Odds 'n' Ends

by TheAncientPolitzanian

So Long and Goodnight

As the world outside the cave grew darker still, five generations of dragons, plus one alicorn, solemnly huddled around the purple-scaled behemoth in the center. He didn't have much time remaining.

The recumbent dragon gazed at the lavender-coated alicorn before him, and, in an disconcertingly hushed voice for such a gargantuan creature, whispered to her and her alone.

"...Guess this is it, huh?"

"I guess so," the alicorn replied.

"...How much do you wanna bet Pinkie's planned a 'dragon-sized' welcome party for me?"

In spite of herself, the alicorn chuckled. "I think that's pretty much a given, Spike."

There was a brief silence.

Then, Spike took on a far more concerned tone. "Twilight, I'm sorry I can't—"

"Spike, don't worry," Twilight reassured her longtime friend. "You can go. I... I'll be alright. I promise."

"...Y-You sure?"

She nodded. "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."