//------------------------------// // Time to do good // Story: The no-gooder // by TheGamerBrony //------------------------------// It was an ordinary day in Galloping Grove, home of Corn and Peg, notorious for doing good deeds all around town. Today was a slow day for the two do-gooders, so they decided to watch the newest episode of their favorite television show, Captain Thunderhoof. “Wow, Peg! Wasn’t that a great episode or what?” Corn said after the episode ended. “It sure was, Corn! Captain Thunderhoof is the best superhero ever!” Peg replied before letting out a sigh. “I wish we could do cool stuff like her.” The telephone rang and Corn went to answer it. Corn picked up the phone. “Corn and Peg’s Do-Gooder Clubhouse. Corn speaking.” A voice on the other end said “Hello, my dear do-gooder! How are you on this fine afternoon?” Corn couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Captain Thunderhoof was calling THEM! “Oh my gosh! Is this Captain Thunderhoof? THE Captain Thunderhoof?” asked a surprised Corn. “It sure is.” Captain Thunderhoof replied. “Hold on, Captain. I gotta get Peg in the room.” Corn called for his friend. “Peg, you might wanna come here!” Peg walked in the room. “Is everything okay in here, Corn?” “Listen to this!” Corn told his friend before putting an impatient Captain Thunderhoof on speakerphone. “Um, hello? I don’t have all day, you know!” she said. “Oh my gosh, I can’t believe we’re actually speaking to Captain Thunderhoof!” said Peg, who was as surprised as her unicorn friend. “Now that you are both here, I have a very important mission for you two.” Captain Thunderhoof announced. “Anything, Captain!” Corn and Peg replied in unison. “This isn’t the small deed you usually do, like cleaning up the community park or helping a shy classmate make friends. This mission is a serious responsibility, but I know with all my heart that you two can do it well. Equestria is currently being corrupted by a dark power that is turning ponies against each other and I am counting on you two to end the spread of this dark magic and restore Equestria to its friendlier self.” Captain Thunderhoof continued. “Okey-dokey, Captain! Peg and I wi-” Corn said before being interrupted by Peg. “Hold your horses, Corn! Let’s stop and think this through for a bit. Captain Thunderhoof wants us, a couple of little foals, to go to a land far away from here and risk our lives trying to defeat some evil princess! Doesn’t that sound even a teeny bit sketchy to you?” “I’m not a little foal, I’m a manly man!” Corn replied. “You’re seven years old! That’s nowhere near manly!” Peg said, growing irritated by Corn’s ignorance. “Whatever, you’re just worrying over nothing.” Corn said smugly. “Over nothing?! First of all, Equestria, a place that we’re not familiar with, happens to be hundreds of miles from here! Second, we might lose our lives trying to defeat whatever’s spreading this dark magic! Third, we are two foals going to a faraway land BY OURSELVES! And you’re just okay with this?!” Peg complained. Corn let out a simple “Yep”. Peg just had to facepalm. “Sometimes, Corn, I believe you have hay for brains.” Captain Thunderhoof realized that she was in an awkward situation and said “Um, you do know that I’m still on the line, right?” Peg let out an annoyed sigh. “Sorry, Captain Thunderhoof. Sometimes, Corn is just so stupid! He’s all for doing this dangerous mission, so I guess I have to go with him. Make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid.” “Wonderful! Good luck, do-gooders!” replied Captain Thunderhoof before ending the call. This only made Peg more infuriated. She mocked Captain Thunderhoof by saying “Wonderful! Good luck with this incredibly dangerous mission which will possibly cost you your lives!” “I’m so excited, Peg! We finally get to do something cool!” Corn said. “Shut up, Corn! I never wanted to do this!” said Peg sternly. “Now let’s just pack our stuff and head for the train station.” After a while packing, Corn and Peg finally made it to the train station were they saw Mayor Montagu who, judging by his name, is the mayor of Galloping Grove. Corn greeted the mayor by saying “How do, Mayor Montagu!” while Peg didn’t speak at all, still furious at Corn for making them go to Equestria. “Well, hello there, Corn and Peg! What brings you two here?” Mayor Montagu replied. “We’re off on an important friendship mission in Equestria!” Corn replied. “Equestria? That’s pretty far from here.” Mayor Montagu said. “That was exactly what I’ve been trying to tell Corn, but he just has to blindly follow orders from Captain Thunderhoof!” an annoyed Peg chimed in. “You know, Corn. She does have a point. Travelling to a different place could be very dangerous for a foal your age.” Mayor Montagu said. Corn scoffed. “We live by ourselves though. Nothing to worry about!” Now Mayor Montagu started to worry. “Yes, but you do have adult guardians watching over you. Myself, Todd, Sheriff Swiftstone, Miss Biscuit, Farmer Shire, do you see where I’m going with this, Corn?” “Yeah, yeah, but Captain Thunderhoof is expecting us to go!” Corn replied. “Captain Thunderhoof is a TV character! She’s not real!” Mayor Montagu said with a stern tone in his voice. “But we spoke to her over the pho-” Corn said before being interrupted by Mayor Montagu, who started to get angry with Corn. “Corn, I don’t want to hear it! Stop the nonsense and go home where you belong!” “Believe it or not, that actually was Captain Thunderhoof.” Peg replied. “And how am I supposed to believe THAT?!” replied an irritated Mayor Montagu. Thankfully, Corn had an audio recorder on his person. He recorded the over-the-phone conversation he had with Captain Thunderhoof...and he and Peg’s argument. Mayor Montagu was in shock. “Wow, she actually is real. Well, now that I know it’s legitimate, I suppose I can let you go...on one condition.” He then gave the pair a cell phone. “I want you to call me daily so I can know what’s going on. My number is already in the phone so you don’t have to remember it.” “Thanks, Mayor Montagu!” Corn and Peg said in unison. “Don’t mention it. Good luck, and most importantly, be safe! Call me everyday!” said Mayor Montagu sternly. “We will!” said the two as they were boarding the train. The two handed their tickets to the conductor and took their seats. “Woohoo, I’m so excited!” Corn exclaimed. “Just be lucky you got off the hook this time. Had I not been with you, Mayor Montagu would’ve probably grounded you or something.” Peg replied. “He can’t do that, silly! He isn’t our dad!” Corn replied. “True, but he acts like a dad. He was only trying to make sure we were safe, that’s all.” Peg replied. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Corn replied. A few seconds of silence, then Corn asked Peg a question. “Sooo… when will we get to Equestria?” “In about six hours time. Meaning this will be a long ride.” Peg replied. Some time later, Corn’s stomach growled, indicating he was getting hungry. “Getting hungry, Corn?” Peg asked. “Yeah.” he replied. “I’m growing a bit of an appetite myself. Why don’t we grab a bite to eat in the dining car?” said Peg. “Right behind you, Peg!” Corn replied. Corn and Peg took their seats at a table in the dining car. Corn looked at the menu. “Holy hay bales, Peg! Look at all of this food!” Corn exclaimed. “Yeah, but don’t eat too much. You don’t wanna get sick before our mission.” replied Peg. A waiter approached their table and asked “Are you ready to order?” Peg ordered a salad and a small bottle of water while Corn ordered a big bowl of spaghetti and a 2 liter bottle of Pony Cola. Peg took her time with her food while Corn wasn’t considering table manners at the time. He was eating like an animal, guzzling down his entire soda in one gulp, and ended his meal with a big belch. “You know, Corn. Maybe in Equestria, someone can teach you actual table manners. You eat like a pig!” a disgusted Peg said. “What? I was so hungry.” Corn replied while Peg rolled her eyes at his remark. After their meal, Corn decided to take a nap while Peg read a book. As soon as they knew it, they arrived in Equestria. “Finally, we’re here.” Peg said to herself as she was shaking Corn in an attempt to wake him up. Corn woke up from his nap and yawned. “Are we here already?” “We sure are. Come on, let’s go!” Peg replied. Upon getting off the train, Peg asked “So, where in Equestria do we need to go?” “According to Captain Thunderhoof, we’re supposed to go to the School of Friendship to meet up with some people who will be going on the mission with us.” Corn replied. Peg was relieved to hear that. “Good, so we’re not the only ones doing this mission.” “Of course, do you really think Captain Thunderhoof would just send a couple of foals out on a dangerous mission by themselves?” Corn replied while Peg gave him a smug look. “What?” Corn asked before he realized why Peg was looking at him in that manner. “Oh, right. Okay, Peg. You win this round. Now let’s just get to the school already.” It took them awhile to find the school, but they eventually found it. They went inside and were amazed with the size and the architecture of the building. “Woah, this place is huge!” Peg said. “Yeah, it sure is!” Corn replied as he accidentally bumped into a student at the school. This student was a blue griffon, with yellow tips on his head feathers and amber chest fur. “Hey! Watch where you’re going!” the griffon said. “Sorry, mister. But my friend and I are here on a friendship mission.” Corn said. “Friendship mission, eh? Well, Headmare Twilight Sparkle could help you with that. I’m only a student here.” the griffon replied. “Do you happen to know anything about a dark magic that is corrupting Equestria?” Peg asked the griffon. “I think I heard something like that in my current events class.” the griffon responded. “That’s exactly why we’re here. We’ve been sent here to end the corrupt magic.” said Corn. “You two? I don’t know. You two seem pretty young for something like that. Perhaps I should tag along. By the way, my name is Gallus. What are your names?” said Gallus. “I’m Corn.” “And I’m Peg.” “Well, it’s very nice to meet you, Corn and Peg. Let me introduce you to Headmare Twilight. Maybe she knows about this dark magic you’ve been talking about.” said Gallus. The three walked over to Twilight’s office. Gallus knocked on the door. “Come in!” answered Twilight. Gallus, Corn, and Peg walked into the office. “Hello, Gallus. Who are your friends?” Twilight asked. “The blue unicorn with the red jacket is Corn and the pink pegasus pony is Peg. They came all the way from Galloping Grove to deal with some kind of dark magic corrupting Equestria. Do you happen to know anything about it?” Gallus replied. “Know anything about it? I told you about it in current events class! You weren’t daydreaming about you and Silverstream again, did you?” asked Twilight. Her question caused Gallus to blush and Corn and Peg to snicker and try not to laugh. Twilight let out a chuckle. “I knew it. Anyways, that is a problem. I’ve been thinking of sending you and your friends out there to end the corruption. Word has it that Cozy Glow is behind this mess. Make sure you hold her and whatever help she has accountable.” “Yes, ma’am!” Gallus said before the three walked out of Twilight’s office.