To: Anon, From HRH Sunbutt.

by Snow

From HRH Daymare, RE: Letter 44

To my faithful student, Twilight Sparkle,

Salty is a 'gamer' term describing frustrated and annoyed, not the actual status of tasting or being coated in salt. Unless I am to take it that you were attempting to inebriate Anon. I had thought you were interested in miss Fluttershy?

Your loving mentor,
Princess Celestia

PS. Monopony is one of those games that friends don't usually play together. Perhaps Ogres and Oubliettes might be to your favor? I believe your brother still paints figurines, so you might gain some advice from him.

PPS. I am fairly certain Shining Armor's therapist is encouraging neutral light conversation with you again. Cadence will be present, and she'll be bringing Positive Reinforcement.