//------------------------------// // lunAside: ThE thIRd // Story: Diaries of an Equestrian Overlord // by KitsuneRisu //------------------------------// ThE thIRd Name: Meadowland TyPe: EartH Height: 1.13 M Weight: 47 kg NumbER of Bags of Packing Foam rEquired to Fill Body Cavity: 4.6 NumBer of LeftoVer Bags of Packing Foam: 1.4 Sin: ThefT Notes: StyroFoam makEs the skin LumpY. ConsiDEr cotton wool next Time. AccounT: She stolE from me. Nothing more. Nothing less. Theft is unacceptable. Theft is wrong. I left a small bag of bits on the chair of the cafe where she works. I waited at another table. She found the money. Looked around. Worried look on her face. Made proclamation to crowd, bag of bits found. Does this belong to anypony? I stayed silent. Watched her. She put the money into her apron. Theft. Unacceptable. Stayed until closing. She asked me to leave. Rude. Told her I was waiting for something. I was waiting for my money back. The money that she had taken. She said the money was inside. She was glad that I had returned. Glad to return the money to me. She was keeping it safe. Excuses. The coffee machine has a little metal rod. It is sharp at the end. I see ponies putting it into milk and turning a knob. I never knew what it was for. I know now. She choked up some hot water. Got over my cloak. The sobbing was annoying. I asked her. Why did you steal? Why did you take what is not yours? I turned the knob all the way. Measurements were taken. Souvenir was taken. Decided to fill her up with Styrofoam. Now she looks just like a bag of bits. Coffee Machine probably broken. Left money there to pay for damages.