Returning Home II - Rise of the Eternal Empire

by Arceaion

Chapter 5 - Old Friend, New Ally

Rainbow yawned as she slowly opened her eyes and looked around, for a moment she was confused as to where she was before remembering she hadn't slept in her quarters but rather passed out in the cargo hold. "I really need to lay of that stuff she muttered quietly to avoid angering her headache as her hoof stepped on an empty bottle and she slipped falling back down. “FUCKING HELL!" She screamed as she slammed her head on a crate and groaned as the hangover hit her harder. Slowly she rose again this time being more careful and looked around to see several drunken crew men each lying in at least half a dozen empty bottles.

Rainbow 'carefully' stumbled through the minefield trying to make as little noise as she could and after several moments of careful walking brought from the experience of both doing this before and being a commander she exited the room and slowly shut the door. "How they slept through my bitching I have no idea." She muttered as she stumbled through the ship and to the gallery of the ship to get something to eat and maybe get rid of the hangover she was in. As she entered she immediately went to the food and grabbed whatever was available not even complaining or caring what it was before looking around, as she squinted she finally saw a yellow and pink blur that looked like Fluttershy and walked over to it. "Hey... Shy?" She asked in a hoarse voice as she squinted at the blur who sighed.

"Hello Rainbow, still drinking?" Fluttershy's voice asked in a quiet and disappointed tone. Rainbow grunted in response as she sat down next to her friend before slowly eating.

After several minutes of silence from the hall a sudden and iconic pop of teleportation was heard and a voice dug into the ears of every sailor there. "GOOOD MORNING EVERYPONY!" A cheery Draconequus with a little filly in his arms yelled causing most of the sailors to cringe or groan in pain.

"Shut up Discord, it's too early for this!" A Sailor yelled and the Draconequus frowned.

"Well I never." He muttered grumpily as the little filly in his arms giggled.

"Now discord, they're just grumpy from the drinking they did last night, they didn't mean anything by it." Fluttershy said quietly.

"Ah, I see." Discord said with a nod as he looked to the crew who were glaring at him with bloodshot eyes. "My apologies everyone, had I known I'd of made a more appropriate entrance. Maybe the Seinfeld Kramer entrance..." Discord said with a shrugged.

Rainbow sighed. "Where were you last night Discord?" She asked as she rubbed her forehead with a groan.

"Oh, you'd never believe me if I tell you but I took Screwball to visiting an old for mine. I see you got... what do they say these days wasted? Well at least you’re not a white girl."

"No that would be Rarity after a break up that you’re thinking of." Rainbow snarked back with groan as she stood up; grabbed her dishes and passed them over to the server who took them back into the kitchen. "Besides, that was a terrible joke." She said before looking at Fluttershy "You know where Twilight is?"

Fluttershy frowned. "No I haven't seen her all morning." She replied before rising and taking Screwball into her hands. "Discord, can you and Rainbow find her, I'll get her a plate and feed Screwball here." She said as the filly continued to giggle and smile happily.

Discord nodded. "I'm sure she's fine but if you insist." He said with a shrug before flashing into strange outfit. "Come along Rainbow, the game is a foot!" He said happily as he pulled out a magnify glass and left the gallery. Rainbow sighed and followed at a much slower pace than normal, she blamed the hangover.

The two looked around and asked some of the more active crew if they had seen Twilight however none of them except for the top deck crew had leading them to search above deck. As they looked around they spotted Twilight, her armor dawned as she sat cross-legged at the bow of the ship. The two looked at each other before slowly approached however as they drew closer Discord began to look more concerned before stopping, Rainbow looked at Discord confused. "What's up?" She asked.

"That's not Twilight." He said his voice dark. "I'm not sure who or even what that thing is but that is not Twilight." He said darkly before his claw crackled with magic that he shot at the mare.

As soon as the magic left his palm the mare leapt into action simultaneously flipping backwards over the attack and pulling the sword form her back as she spun in the air and landed facing her opponents. Rainbows eyes widened as she saw the face of the mare, everything about her looked like Twilight only it was as if she was looking at a darker more edgy version however what caused her to freeze was the mares’ eyes. The Mares eyes were slitted like a dragon and as her wings flared out causing Rainbow to gasp seeing the draconic appearance. "You would challenge me Discord?" The Mare asked in a voice that made the two shudder in fear. The voice emanated hostility, rage, insanity; it was as if looking at an evil Twilight.

"Where is Twilight Sparkle?" Discord asked his tone more serious that Rainbow had ever heard.

The Mare smiled. "You see her and yet you do not, for I am her in a sense, I am Dawn Flare the darker side of the one you call Twilight Sparkle." She said with a smile showing her sharpened teeth and fangs.

Rainbow grit her teeth. "Give her back." She growled as her mind pulled itself out of the hangover with the adrenaline. The mare now named Dawn Flare looked at the Pegasus with a form of contempt. Growling Rainbow flared her wings as she activated her wingblades and pulled out two concealed knives. "Give Twilight back!" She yelled as she charged.

"Rainbow no!" Discord yelled in fear as Dawn smiled and swung her sword.

Rainbow dodged under the blade her moves unsteady from the effects of the hangover that her body was still ridding itself of, however she managed to remain balanced and quickly thrust her right knife and wing up at the mare who simply dodged the attack with a smile. Quickly Dawn Flare released the sword and began to block the prismatic maned mares’ blows with her bare hands. "You're in no condition to face me little mare, and even if your body wasn't fighting your commands you are still centuries from facing me." She said with a smile as she grabbed Rainbows overextended arm and threw her away.

As she did this Discord made his move and teleported in front of the mare with a grimace on his face. "My turn." He said as he snapped his fingers sending hundreds of magic bullets at the mare who smiled wider and dodged the blast her eyes glowing a dark magenta as she landed in a crouched position on the deck. Quickly she rose and released a wave of magic that cut like a knife through Discords next attack and slammed into him.

Rainbow flew at her again and Dawn Flare sighed as she moved to throw the mare away again however this time Rainbow brought up her wing and slammed the bladed tip into her arm as with a powerful flap launched them both into the air. Dawn was thrown up with Rainbow however she quickly threw the mare away unfurled her draconic wings flapping them quickly to orient herself. "Not bad Rainbow Dash, I can see why Twilight respects your skills but if you think this gives you an edge then you're mistaken." Dawn said with a smile before she was blindsided from behind with a lightning bolt.

"Even Alicorn don't have as natural connection to the sky as a Pegasus, this is my domain bitch, now give back Twilight!" Rainbow yelled her eyes glowing white as her armor crackled with lightning and she charged the mare her knives crackling with electricity. Dawn grimaced as black magic condensed around her hands as two black crystal blades materialized in her hands just in time to bock the Pegasus’s attack. Quickly she disengaged the blade lock and shot back Rainbow following her eyes narrowed in anger. Dawn frowned before her eyes widened as Rainbow threw one of the knives causing it to slam into her and an explosion of lightning enveloped her before the world went dark.

When Dawn woke she was tied up and Discord stood over her. "Now, care to explain exactly where Twilight is?" He asked.

"You're no fun." Dawn pouted however she was immediately slammed into the deck by Rainbow.

"You can either answer him or talk to me and I guarantee you I'm not in the mood for this shit." Rainbow growled.

"You all don't seem to get it do you?" Dawn sighed as she snapped her fingers causing the rope to vanish and she teleported reappearing a few feet away. "If I wanted you dead I'd of dealt with you like Twilight did Chrysalis, efficiently and without care or mercy." She said as she cracked her neck. "But Twilight would be mad if I hurt Discord and if I killed Rainbow I can kiss my life goodbye." She said as she sat down uncaring as the two eyed her.

"You were holding back." Discords stated and Dawn smiled as she nodded.

"But I knocked you out with lighting, you can't fake that... can you?" Rainbow asked angrily.

Dawn frowned. "I don't know how you did that but no; I didn't fake it, you actually did knock me out." She replied. "That lightning was powerful enough to overwhelm my natural resistance and magical defense; however you did that I will be sure to never get in the way of your attacks again." She said with a smile at the end. "Also, next time you see Celestia give her one of those up her ass for all she put Twilight through, Twilight was too kind to that bitch last time they met."

Rainbow blinked before smiling. "I like that idea." She said with a dark smile. "Ever heard of Spicy Pegasus wings? Well just wait cause there's a special request for fried Alicorn wings coming soon to an ass kicking near you." She said darkly.

The Alicorn chuckled at her comment however Discord frowned. "Who are you?" He asked.

"Dawn Flare, the darker side of the one you call Twilight Sparkle." Dawn replied. "Twilight was exhausted so I offered to let her rest and I'd take over, when she's rested she will be back but till then you have me."

Rainbow frowned. "So you're like a nerdier Nightmare Moon or something like that?"

Dawn chuckled but nodded. "Something like that, think Nightmare Moon but instead of being all evil and crazy I'm sane and simply wish to help Twilight. No take over Twilight's body scheme or rule the world plans. I'm the darkness that comes when Twilight's pushed too far, the little sister who only wants to protect her big sister."

Rainbow frowned. "Little sister?"

Dawn nodded. "In a sense, Twilight is my big sister and I will do anything to protect my sister." She said darkly. "I was originally the spirit of this armor but when Twilight bound it to herself I became more of an actual being and became what you see before you, a separate personality that represents Twilights’ darker side, I only take control when Twilight can't handle something or she lets me."

Rainbow nodded. "Okay... I still don't trust you but I guess you're alright but if you try anything..." She trailed off as she raised her knife and sent a spark through it.

Dawn nodded. "More lightning, got it." She said with a nod.

"How long will you remain in control?" Discord asked distrusting.

Dawn shrugged. "When I took control Twilight spent several hours crying before drifting off so I'd say a while. She's been up since she returned to life, Celestias actions mentally broke her and... I'm kinda worried about her." Dawn finished as she looked down at the deck frowning. "Celestias betrayal really messed her up, more than you can possibly understand." She whispered sadly.

Rainbow frowned. "Why hasn't she said anything?" She asked. "She knows I'm here for her, hell even Discords here for her. She doesn't need to bottle it all up."

Dawn sighed. "I wish she would let you all help, I'm always there for her but even I can't figure out what to do." She replied. "And before you go and ask Pinkie to set up a part, just don't, she needs time to recover and heal."

Rainbow sighed. "Yeah, makes sense." she said.

Discord frowned. "If I may ask what exactly do you plan to do till Twilight returns?" He asked.

Dawn shrugged. "Nothing really, I've been meditating all night so I got nothing."

Discord nodded. "Well my dear perhaps you would like something to eat?" He asked "I imagine you’re quite hungry."

Dawn tilted her head in thought before nodding. "Sure, I could do for a bite." She said with a sigh and the group moved down the decks. When they entered the Gallery they spotted Fluttershy sitting with a fussy Screwball who was squirming and trying to move away from her. Dawn smiled slightly as she watched the scene before turning to the food and grabbing a plate. With a sigh she took it over to the table and joined Fluttershy. As she sat down Rainbow and Discord joined her and she began to quietly eat.

Once Screwball calmed down Fluttershy finally looked up to see Dawn and froze in place before a bow made of tree roots appeared in her hand and she quickly drew it back as an ethereal arrow of green magic appeared. "Nightmare." She growled as Dawns eyes widened. "Why are you here and in Twilights body?"

Dawn slowly finished chewing the food in her mouth before swallowing. "Now Fluttershy, please calm down." She asked only for Fluttershy to release the arrow into the floor next to Dawn. "Okay, Rainbow, can you and Discord please explain the situation to the Element of Kindness before I get an arrow shot down my throat?" She asked as calmly as she could.

Rainbow nodded. "Shy, please put the bow down." She asked calmly as Discord rose and slowly placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Please Fluttershy, you need to calm down." He said in a soothing tone.

"And let what happened to Luna happen Twilight?" She asked in a cold voice. "We just got Twilight back and I will not lose her to darkness." She said coldly.

Dawn sighed. "Okay this has gone on long enough." She said with a groan before she lit her horn and began to glow as a dark aura surrounded her. Dawn grunted as she grit her teeth and all ponies present watched in shock as she began to spit in to two beings however rather than blood a white mist began to flow from the split before finally with a pop the two halves came apart and everyone stood in shock. Lying beside the dark Alicorn was a mare almost identical to her only her fur was lighter and her wings were feathered Pegasus wings rather than leathery draconic ones. "Oh that hurt." Dawn groaned as she rubber her head.

"What the hell did you just do?!" Rainbow yelled in panic.

"Calm down Rainbow, I simply divided Twilight and I temporarily." She said in a nonchalant tone.

"That makes so much sense!" Rainbow countered sarcastically.

"Make sense?" Dawn asked quietly before looking Rainbow in the eyes. "What fun is there in making sense?" She asked. "Madness, chaos, insanity, all these are but half of who we are." She said with a laugh. "I am the Alicorn of Harmony, a living contradiction! I am sane yet mad, kind and cruel, two opposites coexisting in a way never meant to happen." She said with a smile.

Discord nodded. "Neither Chaos nor Order, you walk the path of wisdom but tread carefully for the path you walk is lined with thorns."

Dawn smiled. "Then it's a good thing I'm a pony." She said cheekily causing Discord to laugh.

"And you think that by doing this I will trust you monster?" Fluttershy asked her eyes narrowing. "If anything it gives me more reason to kill you." She said calmly.

Dawn raised her hands in a surrender motion as she looked at the Pegasus mare with concern. "That won't actually kill me but while it might not kill it'll still hurt like a bitch." She said calmly. "I promise I'm not going to do anything. Cross my heart hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye." She said as she made the appropriate gestures.

As soon as she finished the pink pony herself appeared beside her and narrowed her eyes at the dark Alicorn. "Hmm..." She said as she eyed the Alicorn before nodding. "She's being serious but just know; I got my eye on you Dawnie." She said as she sunk under the table.

When she finally vanished under the table Dawn bent over and looked under it to find no trace of the pink menace. Slowly Dawn straightened back up her left eye twitching erratically as some of her hair began to pop out of position. "How-she-what... She just disappeared." She said as she slumped forward in defeated as her brain failed to comprehend what just happened.

Rainbow placed a hand on the confused Alicorn. "Don't question it, it's Pinkie Pie." She said as Dawn nodded.

"For both my sanity and Twilights I’ll try." She said as she rubbed her forehead in pain before returning to eating. After finishing her food she turned to Fluttershy. "DO you know where Twilight s quarters are? She needs to rest and I don't think she'd want to be on a bench in the gallery."

Fluttershy nodded as she looked to discord and held up Screwball. "I'll take you to her quarters and then you and I are going to have a chat." She said with narrowed eyes. Dawn nodded and picked Twilight up bridal style as she followed Fluttershy.