//------------------------------// // Another Visit to the Farm is Ought to Help // Story: Oh, don't you worry about me // by S Olin S //------------------------------// Sweet Apple Acres Another Sunday, another visit to the farm. Only this time, Del had a new outlook and a new conversation starter. After Star was finished practicing, she, like always, sat down with Del but rested her head and back on the makeshift backrest Del had set up for him. "Man, nearly passed out this time," She said, out of breath and breathing heavily. "Ah can only imagine what that must be like. I've never gotten very close to passing out before. Then again I've never done what you do either." Star laughed in between breaths. "Yeah, but I'd suppose that work on the farm is pretty tough. Especially the chores I don't help out with." "Like applebuckin'? Oh no that's all pretty easy relative to this. It ain't quite as active." "Yeah, that's true." A long moment of silence passed, making Del especially uncomfortable. He had decided on the day with Candy to talk to Star about all this. Tell her what's been going on and whatnot. And he supposed that right then would've been as good a time as any to do so. "...So, ah noticed that you were seemin' to be... liking Prism..." Del cringed a little inside saying that. It sounded so awkward and forced. And what if his observation was wrong? He was quickly finding himself nearly regretting the decision... Nearly. "Liking Prism?" Star laughed. "What does that even mean?" "Well... Ah just noticed that you were seeming to be taking more of a liking to Prism rather than seemingly anypony else... You'd be happier when he was included in whatever we were doing and seemed to just like him more," Del explained. "Oh that!" Star exclaimed. "Yeah... I guess that's been the way it's been for a bit, hasn't it? But yeah, what about it?" "Well, I had come under the assumption that meant you... like Prism." "Like Prism? Well of course I do, he's my friend." "Ah don't think you understand what I meant. I think you l i k e Prism." "OH! Oh I see what you mean. Yeah, I..." Star stared off into the sky. As it turned out, she had to figure out if that's how she felt as well. Where would one draw the line between liking somepony, or liking somepony? Star took a moment to collect her thoughts and concluded. "I... Guess I do like him that way. But I'm not sure if I'm going to get serious with that, y'know?" "...Yeah, I guess ah do," Del did understand. Maybe a bit too well. While Del was right, and being right is typically a good thing, in this case, Del didn't like being right. Sure, there was no guarantee that Star would have liked Del instead of Prism, but at least it'd comfort him somewhat. But now Del wasn't feeling any bit of comfort, and it showed. And Star noticed. It wasn't that hard since Del suddenly had a somber look on his face. "...Del? A-are you okay? Does this information bother you?" Del looked up at her. "Yeah... It's just that I... I-I like you... And ah don't even know why I car so much since, It's not as if you not liking Prism would make you like me but-" Del put his face into his hooves. He wasn't crying, but he wasn't exactly happy either. "...Del, I-I never knew liked me that way..." "Well, of course, you didn't, ah never thought to tell you. Which may have only worsened my situation..." "...Well, Del, I just want you to know that even if Prism and I, or anypony else for that matter, get together, that's not going to change how I feel about you. You're a great friend. You may even be my best friend, and nothing can change that. And hey, even if you don't get with me, that doesn't mean you'll get with anypony you like just as much. There are a bunch of ponies out there, I'm sure you'll meet once who you like. And even if you don't, don't worry about it. Claire's nearly 25 and she hasn't found anypony. So don't sweat it," Star wrapped her hooves and wings around Del in a hug. "That fact is, nopony will ever be like you, and that is why you're my best friend."