Clear your Mind

by LyNx_X_PiE_PiE

Clear your mind!

It was a quiet day in ponyville. Everypony was going about their day normally, with little or no issues whatsoever. However, one pony's day was not going quite so right. Yours! Being an earth pony, things weren't so easy all the time. You couldn't fly to your destination quickly, like a pegasus could, nor could you levitate something in the air, like a unicorn could. Instead, you were stuck with carrying things on your back or in your mouth. That, in your head, didn't sound so hygienic, but that was life as an earth pony. Your kind used to be farmers, basically meaning that you didn't care too much about hygiene. You also had problems socializing with others, making your mood only that much worse. Those thoughts rang through your head as you continued to walk to ponyville highschool. Your daydream and or illusion had ended and placed you back into the real world. Back into civilization.

You continued to walk through the centre of ponyville, admiring the market that scattered the landscape with different colors and patterns. That brought a little smile to your face for a brief second, before you wore that blank expression that you usually showed towards everypony and everything. You looked around at all the ponies, who showed such passionate emotions towards things. You glanced at two mares, that were smiling while chatting to each other. They looked like they were enjoying themselves. Those thoughts brought your anxiety back, bubbling to the surface of your mind. You tried to make it not bother you, but it was very, very difficult. You walked next to a fountain and sat on your haunches. You closed your eyes for several seconds before opening them up to find a letter in front of you. You looked around and only saw a couple of ponies. You then locked eyes with a pair of ponies. One was a grey unicorn mare, and the other… the other was a changeling! One like before the evolution of the changeling race.

Both of them were looking dead at you, locking eyes with yours for a brief few seconds, before you looked down at the letter. You ripped it open with your teeth and unfolded the letter. You looked at it for a brief couple of seconds before looking at the pair, who were both smiling at you. It was a little creepy, but what was on that letter had changed your mood completely. You looked back at the letter and… smiled. You re-read the letter quietly to yourself.

It read: "We see that you are down and are having trouble with being social in the real world, but we can assure you, you are going to end up getting everything right. Don't allow anyone to tell you what your destiny is, just find out for yourself. Clear your mind! Think about all of the good things that have happened and repeat them over and over. The best memories, are the ones that make you happy. Live your dream! Make new friends, because you're the only one who can change your future."

You looked back at the two before opening your bag up and placing the letter inside, before closing it up and getting up. You walked to the unicorn and changeling. They both looked at eachother, before pivoting their heads to look back at you. They just smiled at you.

"Thank you!" You calmly announced to them, before you turned and slowly walked away from the pair. "Clear your mind!" You silently whispered to yourself, as you continued your journey, bringing your future closer to reality. You could briefly hear a voice say something.

"I love what we do!"

You walked up to the gates of the highschool and passed through them easily. You looked around at all of the ponies your age and then shuddered a little. You almost went back into anxiety mode again, until you remembered that note. That letter! Two ponies you had never met, believed in you! That was enough motivation to make your mind not think. You casually walked up to a group of ponies that were engaging in some talk about sports. You were quite interested in sports, but you had a terrible past experience with either being picked last, or straight up not being picked at all. Above all though, you were quite good at them, especially hoofball.

One of the ponies waved at you and you waved back. They trotted over to you and just took in your appearance. You stepped back a little, giving her the impression that you were a tad bit nervous. She smiled at you.

"I've seen you around here. Aren't you that one pony that keeps quiet all the time?" The unicorn mare asked. You nodded and then opened your mouth slightly, allowing a silent sigh to leave your mouth.

"I… I am yes, but that's only because I have…" You stated, before getting cut off by her.

"Anxiety? Don't we all? It's natural to have anxiety. Everyone gets it from time to time, but we all can also overcome it. Fight it!" She bellowed out heroically. You pondered that for a brief second before nodding at her. "You know what, I'll help you break your anxiety cycle, or at least try to." She added. You smiled, liking this mare. She, out of all ponies, came to talk with you. She chuckled softly and signalled you to follow her. She brought you to a crowd of ponies, who all looked at you with happy smiles. This made you feel better about yourself, but brought the thought of never losing the anxiety back to you. You pushed that thought to the side and tried to focus on the main thing, putting your life on track and making everything go perfect.

About two or three weeks later, you were fitting in with the rest of the school. You were no longer an outcast of everypony. You were no longer picked last, due to your anxiety and popularity. You even had a mare friend that liked you, for being you. This all happened because two ponies watched you! This all happened because you read that letter! This all happened because you cleared your mind!