Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

Cheesy Pt3 (not quite drug use warning)

"Speak for me. Tell me you want it."

Opening her mouth to reply, Rainbow was caught off-guard by Thunderbolt pressing two of his thick fingers into her. All that came from her throat was a full-bodied moan of pleasure.

"There. That wasn't so hard, was it?" Shifting himself, Thunderbolt leaned down and pressed one clawed hand to the back of Rainbow's neck, balanced his weight on the other, and brought his hips down to Rainbow's rump.

Pinned in place, Rainbow Dash stared ahead as Thunderbolt held still a moment. She could feel movement, but couldn't see that he was using a wing to lube up his shafts. The first she knew of his action was the tip of his penises pressed against her ass and slit. She could have opened her mouth and told him to stop, but as horny as she was, the idea didn't even occur to her.

Thunderbolt leaned forward, slowly, and pressed the deflated heads of both his slick shafts into Rainbow. A rumble of desire poured from his chest as he sank deeper into her obliging body. Lubed as he was, however, Thunderbolt wasn't about to push her all the way on the first thrust.

Eyes refocusing on something close, Rainbow found herself staring at green fingers holding a joint crackling with purple-red smoke.

"You want it? Like, take a puff and let him drive you wild," Tree Hugger said.

"Open your mouth, pet, and take it." Thunderbolt held her down, keeping Rainbow from physically reacting to the offer.

Rainbow shivered. She tried to shake her head and couldn't. "No."

Leaning forward, impaling Rainbow completely on his shafts, Thunderbolt arched his neck kissed Rainbow's cheek. "Good girl."

Tree took away the smoke and smiled at the proof that Rainbow was still in control. "Righteous." Tucking the joint between her own lips, Tree took a long pull on it and walked back to the kitchen area.

Not wanting to ask questions of Rainbow and break the mood, Thunderbolt put a little more pressure on her neck. "And now I give a bitch two bones." Despite himself, the mood, and the scene, Thunderbolt could stop a silly giggle from breaking loose. "I sound silly."

"You do." Rainbow was stuffed full of dragon, and she knew she was about to be even more so soon. "But I want my big master to fuck his bitch into next week." Just saying the words caused Rainbow to shiver. "Please fuck your bitch into next week?"

"Since you asked nicely, and were a good girl…"

Any more words Rainbow had thought to say leaked out her ears as Thunderbolt pulled back and slammed home again. The soft nodules on the head of each of his shafts didn't need to find her most sensitive points—they stroked every sensitive point.

Tree Hugger grinned at the whimpering cry that left Rainbow Dash's mouth. "Yeah. That's what I normally sound like when he does that. Ride her, big guy."

Thunderbolt scarcely needed any cheering on. Unlike with Tree and even Spicy, he could let loose of his instincts with Rainbow and let his old-self out. It was something special and primal, and something that he loved her for. Snarling, smoke leaking from his nostrils, Thunderbolt began to hump forward rhythmically.

Each stroke his body made reminded Thunderbolt of the uniqueness of his anatomy. Tighter and tighter Rainbow's body became as he bottomed out again and again within her, but not at his hips. Each thrust forced the tip of his shaft in her vagina to bump into the end of her passage. He'd expected Rainbow to tell him to stop if it hurt, so he assumed she was content to take it.

Rainbow couldn't believe that Thunderbolt had gotten longer. He was too big to comfortably fit into her, or he would be if she weren't so horny anything would feel good to her. Each time his shaft thumped into her cervix it sent a jolt of wild pain-pleasure mix into her head that resulted in the needy side of her wanting more of it. Nothing else would fulfill her.

And more of it Rainbow got. Thunderbolt kept her pinned down throughout his long rut, shoving his increasingly swollen shafts into her so much that her brain turned to a mushy pile of lust, fulfillment, and desire. She held her hips in the air for him and braced herself against his thrusts, because his firm grip made anything else impossible.

The heat of Thunderbolt over her seemed to increase, and then the heat of him inside her began to ramp up too. Rainbow started to let out little grunts as her internal pressure grew in relation to how long the relentless dragon was fucking her.

From one thrust to the next Thunderbolt found himself straining to shove back into Rainbow. His body took this as an indication that the next stage of the breeding process was reached, and the tips of each of his shafts inflated rapidly to fill Rainbow's passages—even causing her to stretch around him. What he didn't realize was the last shove had pushed the very end of his shaft in her vagina right up against the wall of her cervix.

Before Thunderbolt even climaxed, Rainbow tipped over the edge. She shook and trembled, her body feeling like it was simultaneously on fire and being shocked by electricity. She couldn't move still, but with the raw power flooding through her Rainbow was caught in the best of prisons—one of her own making.

Thunderbolt growled low in his belly as his fire burned hotter. He could feel magic pouring off Rainbow as well as himself, and it seemed to be making a tornado around them. But all his focus was on his building orgasm. His balls, hidden away inside him, were sending a constant flow of semen to his prostate, which was swelling more and more in preparation. When the time was right—a moment that was entirely decided by his body—the fire inside him rumbled through the tight passages that led to both his shafts, and shot down them and into his waiting mate.

Rainbow was in no way prepared for the heat Thunderbolt would drive into her. Her first orgasm intensified and rolled into something greater than she could hope to withstand. She felt connected—first to Thunderbolt—to everything around her. It was a link of magic between herself and the whole world. As the burning-hot dragon seed flooded her bowels and womb, Rainbow felt her body change again.

Mass shifted, and Rainbow could feel her scant breasts becoming less still. Her arms seemed to strengthen somewhat as new cords of muscle formed, while she could feel her wings growing larger.

As Thunderbolt's body began to come down from his climax, he eased up the pressure on Rainbow's neck and let go of her completely. The side of him that loved to dominate her was content with having her well tied on both his lengths. Slowly, he sank down on her rump, forcing her body to the floor and him atop her.

Looking in the reflection one of he pots offered her, Tree Hugger could see the ears standing proud atop her head, despite her attempt to remain human. "Far out." Concern was the last thing in Tree's mind, however, as she felt more connected and at peace than ever before.

Rainbow, meanwhile, felt full. Every now and then Thunderbolt's shafts would twitch and shoot another blast into her, and thanks to the fit of his ballooned tips, it all stayed in. Each of those little ejaculations caused her pleasure to ramp up again, and often urged a groan or moan of bliss as her body rewarded her for finding a mate.

"That was amazing." Thunderbolt meant every word. He felt spent both physically and emotionally, like he'd been able to scratch an itch that had needed scratching for some time. "You're amazing."

"We're all pretty amazing—and awesome." Rainbow was still swimming in bliss, but she'd managed to wrangle her brain around to working. "S-Sorry, Tree, I just didn't want to—I need to talk to a friend before I try some more."

"Heyyyy. No stress here, remember? We're all just here to have a bit of fun today. Making cheese, making love, making magic… Love the new look, by the way. Totally radical." Tree could see Rainbow's fuller limbs that hid her strength under her fuzz. Though right now she wasn't fully visible thanks to a dragon pumping her with his "love."

Stretching his wings out, Thunderbolt felt like it was time. Pulling back, one last jolt of stimulation forced a different substance from his shaft. Thick, coagulating goop sprayed into Rainbow's rear and over her cervix, quickly curing to seal up both passages. Drawing himself out always left him feeling slightly worried for the women—and now man—in his life. "Are you okay?"

Rolling sideways, Rainbow Dash looked down at her body. She'd lost even more definition. Her chest was down to an almost completely flat look, and her arms and legs were oddly rounder. "Yeah. More magic stuff, but I'm kinda resigned to that. Oh crap! I look pregnant!"

"Really filled you up, huh?" Tree reached down and offered Rainbow a hand as Thunderbolt took the other. Together they pulled Rainbow up to her wobbly feet. "You're going to be waiting a bit for the plugs to dissolve, dudette."

"Huh? They were gone in about five minutes last time—Wait. Did you become more dragon?" Studying Thunderbolt, Rainbow realized he had. She was almost too afraid to ask. "How long do they stay in like—like this?" She gestured at her puffed-out belly.

"Well… I normally only let him have one hole, and I think he paints most of his stuff on my back or front when he does, but the plug took, like, two hours last time." Tree caught Rainbow when the other woman reached out for a hug. "Hey, it's alright. You'll be all, like, dealt with this before the sun goes down. Come over here and rest."

Surprised at a new strength, Tree guided Rainbow to the couch and pulled the other woman into a closer hug. Part of her would have loved to make it something more—particularly with how charged the sexual energies were—but she held to her promises and ideals. "It's alright. Shhh."

Rainbow knew the feeling well. She was coming down from her submission kick, and it had sparked a mini depressive moment for her. Nothing was as important as being held, and she didn't care if it was a male or female. When Thunderbolt's weight settled on her other side, and a huge leathery wing wrapped around her and Tree, Rainbow felt more peace settle over her.

Only one thing could have made the moment more perfect, for Thunderbolt, and that was having Spicy there too. A dragon, he realized, had more than enough desire and love to share around. "I read that dragons keep hoards. Treasure." He blew out a little sulfurous smoke and smiled. "I already feel rich. Not that I own you, any of you, but that you let yourselves be mine."

Tilting her head and nuzzling against Tree's side, Rainbow continued to bask in the warmth and reassurance. "I'm still a bit too frazzled to get what you're saying."

"He's all philosophical, man." When Tree ran her hand through Rainbow's mane, she felt the other woman respond by snuggling a little closer. "You're, like, really cozy there."

Rainbow just nodded, not even caring that she was as close to curled up in Tree's lap as she could be and not be actually sitting on her.

"She's coming down. Not from the smoke—it's the high that her mindset gives her. Spicy explained it. She gets so into the moment that the normal Rainbow lets her reality be overwritten for the duration of the scene." Thunderbolt squeezed a little with his wing. "She needs time to shift reality back into place. Until then, she just wants closeness."

Tree continued brushing Rainbow's hair with her fingers. "I'm totally okay with that. She's like a big kitty cat."