//------------------------------// // Ocellus // Story: Know your Mare // by overlord-flinx //------------------------------// Know your mare, know your mare, know your mare... Ocell-- Wait... A confused looked crossed the sea green colt casually lounging at center stage. You're not Ocellus... "Hah. No. Got me there." That's not right... You're... Sandbar...? "Got me again." Sorry... Dates must've been messed up... You're next week... "Really? Aw-no. I'm sorry. I messed things up, didn't I?" No... Receptionist must've screwed up a call... We're sorry... We DO have a lot of cracks at you... ...But we respect the order... "Nice. Can't wait to hear them." Excusing himself, Sandbar waved off to the echoing lot of voices. What a sweet boy... Maybe we should go easy--- Wait! Did you just let that pony leave?! Oh... Queeny… You're late... We got the scheduling mixed--- CLODS! OCELLUS! GET BACK HERE YOU TURNCOAT! "S-S-So long, sucker!" 'Sandbar' yelled back from the void, accompanied by a brief flash of blue flame. GRAAAAH! ...Boys... I believe we just got smeckledorfed…