//------------------------------// // The Main Event // Story: The no-gooder // by TheGamerBrony //------------------------------// The eight heroes immediately left Sugarcube Corner and boarded a train to Canterlot. Corn was starting to regret not listening to Peg and Mayor Montagu about how dangerous this mission would be. “You were right, Peg. Going to Equestria to stop Cozy Glow wasn’t really a good idea. What if she turns me back into a bully?” Corn asked his pegasus friend, worried about what Cozy will do to him. “We made it this far, haven’t we?” Peg replied. “This may be different from all of the other things we did, but we finally get to do something cool, just like Captain Thunderhoof. You were so excited to go on this adventure at first, why are you so nervous now?” “I haven’t seen Cozy in years. Who knows what our first encounter after all these years would look like?” Corn responded. “Corn, don’t let Cozy keep you down. She can’t hurt you. I’ll make sure of that. Everything will be okay.” Peg told her unicorn friend in an attempt to calm him down. She held on to his hoof. One train ride and a long walk later, Corn, Peg, and the friendship students made it to Cozy Glow’s lair, which looked like a royal castle you would see in Canterlot and it was rare to see one so far away from Canterlot. “This is the place? Doesn’t look too scary!” said Smolder upon looking at the castle’s exterior. “But what’s INSIDE this castle is the really scary part!” added Silverstream. “You got that right! I don’t think I wanna go in there! I wanna go home!” added a frightened Corn, who was shaking like a leaf. “Corn, she’s just a little kid! She can’t hurt you!” replied Ocellus. “But she’s a princess! An evil princess! I didn’t know those existed!” replied Corn. “Come on, Corn!” Peg chimed in. “Would Captain Thunderhoof run away from a problem because she was too scared to face it?” Corn took a few deep breaths in order to pull himself together. “You got a good point there.” “No need to worry about anything, Corn.” Gallus added. “We’ll be there to help you if you need it.” “Thanks, guys!” Corn said before taking another breath. “Okay, let’s do it!” The eight entered the castle to confront Cozy Glow. She got up from her throne and walked up to Corn and that really made him nervous. “Well, well, look who finally decided to pay me a visit! How’s life been for you, Cornelius?” Cozy Glow asked the frightened unicorn. “H-hi, C-c-cozy! Long time no see?” Corn said as he was sweating profusely. As he gave Cozy a nervous smile, she grabbed him by the throat. “Listen here, pipsqueak! I trained you to become tough so you could help me rule Equestria, not to become some goody four-shoes! You’ve made some bad decisions, but this takes the cake! Lucky for you, you can win back my respect! Hold still!” Cozy said as she took Corn’s soul from his body. His lifeless body dropped to the ground. Peg let out a gasp. “Corn? CORN?!” She ran to him, tears in her eyes. “Corn, speak to me. Please! CORN, NO!” Cozy Glow laughed as she walked up to Peg. “You killed my friend! You’re going down!” shouted Peg. “I didn’t kill him. He’ll be just fine! He’ll just work for me for all of eternity!” Cozy replied. “I won’t let you do anything to my best friend!” Peg shouted. Her sadness turned to anger. “YOUR best friend? More like, MY assistant!” Cozy replied before laughing maniacally. “Guards, deal with the others!” Cozy’s guards took Corn’s friends and locked them into what appeared to be a dungeon. “This is terrible! I should’ve never accepted that mission! Look what happened to poor Corn! Now he has to work for Cozy Glow forever, and it’s all my fault!” Peg said before she began to cry. “Don’t lose hope, Peg!” replied Gallus. “We just have to break out of this jail cell, defeat Cozy Glow, restore Corn back to his normal self, Equestria is saved, and we’re home free!” “That’s a really complex plan, Gallus.” Ocellus replied. “How will we go through with that? Cozy is apparently stronger than us.” “Have you not paid any attention in class? Cozy’s magic may be strong, but if we work together, our friendship could be stronger and it could blow Cozy away!” Gallus replied. “And that’s why you’re our fearless leader!” Sandbar remarked. “But how will we break out of here?” Peg asked. “Ok, Corn. We’re all alone now. So I suppose I can give you your soul back.” Cozy announced as she cast a spell to get Corn to wake up. Corn slowly opened his eyes. “Huh? W-where am I?” he said. “Hello, Cornelius!” Cozy said menacingly. Corn let out a scream. “Now I remember! Anyone, help!” he panicked. “Noone is here to help you. We’re all alone now!” Cozy replied. “What did you do to my friends?” Corn asked. “Oh, those softies? You won’t have to worry about them anymore.” Cozy replied. “You hurt them, I hurt you!” Corn retorted. “Aww, how adorable! Cornelius thinks that he’s stronger than me!” Cozy teased. “STOP CALLING ME THAT!” Corn yelled right in her face. “Let’s just cut to the chase. Get ready to face a lifetime of evil!” Cozy said as she pointed her lit horn at Corn. “STOP!” a familiar voice called. “Leave our friend alone, you no-gooder!” yelled Gallus. “YOUR friend? He’s MY assistant!” Cozy yelled. Corn pointed his lit horn at Cozy Glow. “They’re serious, Cozy! They mean business!” Cozy laughed. “Wow, you’re hilarious! Do you really think your pathetic army of Care Bears will put an end to my reign?” “Oh, so you’re doubting me, huh? Wanna find out?” Corn responded. “BRING IT ON!” Cozy shouted. “Defensive positions, everyone!” ordered Gallus. Cozy threw the first attack, but missed. “What?! How did I miss that?!” Cozy complained. “Isn’t it obvious, Cozy? When you taught me how to be a bully, you apparently didn’t realize that you taught me how to perfectly dodge attacks.” Corn responded. Cozy realized her error and let out a simple “Oh.” “Alright, everyone! Let’s tag team from this point on!” Corn announced. “Let’s finish this once and for all!” While the Young Six used their powers given to them by the Elements of Harmony, Corn and Peg started off their attack with their “secret” handshake. “Left, right, hey, pachow!” they both said in unison. “Ready, everyone?” Corn asked. Everyone replied with “Ready!” “Let’s give it all we got!” Corn said. The students’ orb glowed, so did Corn’s horn and Peg’s wings. Together, a colorful beam shot out and struck right at Cozy Glow, who turned into stone afterwards. “Who’s the dummy now, eh Cozy?” Corn gleefully said. “That’s all fine and good, but the corruption in Equestria’s still going on.” Ocellus announced. Gallus walked up to Grogar’s bell and observed it. “I think this is where the dark magic came from. We gotta destroy it somehow.” “I got this.” Corn said as he walked up to the bell. He lit up his horn again to destroy it with his laser. Suddenly, magical rainbow lasers flew all over Equestria, indicating that everything was back to normal. This prompted cheers from all eight do-gooders. “We did good, Corn!” said Peg. “We sure did, Peg!” replied Corn. “I’m sorry for misjudging you before. You were great out there!” said Peg. “So were you, Peg!” replied Corn before the two shared a kiss. “Awww!” the Young Six all said in unison, even Gallus believe it or not! Corn and Peg stopped their kiss when their cell phone rang. It was Mayor Montagu calling again. “Wahoo!” Mayor Montagu shouted over the phone in excitement.  “That was awesome!” his son Todd added. “Did you see us defeat Cozy Glow?” Corn asked. “We sure did! We had a watch party at my comics shop! Everyone in Galloping Grove came and they were super excited! It felt like we all won the lottery!” Todd replied. “We’re holding a celebration for you two and your friends back at Galloping Grove. All of you come over there as soon as you can!” Mayor Montagu announced before ending the call. “Wow! A celebration? For us?” Corn and Peg said in unison. “And he’s inviting us? That’s quite an honor!” Sandbar added. “Yona never been to Galloping Grove before! Yona so proud of Yona new friends!” Yona added as she went to hug Corn and Peg. “We’re all proud!” Gallus added as he and the rest of his friends joined the group hug. “We should get to the train station right away. Everyone in Galloping Grove is waiting for us.” Corn announced. One train ride later, the eight heroes arrived in Galloping Grove where they enjoyed a warm welcome by all of the citizens in Galloping Grove as well as the families of the Young Six (except for Gallus, who doesn’t have a family), Princess Twilight and her friends. “They’re here, everyone!” Mayor Montagu announced, prompting cheers from the crowd as the eight climbed the city hall stairs. “Wow, we get to stand on stairs?! This is the best day ever!” Silverstream shouted in excitement. “Attention, citizens. As mayor of Galloping Grove, I have the privilege of honoring these eight do-gooders for their heroism. Corn and Peg, for your constant good deeds and for always making Galloping Grove a better place, I hereby award you the key to the city.” Mayor Montagu announced, prompting cheers from the crowd. Mayor Montagu continued with his speech. “As for the six creatures behind me: Gallus, Ocellus, Sandbar, Silverstream, Smolder, and Yona, for your heroism, I hereby declare you honorary citizens of Galloping Grove.” Once again, the crowd cheered. Mayor Montagu walked over to Corn and Peg. “Corn and Peg, I would like to apologize for misjudging you before. I now realize that you have done a lot of good for not only Galloping Grove, but the world as well. So, I shall ask you: would you two like to continue your legacy of friendship in Equestria as students at Princess Twilight’s School of Friendship?” “Holy hay bales, Peg! He’s asking us if we want to go to Twilight’s school!” Corn exclaimed. “We would love to go, Mayor!” Corn and Peg said in unison. “Oh my gosh! Corn and Peg will be joining us! This is awesome!” Gallus exclaimed. Twilight walked on stage to welcome Corn and Peg to her school. “I’m glad you made the choice to come to Equestria full-time, Corn and Peg. I’ve heard a lot about all of the good deeds you’ve done around your neighborhood, and I believe that my school will be a perfect fit for you. And so I say, welcome to the School of Friendship!” This prompted more cheers from the crowd. This went on until Corn and Peg left Galloping Grove to go to Twilight’s school where they will continue their do-good legacy.