 9 degrees. Ten more minutes had gone by. Unbeknown to me at the time – the great Titanic, which took three years to build, took less than three hours to sink.

My body was shaking in horror at what we were experiencing. And although I was devastated by the fact that my only daughter was with me on the ship, one small part of me was glad that I wasn’t alone.

I recalled that when I gave birth to Evening Breeze, I made a solemn promise that I would never let anything bad happen to her. I was feeling guilty that I was breaking that promise this night. She reminded me of my words that day – us ponies have extremely good memory recall, even from birth.

“You broke your promise Mum!” Evening Breeze cried out suddenly.

“Oh Evening Breeze...I’m sorry….but….”

“Mum! You promised you would always protect me!” she interrupted.

“You remember that, don’t you…” I replied softly.

“I do…I do…I really, really do.”

‘Evening Breeze – juts calm down…please…”

“No Mum! I won’t calm down. Not until all of this is over! Not until I get out of here alive!”

“I’m really sorry….”

“Alright fine Mum – I’m still really angry at you,” she spat out unreasonably.

Evening Breeze then shoved me out of the way and walked to the other end of the compartment, grumpily sitting down on her haunches. At that moment another sound could be heard coming from above.

“Is that more water?” I whispered fearfully.

I tapped into my full power and teleported us both onto the upper deck. I then assessed the situation and decided to teleport again to the sixteenth compartment. But…huh…that turned out to be a mistake. Thankfully, a mistake that was ironically the one thing that saved out lives. This may sound contradictory but you’ll see what I mean.

I got my leg caught in the engine turbine and it broke in two. I know this sounds bad but I managed to heal it with magic. Evening Breeze had witnessed my pain but I downplayed it and told her it was just a sprained ankle that I had healed and that it was only causing me a little pain.

“Alright then Mum, that makes sense,” she replied, still looking confused.

I still bear a scar from that to this day.

My attention was caught by the sound of screaming ponies above. It was now 1:55am.

“Oh no!” I exclaimed. “the Titanic can’t possibly have much time left!”

“Mum, what are we gonna do when the sixteenth compartment floods?”

“I will warn you when it’s time Evening Breeze.”

I shared with my daughter my fears of the great ship splitting in two.

“You know those creaking noises you heard earlier?” I said.

‘Yeah?” Evening Breeze replied.

“Well – that was the Titanic struggling to stay together – or stretching apart if you will…”

“So it will eventually break in two?”

“Maybe in half an hour or so…”

“Let’s make a bet then,” Evening Breeze suggested, in an attempt to lighten the mood.

“Okay, let’s bet then.” I said.

“I bet that it will happen at 2:19am,” my daughter said. “If you win, I’ll eat those dreaded scrambled eggs for a week. But if I win, you’ll have to eat your least favourite food.”

“I accept,” I agreed, humouring this silly conversation.

It had now been hours since the collision. I recalled that Thomas Andrew, the designer of the ship, had said earlier that it only took ten minutes for 14 feet of water to rise above the keel. According to my calculations, this seemed a bit off. If what he’d said was correct then the ship should have sunk much earlier. Maybe for some reason it slowed by a mere margin. Or maybe he was just making it up as he went along.

As Evening Breeze began to feel the back of the ship rise, she screamed.

“Mum! Help me!”

I grabbed her with my magic and levitated her up to a safer height. I then cast a magnetic spell to the bottom of our hooves which enabled us to grip the metal of the ship without falling. I was now waiting for the perfect moment to cast the final spell that would save our lives. If cast too soon, it would result in our deaths. Timing was of utmost importance.

Now what was this plan I keep alluding to?


Merponies can breathe and survive underwater. They could not however breath the air of a regular pony. The only Merpony that could defy these laws would be my future Granddaughter, Sunny Meadows.

As the ship creeped, groaned and whined under the pressure, I waited for my moment. I was afraid for my life, despite my plan. What if something went wrong? I decided not to ponder on the 'what ifs' and checked my watch. It was now 2am.

“Not much longer…surely…” I mumbled to myself.

Huh, it’s funny isn’t it - that so many years later I can remember it like it was yesterday. The whole experience was so scarring – mentally and physically. Although my daughter was hopeful throughout most of the ordeal, I had known it was a disaster from the moment of impact. My only regret is that I had been unable to save more lives – including that of the Captain.

As I bade my time, I implored Evening Breeze to remain calm. I watched the minute hand tick over as another loud crack reached our ears. I knew it wouldn’t be much longer.

“Everything will be okay,” I reassured her.

“Do you mean it Mum?”

“Yes I do…I certainly do…”

“You’re such a kind Mum…and the most powerful.”




The wait was excruciating and I decided to take a break from obsessing over every literal minute. I levitated a small ball that was laying on the floor of the compartment and playfully suggested that we play ‘Magic ball’. I was desperate for anything that could break the unrelenting tension and fear of this moment.Evening Breeze agreed.

The distraction worked too well and I was suddenly horrified to see that it was now 2:10am. By the time I regained my senses the ball had slammed into my face.

“Oh Mum! Are you alright?!” Evening Breeze called out.

“It’s fine Sweetie…I’m okay.”

“I’m sorry….”

“Accidents happen.”


The lights flickered on and off.


The other ponies surrounding us were screaming each time we were plunged into darkness. One of them desperately tried to mess with the electricity box and they were instantly electrocuted. The lights were now out for good.


I heard screams from above. A few seconds later the Titanic made its final split in two – just as predicted. The sound of crashing water was all around us and I immediately knew that the stern would rise again from the force of the split.

“Prepare to swim!” I instructed my daughter.

“But Mum! I can’t swim!”

“You can’t now but you will!! I promise!”

“I don’t understand what that means!” Evening Breeze screamed back.

“Hold your breath on three!” I instructed. “One…Two…Three!”

It was time.

I summoned up all of my magic and turned both of us into Merponies. Evening Breeze looked confused.

“Help Mum! I’m drowning!” she spluttered.

As she opened her mouth wide she suddenly realised something strange was happening.

‘How am I talking underwater?” she spoke, looking utterly perplexed.

“Hee hee…” I chuckled. “Evening Breeze – take a look at yourself.”

“Huh?” she responded in exasperation. “What the…? Noooo….hang on….wait a minute. I’m a Merpony??? I thought those were just legends! Yippeeeeee! Oh, wait a minute. Does that mean we can be captured by a colossal squid?”

“Hee hee. No Evening breeze. Not anytime soon.”

“But wait Mum…will we be like this forever? Will I ever get to see my Father again?”

“Ah…oh…I’m afraid not Evening Breeze,” I told her regretfully.

“Nooo!” she yelled out. “I really wanted to see him again.”

“It was either this or passing away. It was the only way we could survive.” I explained.

“Oh….I understand Mum,” she said sadly.

“C’mon…lets go and live in the Titanic which is now making its way to the bottom of the Atlantic ocean.”

We heard a sudden thud from below.

“I think I just heard a crash from the bottom of the ocean floor.” I exclaimed. “Let’s teleport to our new home.”

One, two three – and off we went.

“Mmm, this place could do with a bit of re-furbishing,” I quipped.

“And repairing,” Evening Breeze added.

"Well, we've got the rest of our lives to work on it," I told her.

One minute later, I summoned up a bit more of my powerful magic - returning the great ship to its former glory. It was no longer split in two and looked as beautiful as the day we had boarded, albeit now filled with water.

It was now our new home and would be for many, many years to come.

Now if only Evening Breeze could tell this story from her point of view….maybe she will one day.