Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

Thunderclap Pt1

"Trixie!" Lavender Lace ran to catch up with her friend. Since she'd been infected with one of the parasites, her world had been shaken around something fierce. Horniness wasn't just something that happened now and then when she looked at a cute guy or a bronzed chest—even now Lavender's body itched for another orgasm. "Trixie! Slow down."

"I can't. I need to find ripe cherries." Trixie's normal, bubbly self was draped heavily with concern.

Getting suspicious something was up, Lavender tried a different angle. "Uh. Okay. I can drive us to the mall if you want to get them there? I need to talk to you abou—"

"No. I must find them on a tree. She said I couldn't just buy them."

It took a moment for the gears in Lavender's mind to tick over. Trixie acting strange, not talking in the third person, and wanting to do something for someone else. "I'll help you find ripe cherries, Trixie. Why don't you check all the trees on this street, and I'll go check the next one."

Sunlight dawned across Trixie's face. "Now I'll have twice as much chance of finding them!"

Lavender hadn't expected any thanks, but she had expected some measure of acknowledgment. She pulled her phone out while Trixie gazed into the branches of an oak tree for cherries. It only took a few moments for the call to start. "Rarity! Something's really up with Trixie."

"Darling! How's your little problem going? Hope it's not too much of an issue. What did you say about Trixie?"

"She's under some kind of mind-control, Rarity." Lavender tried to keep her friend in sight while she spoke into her phone.

"Lavender, how on Earth did you figure that out?" Rarity's tone implied she wasn't completely onboard with the snap diagnosis.

Groaning and stopping herself before she reached down to her groin, Lavender changed which hand was holding her phone. "It was totally simple. Remember how people were when the Dazzlings came to school? It was kinda like that, except she was more Duh, I must obey than just Whoa, I really like them."

"That… makes sense. Can you get her to come over?"

"I can probably get her somewhere. Where are you? Your parents house?" Walking through someone's backyard, Lavender kept Trixie in sight. She got the address from Rarity, and promised she'd see her soon. "Alright, Lavender, let's trick the best trickster you've ever known—and then run home because heck I need—" With a groan Lavender bit back the rest of her comment.

"Did you find any cherries?" Trixie asked, her voice flat.

Lavender felt a little bad, but while she was taking advantage of her friend's state, it was only to help her. "I didn't, but I spoke to Rarity and she says she knows a cherry tree that is covered in ripe cherries. I can—"

"Take me there!" Trixie practically jumped on Lavender. "Take me there at once! Trixie demands it!"

"Follow me!" Lavender managed to lead Trixie out of the back garden of whoever the house belonged to, and home. There she got in her car and punched in the address Rarity had given her. All the while, Trixie was silent, which to Lavender was yet another red flag.

The ache between her legs was increasing to almost an unbearable level, but Lavender wouldn't be dissuaded from helping her friend. Pulling up in front of the big house Rarity and her friends shared, she pointed. "Rarity's inside. She'll know where the—" Lavender stopped talking when Trixie left the car in a rush. "This is one of those days. Trixie! Wait up!"

Rarity was waiting by the door, though she didn't expect Trixie to just open it and barge inside. "Trixie? What—?"

"Where is this cherry tree?! I demand you take me to it, so I can bring her cherries!" Trixie glared at Rarity as if everything could be solved if the other woman would just do what she said.

"S-Sorry Rarity. She got away from me." Lavender tried to take her eyes off Rarity's chest, but it was impossible. An ache deep in her belly demanded her to move and claim this porcelain goddess before her. "R-Rarity?" She stepped closer, not looking away from Rarity's chest—not even to notice how pony-like Rarity was.

"Marble!" Rarity smiled at Trixie as she shouted into the house. "Marble will help. You'll have so many cherries in no time."

Surprised by the call, Marble set her book aside and walked to see what Rarity wanted. It had taken several days for her to get used to having so many more people around, but now she had two more strangers to deal with. "Mmhmm?"

But Marble froze, not hearing Rarity's contrived words. She stared at Trixie, seeing something nasty just behind the woman's eyes. "R-R-Rarity. What's wrong with her?"

"That's what I hoped you would—Oh, she's trying to get away. Please don't, Trixie." Rarity gestured with one faintly glowing hand, wrapping Trixie in a crystalline barrier. "Do you think you can undo whatever it is that's affected her?"

But Lavender Lace had had enough. She needed relief, and she was either going to pounce on top of Rarity or she was going to need private time. "Hold up. I need… about ten minutes. Where's your bathroom?"

"Lavender has a parasite too, darling. Down the hall, last doors on your left or right." No sooner had Rarity spoken than Lavender was off at a dead run. Levitating Trixie into the air, Rarity carried her through to the living room.

Marble shook her head and closed the front door. "W-What am I meant to do? I've barely done anything but play with some friends." Just the thought of her play with Twilight actually brought a smile to her lips. "This is a long way from that."

"We need Trixie freed from whatever has sunk its hooks into her. Use your mind, Marble dear, you're the scientist." Rarity sat down on one of their couches and adjusted the pattern of her restraints such that she held Trixie's arms, legs, and head steady.

"Okay. Okay. Working on this logically, let's assume that whatever's affected her has been and gone, and that she's still herself with all this gunk in her head. All I'd need to do is remove it and she'd be okay again."

In the bathroom, Lavender had her special friend out of her purse and buzzing away as she ran it over her lips. She sat on the seat facing the cistern and just pressed the length of the toy to her cleft. Her mind raced, and she saw Rarity and Marble both strip naked in her dream and approach her.

"Rarity" reached out a hand and just touched Lavender, and it was enough to push her over the edge. As fantasies went, it didn't really stack up to some she'd had, but it also didn't take her much when she was on a hair trigger.

Lavender grunted and bucked her hips, clenching her teeth together as her body fed on the rush of hormones. She'd been infected long enough that her parasite was more part of her than not, and what had been its hungers were now hers.

As her body clenched down and the lightning strikes of pleasure lanced through her, Lavender felt her bladder let go and a thick, cloudy discharge poured from her and into the water of the toilet. The substance wasn't urine, but rather eggs packed in a thin liquid. She looked down as the stuff leaked from her, and she shuddered at how good it felt—her parasite's own reward for successful reproduction, though what was left of that creature was now part of her.

Cleanup of such events was now common practice. Lavender had mastered the art of washing, drying, and leaving no trace of what she'd done in a bathroom and was soon on her feet and pulling her panties back up.

Changing the sanitary pad—soaked as it was from her desire—was the last step before Lavender left the bathroom cool, calm, and composed. The walk down the hallway, Lavender told herself, wasn't one of shame. When she reached the living room and found Trixie kneeling calmly before the strange girl who'd been with Rarity, she was a little confused. "What's go—"

"Shh. She's working." Rarity kept her voice low.

"You've been such a good girl for them, Trixie. You have done everything they wanted you to." Marble bit her lip as she spoke. Relaxing and calming Trixie had been the main struggle, but now she was contending with a wall in the woman's mind. "When you can, describe your mistresses."

Trixie Lulamoon was in paradise. The words of this new mistress had been nothing but praise, and had supported the instincts her other ones had given her. "They are perfect. Tall. Adagio Dazzle is tall, has the most amazing skin, the most amazing hair, the most amazing eyes, the most amazing voice, and when she talks to me, I only want to curl up at her feet and listen. Aria Blaze has the most amazing skin, the most amazing hair, the most amazing eyes, the most amazing voice, and when she talks to me, I only want to curl up at her feet and listen."

Marble felt both dirty and aroused at the same time. "Look at my skin. What is it?"


"Look at my hair. What is it?"


"Look into my eyes. What do you feel?"


"Hear my voice, curl up at my feet, and listen." Not flinching as Trixie curled up at her feet like a puppy, Marble took a deep breath. She'd lifted herself to the same level as the two sirens, and now she had to drive them down. If she left herself at the peak of the woman's mind, at least she could work on that later. "You hear only my voice, how does it make you feel that I speak only for you?"

"G-great." Trixie pressed her cheek to Marble's leg and closed her eyes. All she wanted in life was to listen.

Marble bit her lip. She wasn't exactly practiced at this, but she wanted to do what was right. "My words are powerful, Trixie. Powerful beyond measure. Nothing can stand up to the power of my words in your mind."

"Great and powerful."

"Yes. My words are great and powerful. They are weapons, Trixie. My words are weapons, and you know whose hands they are in?" Keeping her voice steady, Marble hoped this next bit would work.

"Y-Yours, mistress?"

"No, Trixie. I would never need to carry weapons while you're around to protect me. My words are your weapons. They fill you up to the brim until there's no room for anything else. Can you feel that, Trixie Lulamoon?"

The longer monologue served to reinforce how filling Marble's words were to Trixie. She tried to reply, tried to do anything, but Marble's words were all she could think about. She barely managed to nod.

"There's only room in your head for my words, right, Trixie Lulamoon?" Marble could feel the reality she was painting for Trixie shoving out the siren magic, not that she knew what siren magic was. "So full. And you know the two most great and powerful words of all?"

Trembling with anticipation, Trixie managed to shake her head. She wanted to know, so desperately, what the words were her mistress was filling her with.

"The words are, the great and powerful Trixie Lulamoon." Marble felt power rush from her into Trixie. She hadn't expected it, but it felt good and right. She pushed at the power, forcing it into Trixie along with her words.

Her own name, her self-imposed title—Trixie shook her head and jumped to her feet and looked around the room as if waking from a daze. "How dare they take over my family's home like that! Unnngg! The great and powerful Trixie demands justice!"

Marble was drained, work out. She slumped back on the couch and looked at Rarity. "Is this how she normally is?"

"Minus the pony ears, darling, but yes. You did it." Rarity looked Trixie over. She looked downright furious, but the cute pony ears distracted from it greatly—even if they were tucked tight to Trixie's head.

Trixie Lulamoon stomped one foot in her continually raising fury. "It was those sirens again! Trixie thought you beat them the first time? They have your friend, you know."

Rarity's attention snapped onto Trixie. "Applejack?" It all made sense—everything had fallen into place. "They have Applejack, don't they?" She didn't need to see Trixie's nod to know it was true. Her phone practically shot into her hand and she sent a text to her usual crew—excluding Applejack's phone—but added Sonata.

—Adagio and Aria have Applejack and a bunch of others. Meet at our house ASAP to work out what we'll do about it.—

Rarity's thumbs had never been worked quite as quickly. "Okay. That's everyone notified. Would anyone care to bet Rainbow Dash gets here first?"

Spotting Twilight Sparkle walking down the hall—and Rarity being unaware of it—Trixie cleared her throat. "Trixie believes Twilight Sparkle will be the first to arrive." She got the words out a second before Twilight stepped into the living room. "See?"

Twilight looked between Trixie and Rarity, then to Marble. She couldn't help smiling at the latter of the three, given their little games together. "Okay… So we gather everyone together, blast in there, and rescue Applejack?"

"You probably don't want to do that." Trixie felt a niggling social need creeping up through her mind—it was one Trixie wasn't fond of surrendering to often. She looked to Marble. "Thank you for helping me, uh…"

"Marble," Marble said softly.