//------------------------------// // 59 - A Narrow Escape // Story: Age of Kings // by A bag of plums //------------------------------// Emerald Edge stopped by a barn and turned to see a burning ball of fire rise into the sky. The oily flame blossomed into the air like a huge orange fist, taking with it a large collection of wood and splinters. Emerald had seen the oil, but she was surprised by just how destructive the explosion had been. Surely their pursuers would have no chance of getting through, at least from that direction. As Emerald continued to look on, there was a sudden flash of golden light and the flames seemed to wither and die down. The sounds of flapping footsteps caught Emerald’s attention. The former pegasus unsheathed her hidden blades, only to see Posey come running up the street, her quiver empty and her bow slung over her back. The archer looked haunted, though the expression lightened up once she saw Emerald and the group. “What are you doing?” Posey exclaimed. “We have to keep moving! They’ve got the staff and are coming this way!” “They can use it?” Emerald stopped in her tracks and looked down the alley Posey had come from. “No time! We must hasten!” Posey pushed her to continue on. “The archer speaks the truth.” Jade winced as she held on hand over her injured shoulder. “We are nearly to the gates. If there are any guards on duty there, we can easily overpower them and leave on High Rise’s carriage.” “High Rise is staying, is he not?” Light Speckle asked. “Is he not worried that Morn will come after him because of us?” “Oh, he’s not that unintelligent,” Jewel Pin assured them. “He’s not giving us the carriage; we are ‘stealing’ it. Should Morn Dread or his men question him, he will simply tell them that we turned on him and relieved him of  his property.” “Ah. Clever.” “Let’s just hope Morn doesn’t use Excalibur to make him tell the truth,” Emerald muttered.  “It can do that?” Jewel Pin said incredulously. Emerald shrugged. “To be honest, I’m not entirely sure what the artifacts can or cannot do. I’ve not had one in my possession long enough to study it, and even so, I’m a soldier, not a scholar. Finding out magical items’ powers is something I leave to those more experienced than I.” “Yes, this is great and all,” Spectrum bobbed at Emerald’s shoulder. “But I think we need to keep moving. Save the specurashin for later?” “That’s ‘speculation’, I think,” Light Speckle corrected. “But you are right. We must save the theorizing for later. Right now we have to get to safety.” Setting off again at a run, the group entered a courtyard, which was, like nearly everything else in The Shades, run down and littered with debris. “Come on, the fastest way to the gate is down this path,” Jade said, pointing to an alleyway winding east. “Can’t we just use one of the holes in the wall to escape?” Jewel Pin ran along behind Posey, who had taken up the seamstress’ bag again. “There were plenty, yes?” “When was the last time you saw the walls?” Posey raised an eyebrow at her. “Most of them have been patched up by now. And the ones big enough for us to go through are guarded as well.” “But if tis closer than the main gate, we could-” “Your man left the carriage by the main gate.” Posey looked at her like she couldn’t understand what she was saying. “Would you rather travel on foot or in a carriage?” Jewel Pin raised a finger, but then decided on saying anything. Emerald wonder how they could have so much time to argue even now, but at least it made her feel that perhaps the world wasn’t completely over just yet. There were a series of footsteps from one side and suddenly, three guards came out of a street in front of them, swords and torches in hand. “Stop right there, criminal scum! By order of his majesty, King Morn Dread, you have violated the law!” one of them yelled in quite the monotone voice. “You now face death. We can do this the easy way or the hard way.” “Who is ever going to choose the easy way?” Emerald reached for Amore, but then remembered Amore had been shattered in her fight with Morn. “Last chance, criminals,” the lead guard droned. “Lay down your weapons now!” “Alright, alright,” Posey said, stepping forward. She reached over her shoulder for her bow, then quick as blinking had drawn it and rushed the guards. While she had no arrows left, the bow was still made of sturdy wood, and it worked beautifully as a blunt weapon as the archer used it to break the lead guard’s nose, blinding him for the moment. Posey followed through on the strike by planting a solid roundhouse kick into the stomach of the guard on the left, making him double over in pain and then planting her hidden blade deep into his back. Jade rushed the last guard, pulling out her dagger and thrusting it into the exposed skin between the guard’s gambeson and his helmet. Spectrum went over to the lead guard and kicked him in the head. He went down and groaned, but didn’t get back up. In short order, all three guards were either dead or incapacitated. “I am sorry.” Jade looked at the three guards on the floor. “Forgive me.” “They’re onto us,” Posey said grimly. “We have to go faster.” An eagle’s screech came from above. Posey’s face grew even more solemn. “Gabriel says there’s a golden glow closing in on us from two directions. They’ve decided to split up; hurry, we must reach the gate before we are cut off!” “It is not far now!” Guard Streak pointed hurriedly ahead. “But be on the lookout. If these guards were here, then there may be more.” Other Emerald clutched her spear in both hands. “I will hold back the left path then.” Crystal Flare spun his spear in his grip and ran two steps ahead. “The rest of you, go. The less coming for you the better.” “No, not you too!” Emerald wasn’t ready to lose another friend. Again. Jade scrunched her face and placed a hand over her arrow wound, but the other one held her dagger firmly. “Then I will take the right street. I shall buy you time as well.” “I forbid this!” Emerald exclaimed. “You can’t do this! My life’s not worth more than yours!” “Oh, but it is,” Crystal Flare said softly. “You’re the only one who can stand up to Morn Dread and save the kingdom. And if giving you time to get out of here and formulate a plan aids you in that regard, then I will gladly lay down my life to help the cause.” “It’s not just about you, Lady Emerald,” Jade admonished. “We do this for the greater good, because the two of our lives are insignificant next to those of the entire kingdom. Do you understand what we are saying?” Jade gave Emerald a salute. “In order for the kingdom to be saved, you must live. That is all there is to it.” “All of you…” Emerald clenched her fists. No matter how much she wanted to say no, their words spoke truth. This wasn’t about her wants. This was about saving everyone. “Emerald.” Jade placed a hand on the guard’s shoulder and locked eyes with her. “Make sure the lady knight and her friends get away from Canterlot safely.” “I… I will, captain.” Emerald nodded confidently, tears in her eyes. “You will be remembered, captain. What you do here today… You will all be remembered.” “Then go.” Jade gave her a light push. You must reach the gates and go. Now. Haste.” “Come.” Other Emerald went to the front of the group. “They are giving us their time. We must continue on.” The group agreed simultaneously and continued running, but Emerald stopped again and turned back for one last look at her two brave friends. These guards were all stubborn to the end, always willing to give their lives, be it for the kingdom or the empire. In the end, she would rather have friends like these than cowards who would run. Turning her back, Emerald ran on behind the rest of her friends, swiftly catching up, her legs already starting to get sore from all the running in her armor, making her once again wish she still had her wings. Most of them still looked like they could keep running, but Jewel Pin was already falling behind, her breath ragged and fast; Posey still had her bag and the archer was way ahead. “Jewel Pin, come, you need to keep going.” Emerald slowed beside her and put an arm around her waist to help her on. “I-I cannot. Tired… Cannot… Keep going,” she wheezed. “What a… dreadful… day.” “But we’re almost there!” Spectrum encouraged. She fell back to Jewel Pin and scrutinized the woman. “Come on!” “I’m… afraid you might need to… leave me,” Jewel Pin panted. “I’m only slowing you down.” The spymaster was having none of it. First the guards, now Jewel Pin? She refused to let anyone else die for her. Wrapping her arms around the seamstress, Emerald pulled Jewel Pin onto her back.  “Not anymore,” Emerald said, setting her teeth in a determined grimace. “We shall go together.” Adjusting the scissors so that they wouldn’t poke into Emerald, Jewel Pin bounced along on Emerald’s back, catching her breath. Two more guards tried to slash at them as they ran by, leaping from the shadows of the Drifting Stallion, but her years of training had taken over and Emerald had ducked to a slide, tripping one on her way while she stabbed the other in the ankle. Both fell as she got back up and pushed Jewel Pin to go on. Spectrum Song and Guard Streak came back to pull Jewel Pin along while Emerald knocked out the two guards with swift punches to their jaws. They were almost out now. It was just a single straight path all the way to the main gate. They were going to make it. Emerald spotted two flashes of light rising up behind the buildings as she flipped herself around to run. The enemy was coming, but they would be too late. “Make haste, Em!” Spectrum called back to her. “Just go, I will catch up. Keep running!” Suddenly, the building on her right was blown to smithereens by a bolt of white lightning, spraying wood all across the street. Something stung Emerald’s cheek and waist, but she couldn’t afford to stop now. They were so close to the main gates. Two guards stood by the entrance, but Posey and Other Emerald Edge were on them almost as fast as they could point their spears at them. The first guard’s weapon was kicked out of his hands by Posey, while Emerald grabbed it as it fell, using it to prod the second guard in the nose and then flipping it around to stab him in the chest, piercing right through his armor and through his heart. Posey spun around the first guard and slashed at his neck with her hidden blade. The guard grabbed for his neck and went down quickly, choking on his own blood. “Go, go!” Other Emerald directed the others out the gates where a carriage and two horses waited by the side along the dirt path. Jewel Pin was first on, placing her luggage at the back of the carriage and tying it down, while the rest piled in, disappearing from sight as Emerald stood by the gates, keeping an eye on things. The seamstress got on the top and grabbed ahold of the horse’s reins, getting it ready to go. Unfortunately, the streets of Canterlot weren’t clear. Guards approached down the main path, their marching boots thudding against the dirt path as they got closer and closer. “Now or never, we need to leave!” Emerald ran over to join her friends, climbing in. Everyone was in now, except her guard doppelganger. “Emerald, let us go. We must make haste if we are to outrun them.” The Canterlot guard had her eyes on the approaching enemy. “I… I will buy you time. I look like you. I can trick them into thinking they’ve caught you.” “What? Not you too! Enough sacrifices have been made today.” Emerald stretched out her hand. “Come. Come with us.” The guard shook her head and removed her helmet. “Your safety comes first, my lady. What am I but a lowly Canterlot guard compared to you. We may be the same, but then again, we are not. Go, Lady Emerald. Quickly now. Do not waste our lives.” She pushed Emerald in and slapped on the door a few times. “Go, seamstress! Take them away! I will hold them back.” Jewel Pin hesitated for a second, but then nodded and got the horses moving.  The carriage sped off into the night, and with very little illumination beyond the castle walls, it was soon swallowed up in the dark. “Good luck, Lady Emerald,” Emerald said quietly before going into the gatehouse. She took a sword from one of the fallen guards and lowered the portcullis, then jammed the sword into the gears, effectively locking it shut. Then she left the gatehouse and stood by the road, watching as three golden lights closed in from left, right, and straight ahead. The first to arrive was Sir Hors, his visor down and the golden staff in his hands, shedding a harsh golden glow on the scene. A handful of guards trotted in after him, spears and swords in hand. From the east side came Sir Lionheart and his radiant shield, his eyes almost normal now, though there was still a tint of gold in them. Another group of guards came with him, these ones mostly sporting bows. And then down the middle, with the largest troop of guards, Morn Dread thundered into view, quite literally. Lightning sparked and flashed from Excalibur, one even zapping out and shattering a lamp as he passed it. His eyes were glowing a fierce gold, like when Lady Emerald used the sword herself. He was breathing heavily and seemed almost… tired. The guard remembered about how humans couldn’t use the artifacts without nearly killing themselves, but Morn seemed have been able to offset the side effects, at least partially. Emerald spotted the hole in his chest armor and gulped. This was her one chance if her plan worked. She placed a hand over the dagger at the back of her belt and breathed deeply. Either way, she would slow him down and give Lady Emerald and the others a chance to get far away. So far away that Morn would have great trouble reaching them or even finding them. “Tis over, Emerald Edge!” Lionheart shouted. “There is nowhere left to flee!” “I will speak to Sir Morn,” Emerald said, trying to keep her composure. “Only, Sir Morn.” “Tis King Morn now.” Sir Hors thudded the staff on the ground, emitting a shower of small sparks. “You will address him as so.”  “Now, now,” Morn Dread’s voice echoed across the expanse. “This is Lady Emerald you are speaking to,” The dark knight flourished Excalibur and stepped closer. “Show some respect for your queen-to-be. My lady, have you finally come to your senses? Do you now see I will bring about the good of this world?” He thinks I am Lady Emerald… Emerald thought. Perhaps in the dark, it would be easy to mistake one for another, seeing as they were the same person. “Come now, my lady,” Morn said, edging closer. “Go back to the castle with me. I shall have you washed and dressed in silks within the hour.” Emerald leaned away from him, her dagger hand trembling slightly. She was only going to have one chance at this. “My lady?” Morn raised Excalibur high, and a pure gold light shone from the sword, banishing the shadows that Emerald had been hiding in. Sir Morn’s face twisted into surprise, then settled into fury. “What- Who- You are not my beloved. What is this!?” he roared, leaping forward and wrapping his fingers around Emerald’s neck, lifting her off the ground. “Where is Lady Emerald, you deceitful snipe?!” Emerald tried to pry apart the fingers on her throat, but Morn Dread was too strong.  “Far… away…” Emerald choked out. “Far from here… and far… from you.” And with her piece said, Emerald whipped out her dagger and stabbed it at Morn’s exposed face. Morn flinched and instinctively dropped Emerald. The dagger had sunk into his cheek, and blood flowed down the side of his face. With an enraged howl, Morn thrust forward with Excalibur, impaling Emerald through the chest and lifting her up off the ground. Blazing light surged from the magic sword, crackling like a bonfire as it burned Emerald’s body into ashes.  Still breathing heavily, Morn reached up and removed the dagger from his face. The wound bled for a few seconds more, then began to close and heal. He shook the last few clumps of ash from Excalibur and turned around, putting his back to the portcullis. “Our quarry has evaded us for now,” Morn announced. “Knights, back to the castle. Lady Emerald is clever, so we must be cleverer. She shall not slip through my grasp so easily! I will find her… and she will see things my way, or she shall perish.”