Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged


"So," Rainbow Dash looked around at her friends, "What did you think of her?" Her eyes trailed over Spicy, Twilight, and Thunderbolt, then she looked up at Braeburn who was fully focused on the barbecue sizzling away.

"Square as a cube." Spicy Hot rolled his eyes and looked at Braeburn to take in the glorious sight of a toned guy showing off. He knew Braeburn didn't mean to show off, but since he was wearing a pair of tight jeans and nothing else but his boots and hat—it was showing off.

Twilight tried to process what Spicy had said. "I thought I was a square?"

Laughing, Spicy reached a hand over and lightly smacked Twilight's flank. "No. You're a sexy piece of mare. A square is someone who is so stuck in their thinking they can't even unkink their own asshole."

Almost snorting out her juice, Twilight checked the time. "I should be going soon. Tree Hugger said we could—we could practice meditation tonight."

"Want a lift?" Thunderbolt liked how his voice had more of a rumble to it now. It made his words slower to say, but he liked that for another reason—it meant he needed to think about them more.

"Uh, sure. I guess." Twilight wasn't sure how Thunderbolt planned to give her "a lift", but with how recognizably not-human she was, any help was appreciated.

"She almost freaked out when I told her I had two boyfriends, but then when I told her you,"—Rainbow gestured to Thunderbolt—"were one of them, she seemed really nuts. Practically grilled me on it. I told her to leave."

"She's only trying to help, Rainbow. Like I said, she's a square. This is all alien to her, even if people with crazy powers aren't. Give her a nice stay-at-home housewife who turns into a werewolf, and she'd probably not bat an eye." Slumped back in his chair, Spicy's direct observation of Braeburn's rump was ruined when said rump's owner turned around. Spicy wasn't one to complain about that, though.

"Who wants the first burger?" Braeburn liked the cozy atmosphere of a quiet barbecue party. The after-party-party was what he was really looking forward to. To his surprise, Thunderbolt stood up onto all fours and took the few steps needed to bring his head close enough.

"I'll have mine to go, please." Thunderbolt's nose was working overtime at the smell of meat. When Braeburn turned around and held a burger out in his hand, Thunderbolt let out a deep growling-purr and opened his mouth.

Lots of teeth and a tongue with a texture Braeburn didn't have long to wait before he felt. Raspy, coarse like a cat's, it coiled around his wrist into a loop and then slowly drew burger and hand into Thunderbolt's mouth. Not a single tooth touched Braeburn's hand as Thunderbolt deftly drew the burger off and sucked his fingers clean at the same time. "Y-You're welcome."

Thunderbolt released Braeburn's hand and then chewed the burger enough to soak his mouth. Swallowing the morsel earned a deeper rumble. "Thank you."

Spicy had sat up to watch the display, and had to struggle to hold back his giggles as Thunderbolt turned back around.

"On my back or in my arms?" Thunderbolt asked when he reached where Twilight was laying. When she didn't respond due to her mouth hanging open, Thunderbolt reached out and wrapped both forelegs around her.

Snapping out of the daydream when she was picked up, Twilight felt Thunderbolt's powerful breast muscles against her back as he hugged her to his chest. "W-W-Wha—"

Rainbow actually laughed as Thunderbolt's bunched back legs shoved down and launched him into the air. "He's pretty intense, isn't he?"

"Was that foreplay? Teasing? It's hard to tell with him." Braeburn was looking down at his hand. The aroma of dragon was almost enough to defeat that of beef and onion cooking on the grill. Shivering from the tips of his ears to his toes, Braeburn could feel his shaft grow a little in his pants. "Because I know what it felt like."

"Go with that, I think. He seems to like you," Spicy said.

"I got next." Rainbow Dash had a grin that would challenge the Cheshire Cat.

Being yanked into the air had almost made Twilight scream. When she'd had wings, flying was normal, but neither unicorns nor most humans have them, which made it kind of terrifying. The real reason she hadn't screamed, though, was Thunderbolt.

She'd tried to tell herself that it was just because everything had felt so wrong and that her brother was being an ass, but Thunderbolt had just been there. He was big, strong, and hadn't so much as questioned her need for comfort.

Right now, of course, she could feel his heart pounding against her back and the creak of much larger muscles as his wings pumped. She struggled for a few moments, but finally she opened her eyes. "Wow."

Curling his neck down, Thunderbolt looked at Twilight as she stared below. "You're not afraid?"

"You've got a good grip on me?!" Despite Thunderbolt's effortless words while flying, Twilight had to shout above the wind. She really didn't need an answer. "It's amazing!"

Praise, for Thunderbolt, was like a fine wine to anyone else. He could savor the taste of it and let it suffuse his palate. Twitching his wings, he started pumping harder and soaring higher and higher until the entire city was a small circle below them. Only then did he hold his wings out and just glide in a slow circle.

"This isn't the way to Tree's house!" Twilight grinned despite her accusation. "It looks so peaceful!" From a moment to the next, Thunderbolt pitched his head forward and sent them into a dive. There was a little fear at first, but it didn't take much for Twilight to realize that he was controlling the dive.

Nothing Twilight could do would change how this was going. She had to keep her mouth shut, but quickly summoned her magic glasses to protect her eyes from the rushing wind.

Life spread out below them, brought into focus and revealed by Twilight's magic. She gasped just once at the web of magic she saw, only to catch a bug and start coughing.

Feeling Twilight hacking to try to bring the bug out of her throat, Thunderbolt leveled off his flight and stalled to cut speed. "Are you alright?"

Turning her head to the side, Twilight disposed of the insect and laughed. "Yeah! Where's—?" She cut short as she spotted Tree Hugger's house below. It was Tree's, after all, because Tree was laying naked in the back garden.

Twilight had no idea why seeing the green-furred woman, sporting hooves on the ends of her legs, looking so ponied up didn't surprise her. They were spiraling slowly, and slowly the ground got closer and closer until Twilight felt Thunderbolt's heavily muscled rear legs touch down. "That was amazing, Thunderbolt."

"Wanna fuck?" Thunderbolt couldn't ask that without smiling. He liked Twilight, felt protective over her, and now he knew she trusted him. He watched as her purple face turned red, and blinked his eyes slowly waiting for her answer.

"I don't know what to say. I mean, I did say I wanted to explore things, but you're so big, and—"

"I'll go slow. Gentle."

Twilight bit her lip and felt her concern rise—then fall. "Okay. Maybe later though. I came to see Tree first."

Leaning down to put his snout at the same height as Twilight's—practically on the ground—Thunderbolt lashed out with his tongue to lick her lips and nose. "Good."

Before she could stop herself, Twilight pushed forward and kissed Thunderbolt on the nose in return. It made her feel irrationally happy to do it, and she couldn't help giggling.

"Hey, I'm feeling some gnarly vibrations coming off you two. Did you get started without me?" Tree Hugger had gotten up when she'd seen Thunderbolt coming in to land, and now she couldn't help but stretch like a cat.

"You look a lot more, uh, pony," Twilight said as she looked up. It took her brain a few moments to realize what looking up at a naked person really meant she'd be looking at before she blushed and looked away.

"Yeah. It's this ultra-mellow karma the world's filling with. It's, like, such a positive vibe, ya know?" Tree crouched to look at Twilight. "Do you want to relax out here or inside?"

Looking back, Twilight had to fight her urge not to look away again. Tree was reasonably lithe, though her chest still looked big on her. Breasts, Twilight told herself, Her breasts, not her chest. They look soft. Shaking her head to clear the distraction of Tree's bosom, Twilight thought about the actual question. "Uh, out here might be nice. What do we, err, do?"

"Explore. Have you been with a woman since last time we spoke?" Tree reached a hand out behind Twilight's left ear and started to slowly rub.

Twilight almost melted on the spot. A shiver ran over the top of her head and down her spine with each rub, and before Twilight knew it she was closing her eyes and leaning into Tree's hand. After a while, she opened her eyes to the sight of Tree's chest right before her nose.

Tree Hugger's breasts looked fuzzy and soft, and Twilight stretched her neck forward just a little to nuzzle between them. An earthy, warm scent filled her nose, leaving Twilight no option but to poke her tongue out and lick.

When there was no complaint, and Twilight found the slightly musky/salty taste curious, she continued. Nuzzling a little more, she heard a soft sound from Tree and looked up. "A-Are you okay?"

"See, now that's a sound I make when you're doing something groovy. Ear rubbing working for you?" Reaching down, Tree traced along Twilight's neck to her shoulder, then slowly down further. Each time she found somewhere that made Twilight twitch a little, she remembered it.

"I-It was okay. But—Oh goodness!" Twilight's eyes widened fully as Tree's fingers squeezed into the spot between her foreleg and her barrel, and she felt like squirming just from that. "Timber didn't really want to do too much of this, and Marble's a little standoffish—until she was in control. Right there is nice."

Tree caught Twilight off-guard with a kiss. Not sure how to respond, Twilight was left thinking about it as her body reacted on its own. She sat down and reached one foreleg around Tree's neck and pulled her down a little more firmly.

What surprised Tree the most was how strong Twilight was. She relaxed and let her little pony friend lead for a bit. This resulted in her slowly slipping down to her side in the grass, and tilting her head up to continue the kiss. When it eventually broke, Tree stretched one arm up and over Twilight's back. "Like, now what do you want to do?"

"Me? But I've never…" Twilight trailed off as she realized she was literally being asked what she wanted to do, but never had. Biting her lip, Twilight nuzzled gently at one of Tree's breasts. She'd had her own just weeks earlier, but these weren't hers, and when Tree made more of those happy sounds, she figured she was doing something right.

Focusing on Twilight's attention, Tree tried to give as many cues as she could that it felt good. Sighs, little grunts, and even a moan when Twilight wrapped her lips around one nipple. "If you're going to do that, you could have a suck or two."

Twilight paused, her mind racing at what Tree had meant. Cautiously, she sucked on the nipple. Nothing happened except for Tree's more enthusiastic moan. Liking the sound, she sucked again and wasn't prepared to get a squirt of milk. Gasping, she jerked back and blinked at the white liquid trailing down Tree's breast in a runnel. "You're pregnant?!"

"Nah. At least, I don't think so." Focusing herself, Tree closed her eyes and focused inward. "Just me in here."

"So why are you leaking milk?" Twilight asked.

"Because I like making cheese, but mostly because a guy was totally fixated on nursing. He was a cutie." Tree tilted herself a little to the side. "When I said you could, like, do what you want to, I meant it. I'll tell you if something hurts or isn't working."

Despite her first freak-out, Twilight found her tongue tracing around her mouth for the taste of the milk. "I… I'm not sure if I'm into that. Err, the milk thing." She approached Tree again, this time keeping well away from Tree's breasts as if they were landmines.

Nuzzling against Tree's belly, Twilight's ears perked at the happy sigh from the woman as she slumped onto her back again. She nuzzled lower, following the soft fur to between Tree's legs. "Are you okay if I…?"