//------------------------------// // (5) Not Everyone Will Forgive // Story: Regrets // by Script Singer //------------------------------// "First off, I want to thank you all for gathering here today."  I stood on a stage in front of a group of ponies I had hurt from my past mistake. Not everypony was there, but that didn't matter right now. I knew I wanted to forgive myself for what I did, and this was the first step.  "I want to apologize for how I acted before. I didn't treat you very well, And I'm really sorry about it. I feel like I have to explain my reasons why I did it..." "I have trust issues due to what happened to me, so I had trouble believing anyone who said they would be there to help me. So I was making up lies to see if anyone would show they actually cared. To show me that I was worth someone's time, and... I will admit, a part of me was seeking attention... but I feel like part of me needed it, if that makes sense..." I rubbed my neck slightly as I continued.  "I began to like the attention that I was given, but I knew it was wrong. So I tried to fix my mistakes, but only managed to make them worse and cause more harm than good... I felt like it became some sort of addiction like I craved people to care about me." I stopped for a moment as I felt the lump in my throat begin to form. I kept going.  "But all of those lies...caused a good friend of mine to kill herself...because of me..." My ears dropped back slightly as tears formed in my eyes. "I never intended to do that, and I would like to apologize to her family for what I've done. I hope in time, they'll forgive me, and I hope you all will forgive me too." "I just want you all to know, from the bottom of my heart, I am truly sorry." I stared at the crowd of ponies before me, some had disapproving looks on their faces while others held sympathy. I could feel the pure disgust they had toward me and some even shouted at me for doing the things I had done.  I let out a sigh as I hung my head and slowly walked off the stage, my hooves shaking slightly from the aftershock. I then saw a group of my close friends walk up to me, showing no emotion. I hadn’t seen most of them in months, so I wasn't sure how they would react. I braced myself for any hatred from them. "Guys, I-" Before I could say another word, I found myself in a tight group hug as tears formed in my friend's eyes.  "You... You don't hate me for what I did...?" I muttered.   "Of course, we don't hate you, Script," Lotus uttered. "You admitted your mistake, and tried to make up for it." "We love you," Bookie added. "No matter what." "Nothing will ever change that." Flame Flare said as she ruffled my mane I felt tears flow down my cheeks as my friends comforted me. A soft smile grew on my face as I hugged them back.  "I'm so lucky to have friends like you guys..." I said. "What would I do without you...?" "Probably just wallow in the dark all the time." We all let out a chuckle at that. "I love you, goofballs..." I saw two ponies walking up to me. "Mr. and Mrs. DIamond," I uttered. "I am so sorry for what I did to your daughter... I never meant to hurt her." The couple only hugged me. "Don't hate yourself for a mistake you caused. It wasn't your fault."   "You raised a perfect daughter, you know that?" I hugged them back. "I'm proud to say that she was a friend." --- I took a deep breath as I approached my old friend's house, Ink Quill. I was a bit nervous since the last time we spoke didn't go so well. But I wanted to make things right.  I knocked on the door. Ink Quill opened the door slightly, just enough for his head to poke out.  "Ink, I..." I stuttered. "I just wanted to say... I'm really sorry about what I did... Is it okay if we start over?" My pegasus friend hesitated a moment. "Script, I know you want to start over, I just... need some time to think about it, okay?" "Oh... Yeah, sure. Take all the time you need, alright?"  "Yeah, take care of yourself."