After Burnout

by ForeverCaseInPoint

The least horrible of original parts of this story...not!

Original Character, OC, Crossfire. For all forms of what this character looks like, black coat, whether that coat is jacket or skin, with maybe a little red, red eye color, black hair and maybe some red in it too. Don't ask. You don't want this destructive pony to be developed. Everything you say, do, etc. Crossfire can use against any. Everything good and evil and bad and etc. Crossfire can also use against any.
Crossfire is the form of someone abusing creative writing to rant and complain, if not ruin and destroy, about something they don't like to see. Nothing new. It's as old as emotions themselves, because it's an emotion. It's also as edgy as edge itself, because it's also edge itself. Every time said edgy emotion happens, that's Crossfire. Another reason to don't ask. Even if you want Crossfire developed into a great character that makes what was horrible to people look like great things compared to whatever worse place they're in, you do a much better job of that.
Self Insert's attempt to make Crossfire is a big fat solid red bar. Speaking of me Self Insert. Self Insert. Grey skin coat, no mane, sorta turquoise eye color, maybe tail, maybe wings, no horn.
Anonymous, Anon. Could be anyone in any shape. Best to leave them alone to their better lives.