There's Magic in the Mare

by Clopficsinthecomments

Epilogue: The puppet master's revenge



“Buck.” Cadance reach up and massaged her temples as she stared at the screen.

“Buck? Woah mom, I don’t think I’ve ever heard you swear.” Flurry Heart giggled from the doorway.

“Sorry, sweetie… I just… I clicked the wrong button here.” She grumbled, seeing the APPROVE decision locked into the program next to the alert that had popped up for Trixie Lulamoon. And there was no undo button for the power of love. “I just made a little mistake is all.”

“Well hurry up and fix it, ok? I’ll be downstairs hanging out with dad.” The teen clicked her tongue with annoyance then left with as much flourish as she’d arrived, oblivious to the huge impact that she’d just had on another pony’s life.

Cadence shook her head grumpily as she reviewed the outcome of the fated love-encounter she’d just accidentally approved. She bit her tongue, blindly hoping it was one that would end in a one-night stand, or a short-term fling, something casual.

...Lifelong Soulmates and Happy Marriage… 

the words blinked out from the LCD screen.

Well… that bucking sucks.’  She grimaced. That was pretty much the best outcome possible from the system, and the lucky show-mare had gotten it off of a misclick. There was nothing Cadance could do at this point.


Cadance’s face turned into a horse-apple eating grin as she opened up the details page of the program and began to edit the scenario. There wasn’t much that she could change, but what she could...

“Well Trixie, enjoy your twins… no…” Cadance cackled evilly, entering a new command into the laptop, “...your triplets from your first evening with Mr. Jot… I may not be able to prevent you any more from getting a happy married life… but at least you’ll have one heck of an eleven-month back-ache!” She slammed the execute command on her edit, blessing (dooming?) the blue-unicorn to her fated motherhood.

