Dear Princess Sunbutt

by 2Merr

Letter 67

Dear Princess Sysadmin,

You said the mirror pool was dangerous and immoral to use because it tears off pieces of your soul, so I’m making a cloning spell instead. 


I’m following all the instructions on proper spell experimentation this time. I asked Squeak ‘n Spell to review my notes, and she said they looked “pretty good, I guess.” I'll get a second review from the alpha nerds at the Mage’s Tower before doing anything else.

Don’t worry, I won’t cast it on myself. I’ll only be using a standard spell dummy within an active containment field inside a pocket dimension. It’ll be like wearing a condom to get a handjob from a sex doll filled with birth control pills. 

I’m trying to claim I’m doing this purely for the advancement of a relatively unexplored concept in magic theory, but we all know that’s not true. Whatever ulterior motive I have will likely come back to bite me. I’ll send you a copy of the notes when it’s complete. 

Your autism bomb, 