Diaries of an Equestrian Overlord

by KitsuneRisu

5th November

9.00 AM

Perfect, I have just the thing. I have ordered the crafting of a neat little telescopic spyglass. According to my scientists, they found the plans for its design in the vault, and they can make one for me. According to them, the way it works is by bending light through two refractory lenses blah blah I am not paying you to talk. In Princess terms, it makes things that are very far look very near.

According to the history of the object, it was used mainly by pirates who were on sea-faring vessels to get a good look at far-away ships. The model that my scientists are basing the design on was diagrammed by a quaint little sea captain by the name of NASA or something. It is an odd name, but one befitting a Human.

With this I shall be able to look at the surrounding countries without having to leave my bowl of ice cream here in my castle chambers.