//------------------------------// // Cozy Glow?! // Story: The no-gooder // by TheGamerBrony //------------------------------// After walking out of Headmare Twilight’s office, Corn was in complete shock when he found out who was behind all this corruption. “Did she really say Cozy Glow was behind all of this?!” Corn asked. “Um, yeah, she did.” Peg replied. “Oh no! She’s back?! And just when I’m trying to change my life for the better!” Corn exclaimed. His voice indicated that he was very worried about what she might do to him. “Wait, you actually know her?” Gallus asked the worried unicorn. “Yeah, I do.” Corn started his story. “Before Peg and I met, Cozy Glow was who I would always hang out with. She taught me how ‘cool’ it was to do bad things and I blindly listened to her. Eventually, I became the school bully, pushing foals into muddy puddles, stuffing foals into lockers, getting into fights, disrespecting authority figures, it was awful! After a while, I realized it didn’t feel right and I told Cozy that being a bully wasn’t right, but she didn’t listen to what I had to say. In fact, she actually threatened me if I didn’t do what she told me, so I continued to bully other classmates until I was expelled from my old school. My parents then put me in another district. When I was first enrolled, I didn’t have any friends because of what I did at my old school. Everybody was afraid that I might hurt them. That made me feel terrible. And just when everything was about to fall apart, Peg came into my life. She taught me how to do good deeds and shaped me from the schoolyard bully I was into the do-gooder I am today. Since then, Peg has been an important part in my life and she will always be important to me.” “Oh, thank you, Corn! You’re a very important part of my life too!” Peg added as she went over to give Corn a hug. Corn’s story hit hard for Gallus as he went through a similar situation Corn went through. His eyes filled with tears. “You’re very lucky to have someone like Peg in your life, Corn. I just wish I could say the same for myself. I grew up in Griffonstone without a family or even a home for that matter. I was abused physically and mentally by Grampa Gruff, the ruler of Griffonstone. Gabby, the mail carrier, was aware of my situation and told me about Twilight’s school. I was big on friendship, so I decided to go. By the time I arrived, I was exhausted and on the verge of death. I was severely underweight because I couldn’t eat anything without Grampa Gruff beating me up. Starlight Glimmer looked at me and knew what was wrong. I told her about Griffonstone and my journey to the school. She fixed me up by preparing a big dinner for me that helped me gain 200 pounds and by giving me a nice, soothing bath to clean off all of the Griffonstone from my body. She then introduced me to Headmare Twilight who offered me a chance to study at the school, to which I agreed. Since then, I met many new friends and I’ve been learning a lot about friendship and how wonderful it is!” “I’m very sorry you had to deal with that, Gallus!” Peg added. “Why would anyone want to hurt a poor, innocent griffon?” “Because of the color of my feathers. Grampa Gruff said that I looked like a pony and my parents threw me away because of that. Griffons hate ponies because of their views on friendship. While griffons hate the idea of friendship, the ponies are trying their best to maintain friendship in Equestria. Which is why Grampa Gruff and the rest of Griffonstone are so prejudiced towards them.” Gallus replied. “Wow, that’s harsh. I’m sorry, Gallus.” Corn chimed in as he and Peg went over to give Gallus the biggest hug ever. Gallus gleefully hugged back. “Say, what time is it?” Gallus asked. “4 o’clock.” Peg replied. “I’m due to meet my friends over at Sugarcube Corner at 4. You two should come along. I’m sure they would love to meet you.” Gallus said. “Okay!” Corn and Peg said in unison. The three then went to Sugarcube Corner to meet Gallus’s friends. Little did they know, Cozy Glow was watching over them this whole time. “Well, well. So this is what Corn has been up to! He fell for that stupid friendship stuff! Well, little does that pipsqueak know, I got a special surprise waiting for him! And his girlfriend! And everybody in Equestria!” Cozy Glow monologued before letting out an evil laugh.