Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

Cheesy Pt2 (drug use warning)

Hauling Rainbow back to her feet, Tree walked over to her equipment and picked up her athame. "Next we cut the curds into blocks and put them all into the other pot and heat it up more." Holding the long-bladed knife, Tree carefully cut the curd first one way, then the other, and finally she pushed her hand down the middle of the curds and twirled the knife around to cut into cubes.

Rainbow watched as Tree reached under the kettle and lit the fire again. Walking closer, Rainbow dash reached her hand closer and closer to the flames, and finally put her hand into them. "Whoa."

"I was gonna say the same thing, man." Tree crouched down and watched Rainbow turn her arm in the flame. "I gotta stir this a bit."

Despite all attempts to the contrary, Rainbow found the flames dancing around her fingers fascinating. She was still turning her arm this way and that when Tree put the fire out. "Oh. What now?"

"Now I stir this a little more. See how the curds and whey are separated?"

"Wait. Like the nursery rhyme? You mean curds and whey are actually a thing?" Staring into the kettle, Rainbow watched as Tree stirred the little white cubes around in some kind of yellowy water. "So which one is the curds?"

"The curds are the white lumps. Those are the bits I need. The whey is the yellow stuff." Another stir and Tree checked her thermometer again. "Okay, this should just take a little more."

"So you tip the whey out?"

Shaking her head, Tree held off her stirring as the curds and whey separated further. "Whoa. No, man. Don't waste anything if you can help it. It's got vitamins and stuff." Tucking her joint in the corner of her mouth, Tree reached down for a handheld strainer and a huge pot. The smoke was hitting her, putting a pleasant buzz into the experience, but she didn't want to get ash into her cheese. "Here, hold this for me."

Looking at the joint that Tree passed her, Rainbow turned it one way and then another. "Doesn't it just burn away slowly if you don't smoke it?"

"Yeah, but I don't want to mess up this cheese. Adding some herbs later would rock, but right now it needs to be done just right." Tree was so focused on her task, she didn't see when Rainbow took another pull on the joint. Scooping out a good amount of curd with her strainer, Tree fashioned it into a rough ball and dropped it into the kettle that had been heating still.

Expecting to grow unnaturally horny again, Rainbow felt only the mellowness of the magic drug in her system this time. The edge, it seemed, was just an edge. That wasn't to say she didn't get the high feeling, but it was less insistent about her needing to masturbate right away. "So what do you do with the—the whey?"

Tree Hugger worked fast to get all the curds scooped up and into the hot kettle. Once she saw Rainbow had taken another drag on the joint, she doubted her friend would be in a hurry. "Drink it. It's a little sweet, and still tastes a little, like, milky." Ignoring the scalding hot water, she dipped her hands into the hot kettle and lifted out the first ball she'd dunked in.

It was easy to get distracted by Tree folding and testing the cheese in her hands. Rainbow just lifted the joint to her lips again and took the last drag from it. The warmth in her groin was now starting to get a little more insistent, but she was surprised when Tree gestured to her. "What?"

"I said, can you go inside and get the big tub of ice. Man, are you mellow or what?" Setting the first ball of mozzarella aside, Tree grabbed for the second to test.

Feeling like her task was at least a little urgent, Rainbow turned for the house and started to run. Or tried to. Running seemed to be slower than walking, so she walked. By the time she got outside with the big tray, Tree had a pile of balls beside her. "I got it."

When Tree reached out to Rainbow, she stepped up to the girl and kissed her on the cheek. "I don't kiss girls." Rainbow Dash kissed Tree Hugger on the cheek again. "But you're too magical not to."

"Whoa. I think you've had enough for the day." Tree kissed Rainbow's cheek back and tried to ignore when Rainbow leaned against her side. She'd made cheese a lot, and knew that getting it done just right was more important than molesting her friend.

"You know, when Marble hypnotized me, I did all kinds of things and it felt a little like this. Is this hypnosis?" Lifting her hand back up, Rainbow let out a whine when she saw there was no more left of the joint.

"Come inside, Rainbow. It's not like that hypnosis stuff—probably, like, the opposite." Tree made sure to banish the fire from under the kettle before carrying the cheese inside while it sat on a tray in a bed of ice.

Rainbow Dash wasn't sure how she'd gotten back inside, but someone nice—Tree Hugger, part of her brain supplied—had set her down on a couch, and she finally had a chance to give her body some more attention.

Knocking on the door, Thunderbolt waited with the smell of milk, drugs, and magic in the air. He'd known Rainbow would be meeting with Tree today, but he didn't expect—he sniffed—sex.

"Like, come in." When Tree saw Thunderbolt duck under the doorway and come inside, she felt a bubbling happiness rise through her. Spending the day with a sporty-hot woman, watching her masturbate and get high as a kite, had left her own body in a rather hungry state.

Rushing to Tree, Thunderbolt paused just before picking her up and hugging her. "You're busy?" His eyes spotted the cheese—he liked Tree and liked her cheese far too much to ruin their relationship over his excitement. "You don't smell of sex. Wait. Not your sex." Turning his head, Thunderbolt's attention latched onto Rainbow. "Ahh…"

"She got, like, so worked up from a few puffs." Tree rolled the mozzarella over in her hands to ensure it was all sealed into neat balls. "I think you can help her with that, man."

Shaking his head, Thunderbolt looked back at Tree. "Before—When you didn't know each other, I feared what would happen if you met. I want you both, together. Belly to belly."

"No." Tree's eyes flashed a little wider as she spoke the word, and for a fraction of a second she saw Thunderbolt's eyes respond to her challenge, but then he took a step back from her. "See? That's why I like you. She hasn't agreed to sex with me, man. You're kosher, though." She stepped closer to him again and kissed his muscled chest. "I have to finish this, anyway."

Thunderbolt couldn't hold back. Wrapping one powerful forelimb around Tree's back, he pulled her up and arched his neck down a little to reach her mouth. Kissing her was something that always felt good, and doubly so when she melted against him like she did now. Pursing his lips, Thunderbolt blew a little fire out into Tree's mouth.

A shiver of magic rushed through Tree. She felt it burn all the impurities from her chakra like nothing else could. When the dragonfire stopped, she blew back. A pair of hard, heavy shafts pressed against her calves.

Thunderbolt broke the kiss first, his arousal now reaching the stratosphere. Kirin magic boiled inside him, blending with his own fire and causing him to grunt and shift in place. "You sneaky witch."

"From anyone else, and like that would not be a compliment. Go and have some fun." Tree was ready for Thunderbolt to drop her. Her legs folded slightly different than how they did when Thunderbolt had picked her up, but she found it easier to land safely—not harder.

Running her hands down from her chest, Tree felt a soft fuzz over her body. Leaving the still-oblivious Rainbow on the couch to get "caught" by Thunderbolt, Tree headed back outside to fetch her whey—her hooves making a musical clip-clop on the old stones of her garden path.

Her ear twitching, Rainbow barely turned her head when she saw Thunderbolt. Her hand—still rubbing between her legs slowly—stilled at the sight of him so rampant. "What're you gonna do with those?"

"You." Thunderbolt bent his head down and—nuzzling Rainbow's hand aside—licked her from the bottom of her slit all the way up her fuzzy body, along her neck, and then shoved his tongue into her gasping mouth.

Caught by her draconic lover, Rainbow squirmed under him as he Frenched her, groped her, and worked one claw carefully into her aching passage. In sympathy with her twitching vulva, Rainbow's belly rumbled at the meal it mistakenly thought was coming. The remnants of the parasite in her head still conflated physical hunger with the new appetites.

Pulling his tongue slowly from Rainbow's mouth only when he heard her gasp and almost choke around it, Thunderbolt drew his claw free as well. "On your hands and knees. Rump up, pet."

Shivering at the command, Rainbow instead hugged Thunderbolt a little tighter. "You're awesome, you know that?" She could feel him rumble—purring—before nuzzling her cheek. "But I'll be a willful pet, you know?"

Thunderbolt had been trying to work up to the idea of domination, as Spicy had explained it to him. But there was something special about Rainbow being into it that sparked his old canine instincts. It might not be how he felt for her as a person, but it was definitely an outlet for his more base desires. "Sit!"

"Make me." No sooner had she spoken than Thunderbolt clamped one claw-hand around the back of her neck and the other grabbed low on her waist. Shoving down with his arm, Rainbow shivered at being handled—forced to sit down like a dog would.

"Sit. This is how you sit. If I tell you to sit, you sit." The memories of his past were too hazy to remember clearly, but Thunderbolt had done a little research. Training animals required repetition, forcing them to associated a word with an action so that the action became synonymous with the word.

Tilting her head up, Rainbow looked at Thunderbolt with a joyous and excited glint in her eyes. The moment he eased up the pressure on her rear, she "stood" back up—at least as far as all fours.


Again Thunderbolt shoved her rump down, and again he repeated the word for her like she was nothing but a dog. She squirmed and shifted, trying to get out of his grip.

A hint of worry struck Thunderbolt. He was having more fun with the game than he thought he would have, but it worried him that Rainbow was trying to pull away. "A-Are you alright? I'm not hurting you?"

Ceasing her struggles, Rainbow looked up at Thunderbolt. "I'll tell you if I'm not. Spicy spoke to you about consent games?"

"He said you might want to act like you don't want something, yeah."

"Okay. Well, I'm not going to be telling you to stop unless I mean it—this time. So how about we just stick to me being okay with everything unless I tell you, and I will tell you." Rainbow shifted her hips and felt Thunderbolt's grip tighten again. "Just don't cover my mouth, okay?"

"You don't tell me what you want anymore, you're just a pet. Now, sit." Winking, Thunderbolt watched Rainbow's smile widen, and took that (and her lack of complaint) as her understanding his intent.

When he let up pressure on Rainbow's rump, it jumped into the air again defiantly. Thunderbolt let out a groan. "Well, since only good girls get a bone, and you won't sit like a good girl, you're going to be going hungry."

Rainbow was so caught up in the moment she failed to get Thunderbolt's meaning at first. When her brain connection his innuendo, however, her eyes widened.

"Sit?" Thunderbolt purred again when Rainbow quickly sat down on the floor and wagged her tail. "Good girl. Sit."

Tree was intrigued in the game her friends were playing. That kinda thing had never been her thing, but she could appreciate the role-play going on between the pair as they acted out something that made all their chakra shine a little brighter.

Shivering in delight, Rainbow Dash pushed her head upward into each stroke of Thunderbolt's clawed hand, feeling the sharp points of his claws lost in her mane as they trailed down her head and neck. Each pet was its own reward that she could lose herself in.

Thunderbolts purr threatened to overwhelm him. He had to admit that he was into this as much as Rainbow was, but from a different angle. He drew his hand back after giving her ear a little scratch. "Now, will my good girl stand up?"

"Good girl." Thunderbolt rubbed at Rainbow's ear again as her rump jumped up high. "Now will my good girl keep that rump up and drop her chest to the ground?"

Nothing could have made Rainbow happier to hear. She rolled her spine, arched her back and slowly lowered her shoulders until her chest was on the floor. Swaying her rump from side to side, she trembled when Thunderbolt's hand found it and gave her a little scratch just above her tail. Every nerve in her lower body lit up, and without realizing it she flagged her tail upward.

Still scratching at Rainbow's croup, Thunderbolt reached under her tail and stroked a finger along the length of her vulva. The sound she made—something between a whine and a groan—was more than enough to arouse him fully again, but there was more to this than just sex. He could have shoved her down and fucked her the moment he came inside, and she'd have been happy with that, but now they both wanted more from this. "Good bitch. You want a bone?"

Rainbow nodded her head.