Equestria Ninja Gems

by Mister V

A Visit From A Master

A Visit From A Master

Shortly after their return from Beach City, Sunset was trying to figure out how these 'Skylanders' work. Fugitoid came in wondering if something is wrong.

"Sunset are you ok?" Fugitoid asked with concern for his friend.

"Yeah I'm fine, i'm just trying to figure out how these things work." Sunset said before she had to ask an important question. "Professor, do you think Eon would be proud of me if he were here today."

"I know he would be very proud of you." Fugitoid said to his old friend. then as if on cue, they both saw a ghostly old man emerged from a beam of light. This was the ghost of Master Eon, Sunset's father and the man who left that chest for her to find.

"Now before either of you scream...." Eon began.

As if on cue, Fugitoid to scream like a girl, causing both Sunset and Eon to cover their ears. Ofcourse, Sunset was also a bit flusters about this too.

"DAD?!?!" Sunset asked shocked to see him here "But you- where did- how are-" Before she could finish, Eon explained himself.

"It's a long story consisting of a great battle with Kaos and his armies then something big blasted The Core Of Light, though i'm not sure what it was." He said rather quickly. Sunset didn't care what happened.

"I'm just glad to finally meet you." She said before rushing to hug her, but only to phase right through him and land on the couch.

"Yes, I was just as surprised as you are about the whole 'lack of a corporeal form' thing." Eon said before explaining the benefits of being a spirit. "But this form has allowed me to travel through barriers that I never thought possible, see things that I've never seen before, like how those machines that set up bowling pins actually work."

"Whoa, Donnie's been figuring that out for months." Sunset said.

"But more importantly Sunset it's aloud me to watch over you for quite some time now." Eon said with a smile.

"Has it really?" Sunset asked astonished.

"And I have never been more proud of anyone than I am of you." Eon said with love in his eyes.

"Thanks Master-" Sunset started but stopped mid sentence "I mean dad." she them hugged Master Eon and this time she didn't phase through.

"But know I must ask a favor of you and your friends." Eon said with certainty.

"What's that?" Sunset asked.

"I want you to work hard on activating your portal and awakening these Skylanders." Eon said pointing toward the portal and Skylanders. "So that when it's activated, you and your friends can travel to Skylands for a very important mission. I know this is a very difficult, life changing decision, which is why I'm going to three seconds to decide."

"Thanks." Sunset said, a bit unamused. She thought about this for a moment, and realised that this is her chance to see where she was born, and if it is in trouble, she has to help. "Ok dad, I'll work as hard as I can."

"Good, that's all I can ask, and I hope to see you again soon." Eon said before disappeared right before both Sunset and Fugitoid's eyes.

"See you soon, dad." Sunset said before turning to Fugitoid. "OK Professor, let's get to work."

"I'm right with you Sunset." Fugitoid said with enthusiasm.