//------------------------------// // Entry #15- // Story: In These Times... // by EternalShadow54 //------------------------------// Journal Log, Entry #15- Day 8... or maybe 11... I lost track... Remember how I said that they were torturing ponies? Well, guess who gets to confirm those rumors with their very own eyes... Maybe if my comrades would care to stop for at least a second to look at a compass before heading out again, then maybe we wouldn't be in this horrible mess! Now in all seriousness, I don't think that we will last long here. I mean, even my witty comment and wonderful sense of humor seems to have lost the luster it once retained a few days ago... Consider yourself loved journal, because the simple act of just having an item of this sort is enough to cost me my life, though a quick death might be better than to live what they have put the rest of my friends through already. Now, for the bad news... See, one of the fellow troops has come up with, from what others have told me, an ingenious plan to escape! Sadly however, the chances of them telling me the plan are slim to none. You see, I'm one of the only few down here who hasn't actually been tortured yet, and this has caused the rest of the group to start and formulate their own opinions... I've overheard their whispers, how they think I'm a spy and all... Now, don't get me wrong, but if I really was a spy for the New Lunar Republic, I would think that they would at the very least have the common courtesy to give me a morsel of food every now and then, but it's not like I know how things work around here... I don't know, but at least we are all together in this... even if we can't trust each other...