Spike's Teacher

by Richer19

Chapter 33: A Kingdom on Ice

As the group moved closer to the tower, they slowly became aware of more and more details that started to make things more complicated. The first being that the wind and snow; normally a constant presence had started to diffuse. While it still ran through their fur and scales it was no longer oppressive. The second thing was perhaps the biggest one.
“There are buildings here.” Spyro noted with surprise as they walked on what was once the main street. Rows upon rows of houses, most two stories that got larger the further they were almost covered in snow. Yet when Spyro took a closer look he saw that the snow looked recently settled on the building.
“This is a full town.” Cynder added with her own surprise looking at the clear signs of various traders and craftsmen, craftspony?, establishments as the group moved into a large open marketplace.
“But why would a town be built here of all places?” Spike finally finished the dragons thoughts “I mean there is nothing but snow and ice here. How could any creature survive for any amount of time.”
“I don’t know Spike.” Cadence replied still keeping herself close to her husband who looked to be the most on edge out of the group. His eyes were scanning around the alleyways and side roads as if expecting a thief to pop out at any moment. “Hopefully the tower will provide some answers. It appears to be located in the center of the city so it must be important to whoever use to live here.”
As the group made their way along they noticed more and more apparent lack of life in the area. They all wondered if the former inhabitants had managed to escape whatever happened here as the alternative was honestly too much to think about. As they got closer to the tower, they noticed that even during the snowstorm the tower was quite beautiful made of some unknown material but one that looked to be able to wither the storm. When they got underneath the tower, they could feel the wind reducing its power on them allowing a bit more warmth to return to their bodies.
Spyro looked up at the tower seeing the underside “Hmm how do you suppose we get in?”
“The wind is too strong for flying.” Cynder pointed out.
“And I didn’t see any sort of windows or balcony through the snow.” Spike added crossing his arms and pondering. “Besides if this place was inhabited by ponies there would need to be an entrance on the ground anyway.”
“True enough.” Spyro finished looking back down before noticing Cadence moving off to one of the pillars. 
“Cadence?” Shining asks in concern as she places a hoof on the pillar rubbing against the metal. The pillar seemed to hum a bit before to the surprise of everyone a panel opened up revealing a dark staircase.
The group walked up towards the princess who now looked like she was both curious and confused by what happened. Looking back at her husband and dragons and seeing the question on their faces she responded “I...I don’t know. I just...felt like that was the right thing to do.”
“More questions to this mystery.” Cynder stated “Perhaps it will be best to let us go up first just in case there aren’t any traps.”
Shining and Cadence both agreed to that and Spyro took the lead with Sparx hovering above his head followed by Spike and Cynder taking the rear.
The stairs were in quite good condition despite not being in used for who knows how long. Sparx provided enough light for the group to see and the winding stairs eventually leveled out into a large chamber. Looking ahead at the darkness, Spyro took a deep breath before blowing a stream of fire lighting up the room for a few moments giving Cynder enough time for her to scan the area for any signs of traps or dangers. When all was cleared, Spike called out to the couple to come on up which they did after a minute or two.
At this point Spyro found some candles and torches that were still filled with wax and lit them giving the chamber a soft glow and showing off the state of it. The first thing that they noticed was the lack of any dust or cobwebs. The place looked to have just recently been swept which was impossible considering that the outside looked to be abandoned for years. The paintings and glass were all well maintained and the crystal like walls bounced against the light making everything seem more surreal.
“Well this place is sure decked out real nice.” Sparx comments lazily floating around now finally free of the blizzard.
“No signs of life yet this place is still so clean...what could be the reason behind this occurrence?” Spike asks out loud.
“Celestia did mention that this place was lost over a thousand years ago.” Cadence answered ‘Yet it looks like it has been frozen in time.”
“More like banished my naive princess” That same chilling voice echoed out around the walls. “Do you like what this place has become? Honestly I can’t stand it personally. Not enough...Darkness you know.” The group looked around trying to find the source. Eventually with the sound of amusing chuckles the same black smog appeared through the tiny cracks in the walls and ceilings and condensed in the far end of the chamber right in front of a large ornate door. To the surprise of the group, the smog appear to solidify itself more revealing the shape of a stallion almost a head larger than Shining Armor with black fur and a smog like mane and tail.
The stallion looks over himself “Hmmm not quite fully formed yet the crystal is close...I can feel it.”
“Who are you?” Shining shouted planting himself between the stallion and Cadence while the dragons spread out all posed to react to any kind of danger. The stallion didn’t seem all that concerned with three dragons glaring at him with focus preferring to keep his attention focused on Cadence.
“Well well princess. Are you enjoying your trip back to your kingdom. I must say I am surprised you would come back considering you ABANDON ME.” The stallion shouted causing the walls and floor to shake from the force of it “But it is okay I forgive you so long as you tell me where the Crystal Heart is.”
“Crystal Heart? What are you talking about?” Cadence questioned back confusion on her face 
The stallion was silent for a moment his head leaning in closer to take a better look at her before pulling back “Well I suppose it doesn’t matter. One way or another I will claim what belongs to me. The Crystal Heart, this kingdom and of course” He lifts his hoof up and points to the alicorn “You.”
“Like I would let you touch a single part of my wife you monster “Shining yelled out before shooting a blast of his magic at the stallion. The stallion smirked and merely moved his head off to the side dodging the beam.
At the same moment Spyro went into action charging forward and shooting several shards of ice at the black stallion. His horn glowed a sickly green aura and several black crystal shards appeared to block the ice. Before Spyro could have a chance to react the black crystals shot at him which caused one of them to land on his chest and the force knocking him to the wall before slumping down onto the floor.
Cynder and Sparx let out a shock and raced over to the fallen dragon as the stallion walked towards Spike, Shining, and Cadence. Spike felt a sense of fear fester in his chest as his knees shook a bit. Shining let out a yell and charged at the stallion with a sword made of magic ready for a slashing strike. The stallion merely smirked and block the ethereal blade with another black crystal before he used his own magic to lift the white stallion by his neck.
Cadence horrified by seeing her husband in danger let out a scream “LET HIM GO.” Her horn lit up with pink and blue energies and a massive dome of magic burst from her body and spreading all around. The stallion, shocked tried to summon some more crystals to defend himself but the dome was too fast and he was pushed out of the room letting go of Shining Armor in the process. Spike watched as the dome continued to expand further and further until touching the hill that they had walked down not too long ago. The stallion was nowhere to be seen but his voice echoed in the room “A minor setback but soon the Crystal Kingdom will be mine once more.”