Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

That's not possible!

Chapter 21

"So, you think we should arrive together or separate?" Asked Twilight.

"Together of course." I said, putting a hoof over her shoulder.

She giggled and moved as close as she could to me.

We was a my house, downstairs on a couch planning out the night of the Gala.

We've been planning for the past hour, but haven't made much progress.

"Should we arrive with everypony else, or just me and you?" She said while she held my hoof with hers.

"Just us. We'll meet up with the others while we're there." I said as I nuzzled her neck.

Before we could continue planning, David walked into the room.

I looked up at him, "Yes?"

"Umm dude, there's this mare here. She said she knows you and needs to see you."

Who could it be? "Well, I guess send them in."

David nodded and left the room.

I looked back to Twilight and nuzzled her cheek.

"Oh my God! Lance, honey there you are!"

That voice, it can't be! I looked up, my eyes widened in shock. This can't be possible!


She smiled brightly, overjoyed, "I've looked all over for you. Two months of searching and I finally found you."

I began to stammer, "But, how did you know I would be in this world?"

"I just asked God to send me to the place that you went."

No! Why this?! I haven't done any thing to deserve this!

Let me describe my mom. She is over protective, I mean way over protective. Always telling me what is safe and what is not. If you asked me what I thought about the things she believed in. I would laugh you off, because I don't.

I looked my mom over. She was a earth pony, that's good. Sky blue with a black mane and tail. And those same, watchful eyes she had on earth.

She looked me over, "Lance! Why are you wearing those type of cloths. You know how I feel about gang related things!"

Twilight looked at me, confused, "That's your mom?"

Before I could answer, my mom jumped in, "That's right! And who might you be?"

I put my hoof over Twilight's mouth before she could respond, I need to handle this, "She's my friend Twilight."

My mom looked at my face, "Take those goggles off, we're indoors!"

She asked for it. I reached up and pulled the goggles down, revealing my reptile like eyes.

She jumped back and stomped her hoof, "Good heavens! What's wrong with your eyes?! I'm taking you to the doctor right now."

What the hell?! "Their my normal eyes, mom!"

She shook her head, "Oh no. I'm taking you to get those checked out. What if you have disease!"

What'd I tell ya! To damn over protective. "Their fine."

Twilight stood, "Lance's mom, his eyes are okay. You don't have to worry about them."

I looked over to Twilight and my eyes widened. I had forgot she was showing, and right now, it was pretty obvious she was pregnant.

My mom looked at her and her face light up with anger, "Is that horse pregnant?!"

I sighed, shit, I'm going to have to tell her. Because if I don't, Twilight will, or Greg. Probably Greg since hes high most of the time. 'Yes mom. I did it." I grinned to my self at how I said I'm the one who made her pregnant.

Her eyes light with fire and rage, "I thought I taught you better than this! Your coming with me and leaving that animal behind!"

She just crossed a line with me. "No."

She looked at me, confused, "No? What do you mean no? You've never said no to me before."

That is true, I always tried to be nice to her, "I'm not leaving, and there's nothing you can do about it. Also, she is not an animal. She's my fucking marefriend!"

She took a step back from my choice of words. Never before had she heard me cuss. "Lance Greenfield! Your coming with me right now, and your going to be ground for a long time for that little comment."

I sat back and put my hoofs behind my head, "Make me."

She walked over and put her face to mine, "You obey your mother right this minute!"

I shrugged, "Why? I already have a better life here than I did with you."

She looked hurt and pissed at my response, "I gave you a home and a happy safe life. How could you say that?"

"Yeah, a safe life. But not happy. At least here, I get to be my own person... I mean pony."

She shook her head, "Your not a pony Lance. Your a human, a healthy human boy."

I sighed, "Since I came here, I've been a pony. Accept the fact mom. I'm now and will from now on be a pony."

She turned and walked to the door, "Come on Lance, or am I going to have to force you?"

I smirked, "Forcing sounds good."

She shook her head, "Fine! Have it your way! I never thought I would have to do this, but I'm going to get the police to make you leave."

I laughed, "You do that."

With that she left, slamming the door.

Twilight looked at me, "I thought mothers was suppose to love their colts?"

I shrugged, "She does, she just loves to much. So how about you transport us to the library and we'll continue making plans."

She smiled, "Sounds good to me."

Her horn glowed and the familiar bright light engulfed us.


Dana walked out of the house and let out a loud breath. How could her son Lance say those things to her? He had always been a nice boy growing up.

Why would he want to come here to a world of horses? And want to be one of them?

She felt like crying at the fact that he had actually had intercourse with one of those animals. How could he do that? It was wrong and sick!

She would straighten him out after she found a police officer to make him go with her. All she had to do was find one, a police officer should be wearing blue, so look for a horse wearing blue.

She walked down the street, asking questions and searching for something that doesn't even exist in Equestria.


Greg held in his laughter through the whole scene between Lance and his mom.

He had been at the top of the stairs listening, and he had to say, it was fucking funny.

This little twist was going to bring on a lot of fun for him to watch and enjoy.

He lifted up a blunt to his mouth and puffed. All he needs now is popcorn and he's set.


David stood with his back to the wall, listening to the conversation between Lance and the mare, who turned out to be his mom.

After it was over, he became worried. What if his mom came here to and was looking for him?

That would be horrible! She would ruin everything hes worked for and destroy his new life.

He then laughed at him self. She wouldn't come here, she would have went straight to heaven. That's what she always wanted any way.


I sat back on the couch, pleased with our plans.

Me and Twilight was finally able to get every thing planned out. All the way down to the last detail. Strange how we both like to plan out how to approach things like parties and events.

She stood up and yawned, "Well, that's everything. We have our clothes ready, our transportation, our schedule for the night, and everything else."

I stood up and stretched, sitting for three hours is not a good way to help a sore back. "Yep. Now to just go there and enjoy ourselves."

She walked up stairs and I followed.

I jumped into bed and yawned. Man am I tired. Not doing anything really does put you to sleep.

I began to fall asleep before Twilight even had a chance to get in bed.

I smiled to my self. Tomorrow is the day. The day of the Gala, the most magical night of the year. Its going to be one hell of a party with all of us there.

With that, I let my mind relax and I went into a restful slumber.