
by Script Singer

(1) The Letter On The Door

I walked to my front door, finding an old sign on the doorknob. I picked it up recognizing the dragon handwriting of my friend, Flame Flare. I glanced it over as a look of sorrow filled my eyes. I stopped reading so I could walk inside and sit myself down to read the note. I looked at it as my eyes grew hot, tears streaming down my face slightly.

Dear Script, it read.

I'm sorry to tell you this by letter, but... your friend Rose Diamond committed suicide on Saturday around midnight because of her strong feelings about what you did to her... Keep in mind, that most of us have forgiven you, but you need to keep in mind, we are only trying to help you. We're not against you in any way at all, but we can't always save you from the aftermath of your-

I dropped the note, unable to finish it as my eyes filled with tears as I felt like someone had just stabbed me in the chest. I tried to process what I just read as my mind pulled the pieces together of what I did. "I acted like a jerk..." I muttered to myself as I collapsed onto my sofa in grief for my friend.

"...Why...?" I thought. "Why did she have to do this...? Why because of me...? I never meant to hurt anypony..."

Nopony does. Bella Singer uttered, trying to comfort me. You weren't in the right mind state.

"I never seem to be... all I do is lie and break promises..."

You're such an idiot, you should have treated her better than you did. Mensonge commented, trying to bring me down. If you treated her differently, maybe she would still be here.

Bella tried to comfort me, but I was too focused on the negative at the moment. I felt Bella’s presence fade into the background, she was keeping an eye on me, but giving me some space.


I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew, five hours had passed. My nose was all stuffy from crying and my face burned from the tears. I grabbed some tissue from the table beside me and blew my nose as I went to the fridge. I opened it, staring at the food inside then closed it, deciding I wasn't hungry.

You know I hate to bother, but isn't it better to go ahead and eat something? Bella asked. I mean, you know how your body feels when you're not eating enough...

I let out a sigh and nodded my head as I turned around grabbing a banana from the counter. I knew I had to eat, but I wasn't too hungry so I at least ate something small.

I then walked toward my bedroom, grabbing an old photo album from my bookcase. I opened it up, looking at old photos of me with Rose Diamond.

Suddenly, there was a knock on my door. I closed the book and rubbed my eyes as I walked to the door.

I saw my friend Flame Flare on my doorstep. I greeted her with a smile.

"Hey, Flare..." I mumbled.

"Hey Script, did you just get home?" Flare said.

"Yeah, been home for a few hours I guess..."

"...Did you read the note?" She asked, noticing my puffy face. I nodded as Flare pulled me into a tight hug. "You know, it's not your fault...?"

"...But it is...she killed herself because of what I did to her..." Flare stayed silent, unsure of what to say. "Look, I know you wanna help, but I need to be alone right now....alright?"

Flare hesitated for a moment but nodded her head as she hugged me tighter before she said goodbye.

I closed the door as I put my back to the door and sunk to the floor, thinking for a moment.

Just a little one shouldn't hurt, right?

I thought for a moment as I thought of cutting again.

Script, no don't do it! I could hear Bella shouting at me, sounding faint. I only ignored her. Things will get better, I promise!

I got up from the floor and walked over to a nearby dresser, pulling open one of the drawers filled with sharp objects. I pulled out a knife staring at the blade for a moment as I thought more about it.

Do it...

Script, don't!

I brought the knife to my chest, slowly impaling myself as my screams echoed through my ears. I felt the whole blade go through my chest and pulled it out, stumbling over myself as I let out coughs, spitting out blood. I struggled for air as I tried to take a breath of air, but to no avail, as I collapsed onto the floor of the room.

I curled into a ball as the pain in my body grew as I felt myself grow cold and slip away.

....what....have I done....? I thought to myself as my eyelids grew heavy. I fought myself to keep them open, hoping that I would be alright. Praying that Flame Flare didn't leave, and she was just waiting outside for me and she would burst the door open any minute.

I waited...and waited...and waited until the darkness overcame me. I found myself floating in darkness as my body grew even colder and slipped farther from reality.

"Script Singer!" I heard my friend screaming out my name. "Please, hang on, don't leave us!"

"Come on, Script, stay with us!" Ellie uttered.

“Help…” I struggled to speak.

Voices began to clamor over each other as I slipped farther and farther away. I wasn't trying to, it was like the darkness was taking me away from all I loved.

"We're losing her!"

"No, please, don't give up!!! FIGHT IT, SCRIPT!!!"
