In These Times...

by EternalShadow54

Entry #20 something...

Journal Entry, I mean Log, or... whatever... #20 something...
Date: Probably sometime important...

I've searched all up and down these corridors, and I've yet to see a single ray of hope of escape. The last of the lights down here died a day or so ago, and time really isn't a factor anymore, seeing as keeping up with it is rather pointless at this point... I've yet to grow accustomed to the almost pitch blackness. The very main reason that I'm even able to be writing this now is for the fact that I was always able to write with my eyes closed. Never thought the skill would actually come in hoofy one day. I've been many days without food... and I'm starting to feel the effects of which... My body becomes weaker with every passing minute I go without some type of nutrients... and I know of only one way to survive by other means, save eating dirt and rocks... I... really hope it doesn't come to it... and I'd rather starve than resort to... well, you know... There has been a rather awful stench here though, the dead bodies giving off their natural odor... It's sickening... This book really might be the only thing keeping me from going insane. I also have to think about the family as well. I really want to see them again, if only it be once more... But now... in my current state... I wouldn't want them... to see me... All in all... I just hope I get out of here soon...