Diaries of an Equestrian Overlord

by KitsuneRisu

17th April

9.00 PM

I'm still in a pretty foul mood from yesterday. I don't know why I went, really. All there is for me there is just cryptic words and this nagging pain that comes.

I must be sick.

I spent most of the morning in the dark just huddled up in my bed against the headboard, face half-buried in my pillow, staring into the darkness with not a single thought in my mind.

Not a single one.

It is most disconcerting.

I decided to put on the latest They Might Be Shires record. I was listening to it all day, trying to interpret the lyrics. It always helps to keep my mind busy.

My guards have asked me if I'm alright.

I didn't know what to tell them.

One of them kindly reminded me that the big meteor shower was due in a few days. Well, if anything, that ought to pick my spirits up a little. I do like a Meteor Shower, and this one is always a spectacular sight.

I think I'll plan a night out.