Voidic and The Chamber of Secrets

by lightningman

Chapter 8 - Quidditch Quarrel

The next morning I woke up to the smell of breakfast. I dressed hurriedly and went down to Great Hall. I sat down beside Ron and Hermione.
"Where's Harry?" I asked underneath my cloth mask and hood.
"Probably at Quidditch Practice. Our Quidditch Captain, Oliver Wood, is a hawk on waking early to train." Ron said as he took a bite of toast and bacon.
"Ah, okay." I nodded as I ate as well. As soon as I finished, we headed down to the Quidditch pitch to see them getting out of the dressing room.
"Aren't you finished yet?" Ron asked amazed.
"Haven't even started." Harry grumbled a bit, but it seems he wasn't that tired. Must be his magic keeping him up. "Wood's been teaching us new moves. Anyway. When's the first class Voidic?" Harry asked me.
"It should be tommorow if my mental calendar isn't entirely screwed up." I say thoughtfully.
"Ok." Harry nodded as he launched into the air. Sooon enough, there was grumbling as I heard Wood talk to Fred and George and Harry.
"The Slytherins don't need a spy, Oliver." George said.
"Oh? And why's that?" Oliver asked testily.
"Because their over there." Fred said as he indeed pointed at a few slytherins coming down the pitch. I hopped over the stand wall and landed on the field.
"Flint!" Wood shouted, but, it wasn't as angry as I thought. "I thought we agreed to keep away from each other's practices!"
Flint laughed in a deep voice. "Well, unfortunately we need to use the pitch as well. I asked Professor Snape for a note of permission. Here." And he indeed passed down a note to Oliver, who read it out loud.
"I, Professor S. Snape, give the slytherin team permission to practise today on the Quidditch pitch owing to the need to .... Train their new seeker? You have a new seeker? Who?" Asked Oliver confused from his anger.
"I'm here!" Draco shouted as he hurried from the changing room. "I was late because I ate a bit too much dinner yesterday and overslept. Sorry."
"It's fine Malfoy." Flint said. "Being a seeker does deserve being the best you can be, which includes sleep." Flint turned a sneaky eye onto Harry. "Which obviously the Gryffindor Captain doesn't get." This riled up Oliver a bit.
"How dare you!"
"Oliver, I'm tempted to agree with Flint." I say as I walked up. Everyone jumped.
"W..Wh... What?" Oliver asked shocked.
"Look at your team." I ordered "Their all still half asleep, what would have happened if one of them fell asleep while on their damn broom! that would have been on you! Are you going to be responsible if one of your teammates get injured or god forbid, dies, if they fall asleep on the pitch? They need their sleep! I bet they didn't even listen to any of your moves!" Oliver's eyes widened as what I said sunk in.
"Oh merlin." He said as he hurried over to his teammates and the slytherins were surprisingly subdued during this.
"And you guys? I know you have a good reason to come onto the pitch right now. But couldn't you have simply asked Wood if you could have shared the pitch first instead of going directly to a teacher? You could have worked a compromise. Two of you are above owl levels. I bet you coulda easily create a wall between the two ends of the pitch. That would haave worked out perfectly for the both of you!" Flint looked sheepish as he silently nodded a bit at understanding what I was saying. I looked to see Ron, Hermione joining Harry and the rest of the gryffindor Quidditch team to the castle. "Well, it's too late now. the Gryffindors look like their going to get some rest before the rest of the day. So get some practice. You better be at your best before your matches." I say as I left.
But what surprised me was that we had completely managed to avoid the slugs. Which was a good, yet bad thing. A good thing because then Ron won't be sick for the rest of the day. A bad thing, because now he won't be able to tell harry that Tom Riddle had a special services to the school award. Oh wait, that wasn't going to happen anyway because neither of them got any detentions because of the tree. I sighed and rubbed my eyes. This was gonna be a pain to get on track. I would have to stick with Harry until tonight and get him to go near lockhart's office. Hmm, maybe we could take a scenic route to my classroom. But then I'd have to ask him to help me with something there. Maybe I could ask him to charge up the runes in the classroom with his overpowered magic. Yes, that works perfectly.
With a plan in mind, I set off to get it into action. It went without a damn hitch. I even managed to subtly slip in the there was once a person with the name of Tom Riddle that got the special services to the school award. I did it by saying that Harry should have gotten some recognition other than from the students that he had stopped Voldemort in their first year, and Harry had said no he shouldn't have.
"Oh come on, at least a Special Services to the School Award at least."
"Special Services to the School Award?" Harry asked.
"Yeah, There's only been on mentioned in the books from what I believe, and it was only as a passing glance type thing. I think the person who got it was named Tom Riddle or something. I would have to check the books again."
"Huh. That's odd, as well as the weird voice from earlier. What do you think it was about?"
"Your next adventure for the year, guaranteed." I laugh as we went into my classroom and Harry began supercharging the runes.
"Thanks Harry, now go get some rest. We'll be doing a lot with Void Magic tommorrow." Harry smiled and hurried off to bed as I went to my dorm and fell asleep, glad I got things back on track. Even if we did dodge a few of the important plot points.