//------------------------------// // Exposed // Story: Zecora's Redemption // by The Mountaineer Brony //------------------------------// Twilight Sparkle was very excited. She'd finally gotten to the point where she could read Zebrish quite well (even though her spoken fluency left much to be desired,) and she had gotten up at the crack of dawn to search the city of Zanzebrar until she found it: the public library. This is where the fun began. It was a very large, very grand construct that looked like it had stood for a century or more, and Twilight could only hope to find some materials within that were as old. Its large central dome allowed Twilight room to fly between the floors and collect books, scrolls, clay tablets, all the library had to offer. It felt good to stretch her wings in a library, she thought; even better, to squirrel herself away in a corner surrounded by stacks of reading material. Twilight could spend the whole day like this, and fully intended to. Sometime that afternoon, Twilight found herself treading air in the natural sciences secton, scanning through books on Zebrican geology, plant life, and weather. From up near the top shelf, she could hear other patrons moving about below her, and happen to catch wind of a conversation between two mares passing through. <"What do you think of Zecora being back in town?"> <"It's a disgrace. She's clearly violated the late queen's decree by returning from her exile. I'm all for an Equestrian embassy or what have you, but we have laws for a reason. She should never have shown her face again after what she did."> Twilight said nothing as the zebras passed by, but internally, she was piqued; just what did Zecora do that was terrible enough to get her banished? Nopony seemed to want to talk about the situation, and while Twilight held the utmost trust in Zecora, she was becoming insatiably curious. "That's right!" Twilight said, chuckling under her breath. "I'm in a library!" Somewhere deep within the rows of shelves, Twilight found the dusty, forgotten corner of the library labeled "city records." A few tedious minutes of searching and mental translation produced a series of leather-bound tomes that were filled with proceeds from the royal courts of various monarchs, going back several generations. Twilight located one from the appropriate time period, slid the heavy book off its shelf, and alighted at a nearby table. "Proceedings from the Royal Court of Queen Jaha of Zanzebrar," Twilight read. "Volume Two... this should probably have some mention of Zecora in it, if she was exiled by royal decree." Cracking open the book, Twilight was greeted with a face full of dust from the yellowed pages, scrawled with tiny, inked letters. After a fit of coughing had passed, Twilight flipped to the rear half of the book and trolled its pages until she spotted a name she recognized. She read on to the crime being charged. Her heart dropped. "Z-Zecora…?" Meanwhile, Zecora and Sundiata continued their shamanic training in the jungle cave. "" Zecora said, just above a whisper. "" The two zebras leaned onto their forelegs and found themselves supported by the water's surface. Zecora promptly trotted out to the center of the pool; Sundiata, slightly unsure, followed behind her, bubbles rippling beneath the surface with each hoof-fall. "" said Zecora "" "" Sundiata replied. Zecora playfully stamped the water, ripples echoing out from beneath her hooves. "" The zebras each placed a hoof over their heart, feeling the steady beat and slowing their breath. As their eyes closed in focus, a strong gust of wind entered the cave through the curtains at the door. The firelight was extinguished, but the water beneath them seemed to glow with a soft greenish aura. The wind whipped about the magicians, slowly but surely lifting them into the air. Sundiata's long mane billowed like a flag; Zecora's mohawk rippled like savannah grass. She was the first to extend a hoof towards her opponent, pushing him back before he could raise a hoof to counter her. The wind blew stronger and their focus grew more intense as they held a deadlock between their powers. From beneath the glassy water, shafts of light rose off the rock, pulled by the sheer force of natural magic. Between the two extended hooves, this light warped itself into Zebrican script, a word of power stretched between two sorcerers. Zecora felt a bead of sweat roll down her forehead; the longer she held the spell, the more her strength was taxed. Sundiata, too, was feeling the effects of the spell. He gritted his teeth and put all the force he could behind his casting, the power of the natural world flowing through his body. The lights from the pool flashed brightly in response. Zecora wasn't prepared for him; her defenses broke, and she flew backwards, splashing down into the water. The bright lights ceased, and the pond resumed its normal state as Sundiata gently lowered himself into its waters, floating on his back and catching his breath. Zecora quickly paddled over to him to make sure he was alright; upon finding him alive and well, if rather tired, she let out a chuckle. "" he asked breathlessly. "Sundiata!" Zecora put a hoof on his chest and laughed. "" Sundiata looked up at her and smiled. "<...I did? I did!> Haha!" The colt leapt upright and hugged his mentor joyfully. The two spent some time in the pool, laughing and cheering, splashing and diving like children. Finally, Sundiata was trained, at least well enough. Zecora grabbed Sundiata by the shoulders and rested her head against his. "" "" The two left the cave, stepping into the hot sun to dry out coats and manes. As Sundiata began to head back towards the city, however, Zecora stopped him. "My friend, I would ask that you follow me. There is someplace nearby I would like you to see." Curiously, Sundiata followed her down the old, overgrown trail which led to what was once her village. "" "" She came upon a small, decrepit hut next to a raised mound of earth. "" He asked. Zecora simply nodded. Sundiata gestured to the mound. "" Zecora nodded again. "" Sundiata bowed his head. "" "" Sundiata gave a simple nod and sat across from Zecora as they both closed their eyes in meditation. The sun was hot, but a cool breeze and the long shadows of the trees kept them comfortable. Birds chittered away in the branches. Ants crawled through the sand. In the back of her mind, Zecora could picture the village as it once was, and put herself there. She became relaxed enough that she unexpectedly dozed off. Across the globe, in Equestria, Luna could sense Zecora's dream. She found time to slip away for a nap of her own, and quickly joined her there. It had been some months since Zecora's mother had passed. Life had gone on as usual; Zecora kept up her practice of medicine and her shamanic traditions, but she dearly missed her mother. Marwe had come to visit her on occasion, to bring gifts and to console her; Zecora appreciated her friend's efforts, but they didn't help much. Her mother was the only zebra she'd ever felt she could rely upon, and she gave her wisdom and advice for the future. Without her, life felt scary and confusing, not to mention empty. One day, after Zecora had suffered her fourth emotional breakdown over her mother's grave, she became determined to do something about it. "" the young mare said between sobs, the resolve growing stronger in her heart "<...but maybe... I can cure your death.>" Zecora took two weeks to travel to Neighrobi, to make use of the grand library there. In addition to reading all she could about disease, shamanism, and Zebrican magic, she sought forbidden knowledge; when nozebra was around, she would slip into the restricted section, poring over stone tablets that told of ancient sorcerers raising the dead. She could barely read them, as Zebrish had changed much over a millennia, but she was confident in what knowledge she had gleaned. After gathering rare and often costly ingredients, Zecora began a ritual not performed in several centuries. Bringing to boil a vile green brew, she chanted in ancient Zebrish as she stirred the pot. Either through Zecora's unfamiliarity with the procedure or the simple inefficiency of the procedure itself, most of it boiled away in a mist; it produced only enough potion to fill a small bowl. Zecora figured that it would be enough. Continuing her chanting, she could feel arcane power flowing through her as she picked up the bowl and dug a small hole into the mound of dirt where her mother was interred. She prayed that the potion would work as she poured it into the grave, producing a green mist as it did so. Zecora stepped back after she was done, eagerly watching the mound. Did it work? Nothing happened for a long while. Just as Zecora thought she had failed however, the dirt moved. Zecora perked up, partly from morbid curiosity, partly from fright. The dirt began to churn. Soon, a frail, striped hoof emerged from the dirt, still partially wrapped in its burial shroud. "" Zecora called aloud, rushing over to the grave and digging rapidly with her forehooves. Slowly, the corpse sat up, groaning. Zecora cleaned the dirt from it and tore away the ratty shroud. Her mother was alive... sort of. It clearly wasn't the same mare whom Zecora was expecting. Her eyes were glassy and white, her muscles were withered, and the fatal masses hadn't disappeared, though they were softer and clearly dead now. Also, since she had been dead and buried for a few months, time had taken its toll. Flesh and bone were showing in places where decomposers had eaten into her. One of her ears had nearly rotted off. Her fur was dead and falling out, and her skin was shrink wrapped to her bones, but for what remained of her innards. Zecora was shocked, certainly... but it was still her mother. She locked eyes with the soulless thing she'd created, and spoke to it. "<...Mother?>" Her "mother" turned to look at her, jaw hanging slack, glassy eyes glancing about. She gave a quizzical grunt. Zecora felt a tear roll down her cheek as she swallowed any sense of disgust and embraced her mother's resuscitated corpse. The zombie had no idea what her master was doing to her, but she feebly attempted to mimic the act of hugging. "" Zecora said. "" Zecora helped her new creation step out of its grave and take its first wobbly steps. Though her legs were weak, they had life in them again. Zecora was so overjoyed at her success, she almost wept. The zombie was looking around, seemingly very confused. "" said Zecora, beaming with satisfaction. "" Happily, the young mage kissed her mother's decayed cheek. The creature turned to look at her. Zecora simply smiled. Her creation attempted to mimic that smile, showing off her rotted teeth as a centipede crawled out of her nostril, falling to the earth. As Zecora pondered where she was to get more potion ingredients, an unexpected voice came from in the distance. "" It was Marwe, accompanied by three guards. Zecora whipped around in a panic, trying to figure out where to hide her undead mother, but before she could do anything to save face, Marwe came into view. "" Marwe stopped herself; her eyes grew wide and she recoiled suddenly, dropping her fruit basket. "" The zombie took an uneasy step forward in curiosity. Zecora put out a hoof to stop her before rushing towards Marwe. " "" The princess screamed. The stallions with her quickly planted their bows into the earth, aimed at the rotting mare ahead of them. Before Zecora could say anything to stop them, three arrows had flown, piercing deeply into the monster's weak flesh. Zecora rushed to her "mother's" side as she crumpled to the ground. "" Zecora whispered as she hunched over the corpse. The creature let out a weak gasp and looked at Zecora before the life left its body once again. "" Marwe asked, fearful and indignant. Zecora stood, angrily slamming the ground with her hoof. "" she yelled, and started to cry "" Marwe slowly approached her, looking shocked. " She looked over to the empty grave; with a gasp, she pieced together what had happened. "" Zecora turned, her heart burning with rage and grief, and began yelling inches from Marwe's face. "" "" Marwe screamed, the hurt evident in her voice. "" "" Zecora muttered under her breath, unable to look her friend in the eye. "" "" Zecora gnashed her teeth and furiously struck Marwe across the face with her hoof. The princess tumbled to the ground with a giant mark on her cheek as the guards rushed forward and apprehended Zecora. Marwe looked up from the ground, casting a steely gaze at her former friend. "" The guards brusquely guided Zecora back towards the city, even as she angrily resisted. Marwe stood, wiping dust from her cloak as tears welled in her eyes. "" The adult Zecora sat with Luna under a shade tree, her head bowed in shame. Slowly, the night princess turned towards the dreaming zebra. "...You hate me, don't you, princess?" Zecora asked amid sniffling. "No." Luna replied. Zecora looked up as Luna turned back to continue watching the dream. "Celestia and I loved our mother very, very much, Zecora. Sometimes, I... I still wish she were here to guide me. I do not believe what you did was right, Zecora… but I do believe it was justified. You have my sympathy." The two were silent for a moment longer before Luna wrapped a wing around Zecora. "Sleep well, my friend." "" The mare found herself awakening on the ground as Sundiata nudged her shoulder. "" Indeed, in the distance, Zecora could hear the loud horn blasts that signaled for the guards to come within the walls. She got to her hooves as quickly as she could and galloped back towards Zanzebrar with Sundiata, hoping that the emergency wasn't what she feared. Before long, they had returned to the great wooden gates of the city. As Sundiata led them toward the barracks, however, they found their path blocked by one Twilight Sparkle. "Zecora!" She said, grabbing her friend frantically by the shoulders. "You were banished for necromancy?!" The zebra gave a sigh. "Twilight, my friend, now is not the time--" She was cut off suddenly by another horn blast. Along the ramparts of the city's walls, lines of zebra soldiers carrying tall, heavy wooden shields marched along, taking up positions to protect the archers that would follow shortly after. In other places, soldier and civilian alike boarded up windows and piled barricades in the streets. "" Sundiata trailed off. The two zebras locked eyes. "Soumaoro." A great roar and the cheers of an army could be heard from across the valley. "Twilight," Zecora began. "I promise I will explain in time--" Sundiata cut her off. "But now is not the time for rhyme!" Zecora glanced at him, but agreed. "Twilight, I know my past has shocked you, but I need you to trust me. Can you gather all your friends together and protect the queen?" Twilight seemed more shocked at the fact that Zecora had broken her rhyme scheme. After a moment to gather her senses, she nodded. "It will be done." "Good." Zecora shared the nod as Twilight rushed off to gather Spike and the Elements. The two zebras turned to face each other. "Now," Zecora said "let us both prepare for the battle to come."