I Just Walk Away

by madhat886

Chapter 40

"Let me get this straight just so that everyone late understands it. You are the first quirkless student of U.A. who wants to be in the hero classes but was put into support. Even with you wanting to be like the old western comic heroes of the likes of Batman, Green Hornet, and the likes where you use support gear to make up for the lack of a quirk. The staff of U.A. refused to let you use support gear, saying that if you're caught without it you be helpless. And refuse to support you in anyway in this mecha suit you're trying to make with bits and pieces of junk?" Trixie ask Izuku Midoriya who is in the old storage shack for ground's keeping supplies, which he's been using to build his exosuit. Around them are eyebots broadcasting to all the TV screens around the world.

"Yes... I been trying to make something like what Iron Man from the comics use but none of the staff will help me," Izuku said as his exo-frame that he's based on the old cartoon Exo-Squad but so far he only has the frame for the legs.

"Let's see with the mind reader," Trixie said as she reach into her cloak and place a helmet on Izuku's head.

"What will this do?" Izuku ask.

"Project a screen above your head so I can see your memories," Trixie said as she began looking through his head.

The machine created a screen above Izuku's head and showed his memories from his point of view. Showing his interaction with the staff and them turning him down each time he talk to them about using support gear to be a hero. Going back to see older memories revealed his interaction with All Might and revealing to the world the secret of his power as he went from buff to wimp. Then showed Bakugou telling him to kill himself so that he could be reborn with a quirk in the next life. (1)

"Why is someone like that being allowed to be a hero? He'll be like Endeavor with him abusing his children where his first son killed himself and putting his wife in the metal ward when she lost it from his abuse," Trixie said.

"He did?" Izuku ask.

"Hack into all the hero agencies databases and found out a lot of things that they been covering up. Not to mention what the government agency that handles heroes have done to make sure that the public only sees the good in their heroes," Trixie said as she uses her datapad for something. "Which I have just posted on wiki leaks and anyone can look it up right now. Also you should know that All Might who told you that you couldn't be a hero without a quirk was quirkless. His quirk can be pass down from one user to another."

"He is?" Izuku asked.

"Yes the government keeps tabs on heroes and been keeping track of the users of All for One, since the villain One for All gave it to his brother over a hundred years ago. Just look it up on the wiki leaks," Trixie said.

"So all of this time where he said I couldn't be a hero without a quirk. He didn't had a quirk either just been given it," Izuku said.

"And thanks to the random generator I used to decide which hero or student in a hero school will be the champion of your planet who will fight against one of my crew members for the fate of your world. Thanks to the utter lack of any of the so called heroes being supportive and actually teaching you how to be a hero in your own way. You are utterly lacking in everything to be able to fight, which means you have to forfeit," Trixie said.

"You can't choose someone else?" Izuku ask.

"Nope as this is too good. The kid that no one tried to help and look down upon, the kid who's hero broke his dream, and even with him doing his best, none of the other pro heroes bother to be supportive or bother teaching him. Is now the only one who can save the Earth from being invaded," Trixie said. "Tell me do you know unarmed combat?"

"No," Izuku said.

"Are you be able to build your mecha in time for a fight?" Trixie ask.

"No," Izuku said looking at his project that he's been working on for months.

"Thanks to everyone around here putting you down and telling you that you can't be a hero without a power. You have no confidants or motivation to be able to fight. Even if the so called heroes of Japan were to go and give you the gear to be able to fight, how are they going to be able to train you to use them when they never and forbid you from ever learning to use them in the first place. They taught you nothing in how to fight and somehow expect you to be able to learn all of the combat skills and have the will to fight, with such a limited time to do it," Trixie said.

"How long?" Izuku asked.

"An hour," Trixie smirks.

Izuku looks at his mecha in the making and just walk over to the lone chair and sat down.

"Yeah there is no time for the last minute training or getting the gear up and running. As the conquer law states that only the one chosen by the conquer can fight and any outside help will be an automatic lost. And once the invader wins and the planet continues to fight, I can go and wipe out your entire race and no one else in the galactic community will do anything about it. For once the planet agrees to the conquer law that was made to lessen the collateral damage to a planet, they have to follow the rules to the letter. No one will ever help a planet that loses and still fights against the winner," Trixie explains.

"Better just get it over then," Izuku said.

"That's right just make it official that you're giving up so me and my crew can get this invasion over with," Trixie said.

"Hold it!" a man shouted as he knock on the door of the shack.

Trixie open the door and behind the door is Mr. Awesome a American superhero. The founder of the original Awesomes and its leader for the past 60 years, and Prock and Perfect Man's father. Although his powers slow his aging, he announced on his 90th birthday that he was retiring (to outer space, so that he wouldn't be bothered). He wanted Perfect Man to take over who is his son but his other son Prock volunteered when Perfect Man turned down the offer. Mr. Awesome's powers are similar to the comic hero, Superman he has superhuman strength, speed, flight, super breath, laser vision, and invulnerability. He wears a red, white, and blue outfit with a red cape and a 100-ton metal "A" on his crest.

"Mr. Awesome?" Izuku ask seeing the oldest hero who is still active standing in front of him. All Might is the symbol of peace but Mr. Awesome is the hero who set the standards.

"Yup, I"m here and flew over to stop you from giving up. I know it looks like it's impossible to win but if Trixie here would kindly give us more time. I will personally mentor you to become the hero you dreamed of becoming," Mr. Awesome said.

"Really?" Izuku asked.

"Yes, I will do what the heroes and teachers around here should had done, being supportive and teaching you how to be a hero. My son Prock even without using powers made a great leader of the new Awesomes. Coming up with excellent plans and assigns jobs to everyone on the team, making use of all of their powers and skill sets. And unlike here in Japan in America there are plenty of quirkless heroes, like Concierge of the new Awesomes who started off as just the secretary with her being very good at organizing things before becoming a full member of the team. And on the old team there is Black Irish who is the world's greatest detective who is so good you don't have to find him, he will just figure out you're looking for him and he finds you," Mr. Awesome said.

"But we only have an hour," Izuku said.

"Yup only an hour and once that's over and he loses. The planet is conquered by the conquers law," Trixie said.

"I know all about that law but so far till now no one used it when they invaded," Mr. Awesome said.

"Well," Trixie said pointing upward out of the door where the RV is in giant space ship mode. "Me and the others would like to be able to takeover this world without having to wreck most of it. Besides you know what happens to planets and invaders who break it once it's been declared."

"Yes, I know all about it. By the way why what kind of ship is it?" Mr. Awesome ask.

"Old mining ship," Trixie answers earning her looks from Mr. Awesome and Izuku. "What do you have any idea how much a warship cost? Besides unlike warships the old mining ship is made to slice off landmass size pieces of a planet at a time. In fact if your planet fights back we'll just use the gravity beam toss space rocks down on the planet. Sure heroes like you Mr. Awesome can stop the rocks but not all of them and all it takes is one really big one to wipe you all out. As for the ones who can survive the impact, without anyone left but them it be a simply matter of hunting them down or just using the ships big guns to blast them. But that's why we're trying to conquer your planet with the law behind us, so it won't cost us more then we'll make."

"Got a point there," Mr. Awesome said.

"But what are you going to do with Earth?" Izuku ask.

"Build factories, making you people work long hours with little pay so we can mass produce goods to sell on the galactic market," Trixie said.

"What about that robot army there?" Mr. Awesome ask pointing to the robot army outside the shack that are spread out around the school to protect Trixie.

"It's actually cheaper to have a non robot work force. Besides this planet is going to be a farming planet," Trixie said.

"A farm planet?" Mr. Awesome ask.

"Food is always going to be a big seller. Besides its safer then trying to go into the more black market things, which would get the space police on our backs not to mention getting the attention of bigger and stronger crime groups in the galaxy. With my group having a farming planet and selling the food to planets in need of food and companies, we can make a good profit while staying under the radar of others," Trixie said.

"Got to say that is a good plan," Mr. Awesome said. "But isn't there anything that can get you to give us more time?"

"Not really," Trixie said.

"Hold on," All Might said in his power up state.

"Give it a rest, Toshinori everyone knows about your secret now," Mr. Awesome said to the younger hero as he glares at him. "I can't believe you, Toshinori. You were just like Izuku before Nana gave you One For All and you still told him only those with powers can be a hero. You sicken me."

"He is the symbol of peace for this world right?" Trixie ask.

"No that's just marketing, seeing how I been doing the hero stuff longer then him. He just have more PR and the spotlight with Japan, who been marketing him as the symbol of peace since he moved back from the states. Japan hero system is more like their pop idols system where it's all about ratings and having the most eye catching gimmick then actual hero work. As for being the symbol of peace, when's the last time he actually did anything outside of Japan? No the whole hero system of Japan is self centered to only what happens in the country and not outside of it. Seeing how you compared to me wouldn't even come close to being what I am. As I never broken the dream of a kid who wants to be a hero like you did to Izuku here. Sure I snip the bub to kids who aren't able to be a hero because of health reasons and what not but never to a kid who can be a hero," Mr. Awesome said to All Might.

"You're right," All Might said as he powers down to his skeleton form. "I'm not a hero like you are. Izuku, I'm sorry you can be a hero."

"Too late," Izuku said. "You're not sorry for breaking my dream you're sorry for what's happening right now. If I wasn't the one pick to fight, you wouldn't even care."

"Of course I wouldn't. You didn't matter till now," All Might said before he gasp in shock.

"Truth ray," Trixie said as she pointed a flashlight like device on All Might. "Anyone in it's beam will always tell the truth when something is ask to them."

"Well, I hope you're proud of yourself. Why Nana pick you of all people... no she pick you because she felt sorry for you when you tried to be a quirkless hero and failed at it. You were a mistake," Mr. Awesome said.

"Yup and there is no way you'll be able to do anything to give Izuku here a chance to win. Seeing how actually trying to teach him at this point is useless. Not to mention his heart isn't in it," Trixie said.

"Everything you and the other teachers could had done when it would had meant something is long gone. Tell me what could you do for me? What can you and the other heroes here be able to do that would mean anything at this point? How can I have a suit ready in time which you repeatedly told me would be useless? Wait how about training me in unarmed combat. Oh wait you and the others told me I couldn't learn because I don't have a quirk," Izuku shouts at All Might.

"There has to be something to give us more time," All Might said to Trixie.

"Nope," Trixie said.

"Promise me you'll keep him alive and force him to do humiliating labor," Mr. Awesome said pointing to All Might.

"Well do," Trixie said.

"Give me One For All," Izuku said glaring at All Might.

"What?" All Might ask.

"It's the only way, I'll have a chance. And you have no choice, the world is watching," Izuku said.

"You're right," All Might said as he pulls out a hair and gives it to Izuku. "Eat it and you'll gain One For All."

"Just like that?" Izuku ask as he eats the hair.

"Yeah that's how it works. Knew just about all the past users," Mr. Awesome said.

"And I can give it away anytime?" Izuku ask.

"Yes that's how it works as long as you give it away willingly to someone who takes some DNA into into them that's how it works," Mr. Awesome said.

"Good," Izuku said as he plucks a hair from his head and offers it to Trixie.

"You're giving me your new power?" Trixie ask.

"To give me more time to train and be able to fight," Izuku said.

"The kid who no one believe in who has just been given the power of the very hero who destroyed his dream. Giving the power away to be able to have what he needs to save the world?" Trixie ask herself as she taps her chin with her finger. "Alright deal."

"What have you doing?" All Might shouted.

"Doing what it takes to save the world," Izuku said.

"Now that's what a real hero sounds like," Mr. Awesome said.

"You'll have a year's time. But with some rules, first you can't have anyone controlling you in anyway, so you'll be scan for the fight with any mind, soul, or whatever being detected you'll automatically lose. Also you have to build the suit yourself so you can't just have someone else go and make it for you. You have to be there working on it, either by hand or at the controls of the machines building it. Also just to make sure you're heart is in it you'll be hit by the truth ray and be ask if you're willingly to do battle, no being force to do something you don't want. And just to make sure I'll having this drone follow you around for a year," Trixie said as she made a metal ball appeared with a surface is like a mirror.

"Agreed," Izuku said handing over his hair to Trixie.

"But he gets to choose who he fights from your crew and from crew members that he has a chance to be able to win against. No going up against someone who can beat me one on one, that's just not fair," Mr. Awesome adds.

"Very well, he'll be only facing against crew members who he stands a 50/50 chance at beating. But that's if he's ready to fight that is as if he hasn't improved that much in a year then even the weak crew members who are able to fight would still kick his butt," Trixie said.

"Young Midoriya me and the other teachers will teach you to be a hero as we should had done," All Might said.

"Forget it Toshinori you and this school had it's chance and you all showed that you only care about students with quirks. Seeing how you and the Japanese let those with the flashy quirks get away with so much. The number 2 hero of Japan Enji Todoroki, Endeavor is a abusive husband and father, causing his wife to lose her mind and his first son to kill himself. Which the government covered it up just so that the people of Japan won't lose faith in the hero system. Which only going to cause more chaos now that it's all out there," Mr. Awesome said.

"You're welcome," Trixie said. "Seeing how you Mr. Awesome was turn evil and everyone knows about Prefect Man being your son. There isn't much left to expose."

"Izuku take it from me. Don't live up to a standard that no one can ever live up to. My sons team the new Awesomes are what you see, with all of their flaws being shown. They do their best to set a good example, while still displaying flaws. Which is better then what's being exposed right now with the Japan hero system, covering up everything just to make it appear all the heroes are flawless. Like the so called symbol of peace here," Mr. Awesome said glaring at All Might.

"Young Midoriya, we need to train you so that we can build up good PR...." All Might was saying but stop as he looks at Trixie who is using the truth ray on him again.

"I'm the villain. I'm suppose to be bad," Trixie smirks.

"You just want to save face. You don't care about anyone who doesn't have a quirk. You having no quirk and still looking down on people that you use and now are just like again,quirkless," Izuku said.

"Come I'll help you pack," Mr. Awesome said as he push All Might away from the doorway and walks out with Izuku. Around the shack the rest of the student body and staff had came over while staying far from the robots that are all armed and waiting orders.

"Then we'll take a plane or you'll carry me?" Izuku ask.

"Carrying you and your things over the ocean would be hard for both of us," Mr. Awesome said as Gadget Gal appeared holding a TV remote in her hands.

"Got the old teleporter working again," Gadget Gal said.

"You have a teleporter?" Izuku ask.

"Yes something I made a long time ago but can only teleport me to someone with a transponder or teleporting them to me. If they're in range and nothing is blocking it of course," Gadget Gal explains before she spots an old foe. "Well, well looks like time has cut you short."

"Arlene, it hasn't been long enough," Recovery Girl said glaring at the now younger and taller old foe of hers.

"Not only I had aged better then you, but I now back to a hot tomato. But then again, Chiyo you never were a match for me even in your prime during WW2," Gadget Gal said. (2)

"What?" Izuku ask.

"Both of them are WW2 era heroes like me who is also WW1 era. Don't you kids learn about that kind of stuff in school?" Mr. Awesome ask.

"No, it's not taught just gloss over," Izuku said.

"Typical they started the war and got their butts kick and now pretending that it wasn't that big a deal. Maybe some more nukes would had gotten the message of how badly they lost across," Gadget Gal said causing many in Japan to be offended.

"Remember she's really is in her 80's before she was made younger," Mr. Awesome said.

"But it still shows how things are just gloss over and covered up to make everything look better," Izuku said. "Let's go. I would like to be somewhere where people don't look down upon me and only pretend to care only when they need me."

"Good boy," Gadget Gal said patting Izuku on the head. "You really shouldn't be with people like these people."

"Hang tight," Mr. Awesome said as he grabs both of them and flew off with Izuku telling him where to go to reach his home.

"Well things are really going to be interesting when, I come back," Trixie said as she teleports away along with her robots leaving Japan to deal with the aftermath of what she has done.