//------------------------------// // Problems and Solutions // Story: Chrysalis revenge // by Multithread //------------------------------// I'm sorry for the long time between the last short chapter and this one, hope I can write the next one soon. Chrysalis felt something soft under her body, she felt her legs, wasn't she dead yet, hadn't Twilight killed her? Something warm touched her body and a lovely smell was in the air. As far as she could tell she was alive, and when she opened her eyes, Dash laid next to her. “Morning sleepyhead, how to you feel?”, she said with a soft voice. “Better than yesterday.” there was the smell of love in the air, but neither of a couple nor of friends, it was a love she never smelt before. The love tasted as it smelled, different from everything Chrysalis had eaten before and it seems to come from Dash, and she doesn't mind when Chrysalis took the love, was this love meant for her? “So what we gonna do?” Chrysalis asked, she wasn't sure about what happened or why Dash laid next to her, she only felt pain in her heart and the feelings of past sins were nibbling on her soul. She wasn't quiet sure anymore if she always done the right things, maybe not every pony was as bad as Aegis had treat her once. Only thinking of his name made her heart hurt in terrible pain, physical pain. After Dash stood up, Chrysalis started to speak again:”Well, after all, you surely have some ideas. What about the two stallions?” “They got a week of soon, so this is now not the opinion, but what about napping? I'm tired, I've waited nearly 4 hours before you woke up and i was awake all the time, this where long four hours.” The warm she felt wasn't Aegis body after all, it was Dash's, she really enjoyed it, was she a fillyfooler now, did she like both? For now it was the last thing to worry about but it worried her too and she wasn't sure if she would be able to change form again, the last time she tried, she was unable to do it. They took off, and when they found a cloud that was big enough, they took a nap, Dash snuggled at Chrysalis and she took the love from her, it was a good feeling to know that she hadn't used a spell on her and been loved just as you are. She soon fell asleep. Chrysalis woke up, a voice in her head had called after her:”You have to wake up son, we have to talk.”The voice sounded familiar, but why was the voice in her head, and why the voice called her son, she was a mare after all. “We have to talk, we are disappointed about what you did the last 3000 years. You where made to rule our folk with goodness and justice. Not with fear and hate.” She knew this voices, she heard them before, calling her name simultaneously, they were not two or three, they were many. And what did they mean by made her, wasn't she born? A warm magic started to flow through her body, she felt this magic before, just the moment before she opened her eyes the first time, was this real, was this a dream or was it heaven? “Mom, dad?” she softly asked. “Yes son, we are your parents, 47 of us to be exactly. And we are all disappointed and we are glad that you do not rule the changelings anymore, maybe you are now able to learn your lesson about being a good leader. We would punish you, if we would be able to, but we gave our lives to create you out of an unborn Changeling and to make your live never ending.” Chrysalis felt more sad again, 47 more lives died because of her. Another tear run down her cheek down on Dash's nose. She had to ask a pony for help, an Alicorn to be exactly, the Alicorn she feared most. She might be the only help for her now and Chrysalis knew where she would find her, at the Royal Dinner, together with the strongest and wisest of all over Equestria. But for now, she would just stay near Dash and eat love from her and become strong again. Hopefully strong enough to face the Princess again and ask for her help. “What is wrong?” Dash snuggled up to her. “I'll leave you soon, I must make a journey to find out who I really am.”, it was tome for her to find out what she can be and not what she was meant to be, it was time to find out why her soul was restless again and it was time to find out a new comfortable life for her, eternity is to damn long to not know what you are. For a short moment her pain and her doubts were gone, but when she thought more about to be or not to be it all came back, how many ponies had to die or feel pain and fear because of her, all these countless ponies where now gnawing on her her. Dash nibbled her ear and so Chrysalis thoughts turned back to reality, the last time she had such thoughts was few years after Luna was unintentionally sent to the moon. Dash was still sleeping, she had turned again and she was waking up, she started to smack and finally she spat:”Pfuii, I smell something bitterly.” she spat again. After Dash had finally finished her spat and swear session she turned towards Chrysalis. Now we are both awake, what do you think of a little race?” “Why not.”, Chrysalis felt a bit uncomfortable in this body already, she wanted to be herself for a moment, just to see if she was still able to change form after everything that happened to her. She couldn't just interrupt and ponynap the Princess as Rainbow Dash, this wouldn't be right and it also would be no fun, the pony you ponynap should know who done it and should fear her, she knew the story who where told what changelings do to their prisoners, some of them where true, others not quite. But first of all she would stay with Dash a few days more, she hadn't that much motion for ages and she liked it. =--------= Two weeks passed until something important happened besides napping and racing with Dash. It was a royal carriage who landed near sweet apple acres, surprisingly not for picking up Twilight, they picked up Bic Mac and then they went to the Library. There all where all paying attention for changelings and such things, Twilight was at least called three times to Canterlot in the past weeks. She woke up Dash, it was time to leave now, she could feel it, it was time to see if her skills where still at their best. “Dash, I will leave now.” “yeah, yeah” Dash turned around and was asleep soon, Chrysalis left the cloud, it would take her some hours to travel to Canterlot. Two hours later, she was already near Canterlot, time to become something less eye-catching, something like one of the royal guards. After she arrived on the floor she closed her eyes, become someone you don't see is much more difficult than become someone you see, she conceived a strong stallion with the shining armor of the royal guard, with white fur and blue tail. After the image of one of the royal guards she let her magic flow through her body, it was more exhausting to her than normal but she felt how the magic worked on her body and let her become one of the guards. As she walked into Canterlot through the main entrance the two guards nodded at her. This was good, as long as they don't stop her she would have no problems with her plan, being inconspicuous was a soft way to enter a castle and it is also the way with witch you can stay the longest. From now on she had to hide every feeling of her own and she had to watch every of her steps and she had to find out where and when the Royal Dinner will be, she had to find the pony she feared most.