Royal Equestrian Bismarck (+Bonus)

by Desperate Dawn

Patrol Log #1 (Bonus)

[12/08/1004 ANM]
Captain ‘Amethyst Seafire’

Hello, is this thing working?

*Bump bump*

Ah, alright it seems to be.

Ahem, this is Captain Amethyst Seafire of the Second Equestrian Fleet and I am on board of the notorious vessel that just somehow appeared on the sky of Manehattan. That is…umm, well over two to three years ago. I have to admit, the new Princess, Princess Twilight has dedication on preserving the ship. Her team somehow, translated the manual of the vessel that contains the blueprints.

Well, not blueprints, just overall structure of the vessel and other things that shouldn’t be mentioned in this log. Wait one.

*Distant voice*

“The log is accessible on lower clearance right, Princess?”

“Yes, only for level two however. Is the mic not working?”

“No, it worked fine.”


Ahem, sorry about that. Let’s continue on shall we?

Anyway, the team she assembled manages to translate through the manual that has a lot of information regarding this ship. That, not only showed us a new firepower and technology, we also gain what type of vessel is this.

It’s a battle-vessel obviously, but you know what they call it? They called the vessel ‘Bismarck’.

I don’t know who or what that is, but if the class of the vessel is called that, whoever that is must be such a renowned figure. We have a few famous names as callsign for Frigates and Galleons alike, but to have THIS as tribute for your deeds? Whoever they are, they’ve done something great to their nation.

Okay, you probably notice the eight large cannons on both the front and the rear of the vessel. The shells are MASSIVE; it needed at least three unicorns to lift it up and six earth ponies to pull the carriage containing the shell. The Princess research team ordered to have at least one shell of each size to be delivered to their lab, to uhh…study and research it for a way to efficiently duplicate that kind of shell, so we have plenty of ammunition in case the vessel needed a rearm.

We have a few smaller cannons on the port and starboard, the ‘cannon turret’ as the manual called it, is used for a short range bombardment on weaker vessel that may come close to the vessel. The other smaller cannons or ‘flakvierling as they called it; is used for defense against air assaults.

Moving on...

Just a few weeks ago, we’ve initiated a test run on the smaller cannon and boy, it literally shreds that wooden plank. I just hope that the shells didn’t stray far for it to hit somepony. We didn’t dare to test on the much larger cannons though, much to the disappointment of everypony but I understand how much damage it could cause.

We still have to use many of the shells sparingly though, the research team haven’t yet found a way to duplicate the shells for rearming, heck, we still haven’t found a place big enough to do an intensive repair. Of course, we still do the minor repair here and there inside the vessel, but what would happen if the vessel is somehow badly damaged?

Can we fix it? Can we use it again? Will it be just a mere decoration or ceremonial purposes?

No, this vessel should be used. If a threat such as the Storm King invasion ever to happen again, this vessel WILL be used for the defense. This asset of a technology is our best offensive and defensive might against the invading forces.

Anyway, we’ve done our first patrol along with the rest of the second fleet. Boy, this baby literally dwarfed everything. I can still see my house from the bridge!

Ahem, the second fleet has successfully patrolled the waters on North Celestial Seaboard, nothing but the blue sea all the way, much to the crew disappointment.

Oh, I uhh... forgot to mention just about how many is needed for this vessel haven’t I?

Well, it is around two thousand crew and it splits between groups to operate a specific part of the ship. You probably imagine just how much food we need to sustain the crew with at the very least supply worth of two to three months.

Whooo, thank the Princesses I’m not the one handling the logistics. Heh.

Anyway, that is all for today’s log. Hopefully something interesting happened in the next patrol.

Captain Amethyst Seafire signing off…