Anon-A-Miss Aftermath: Tales of the Rainbooms

by PonyJoel

Visiting Applejack! Applejack's Nightmare!

Blaze drives his car towards the Canterlot Hospital. He figures what has happened last night may occur with Applejack in her sleep. He walks in and heads straight to Applejack's room. The nurse behind the counter tries to get Blaze's attention for not signing in but he didn't care. Blaze enters room 218 and saw Skull Bones talking with Applejack. Letting her know she's going to be staying for an additional two days. Applejack didn't like it but for now, she accepts it.

"Skully, I need to talk with Applejack. It will be wise for you to leave the premises."

"Ugh, what did I told you about calling me by that name!"

"Just leave."

"Fine, I'll be going. Gotta have my coffee anyways."

Doctor Bones leaves the room and shuts the door.

"Hiya Blaze, what are you doing here?"

"Hmm," Blaze questioned Applejack's emotion. "I'm here to ask you some questions."

"Well, okay. I have nothing better to do anyway."

"Did you had a hard time sleeping last night?"

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep cause I kept crying about my losses."

"Were you able to get some sleep?"

"Yeah, but this weird-looking creature appeared and made my nightmare worse."

"I was afraid of that."

"Why? What's wrong?"

"You're friends; Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash have experience the same within their dreams. A creature emerging from what appears to be from hell."

"What is happening.....?"

"Something is coming soon but for now, I've contained the creature in my HBC."

"What is HBC?"

"Holy Bottle Containment."

"How were you able to do that?"

"I entered the realm of dreams and went through your friends' dream. Then I contain the demon in the HBC. In the realm of dreams, I can use my body language instead of a chant to drag the demon within the bottle."

"Wow, so uh, you gonna do the same for me?"

"Yes. If you're telling me that a creature emerges from your nightmare making it worse, then there is a connection. That is something that I will need to break."

"Will it hurt?"

"No, however, you'll experience the same nightmare when I come in."

"The same..?"

"Yes. When I entered your friends' dream I saw how they relive the nightmares and it wasn't pretty. It's connected through the trauma of Anon-A-Miss and the aftermath."

Applejack took a long breather just hearing Anon-A-Miss. What a mistake that was and it ruined a whole lot.

"So, uh..."

"Yes, Applejack?"

"Was there any...uh...chance that Scootaloo may be involved as well?"

"If you are speaking about demons coming towards her and such, no. She did have a little situation a while back but from her perspective, she's having a better life."

"What a reliever."

Blaze gets up.

"I'll be right back, I need to get candles."

"Alright then."

Blaze leaves the room and headed towards a closet. Some doctors and nurses were watching him. Then Skull Bones came up to Blaze.

"Blaze, what are you doing?"

"Getting candles. I need them."

"For what exactly?"

Blaze takes a deep breath and looks at Skull Bones.

"I need them to perform my ritual. To enter the realm of dreams."

Everyone laughed at Blaze for his claim thinking it's a joke but Skull Bones is the only one not laughing. Then the laughter becomes quiet. The doctors and nurses muttered to each other. Blaze opens the closet door and gives Blaze a box of candles.

"Take what you need. We have plenty more."

"Thanks, Doctor Bones."

Blaze takes the box and walks back to room 218. Skull Bones jumped in excitement that Blaze didn't call him Skully in front of everyone. Blaze then locks the door and place the candles around.

"Uh, Blaze?"

"Yes, Applejack."

"Why you need so many candles?"

"I need to line them up like a dream catcher. Once lit, I can do my chant and enter the realm of dreams."

"Alright then. What do I need to do?"

"Lay down on the bed and lend me your hand. It'll allow me to enter your dreams cause if I don't have contact, I will be wandering around looking for the right dream."

"Alright then."

Applejack lays on her bed and reaches out to Blaze's hand. Blaze lights up the candles, pulled a chair next to Applejack and hold her hand.

"Close your eyes and drift to sleep. "

Applejack falls asleep on command and Blaze starts his chant again. He too falls asleep but now entering the realm of dreams. He looks around and sees the same dark mass flying into another dream.

"Seriously, what is that thing?" Blaze mutters to himself. "Oh well, I have to contain the archfiend." Blaze enters Applejack's dream.

Applejack is on her way back home. She just had an amazing time with her friends. All she has to do now is some house chores then she can head back out to be with her friends once more. Applejack helps Bic Mac repaint the barn house, then apple picks some trees. Finally, she helped Granny Smith bake some apple pies. Her day at the house took 3 hours but it was worth helping out at home. Applejack gathers her things and Apple Bloom was by her door.

"Hey, sis. Can I come with you?"

"Not this time Apple Bloom but maybe next time."

"...okay..." Apple Bloom now walks away with her head down.

Blaze is on the rooftop of the Apple house hearing it.

"Hmm, this must be a memory dream. Perhaps when it first started for the last time before Anon-A-Miss came to life." Blaze said as he scouts Applejack now leaving the barn and heading back into town.

Applejack met up with Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Sunset Shimmer. They were smiling and welcoming their friend at Sugarcube corner. Blaze is not far from them. He's observing from a different rooftop.

"Hey, girls. Ready for the slumber party tonight?" Applejack said.

"Yea, I'm so excited!" Pinkie shouted.

"Our first one together as friends," Sunset said.

"This is indeed a memory," Blaze mutters to himself. "I can safely say back at the barn house was probably Apple Bloom's final straw. Hmm, the Archfiend must have waited a bit longer to strike fear into Applejack's soul. They're on the move."

Applejack and her friends walk their way towards Pinkie's house. Blaze free runs towards Pinkie's house. On the way, there, Blaze saw something entering through Pinkie's window. He looks and saw the black mass Pinkie's room hiding. Applejack and her friends begin their slumber party. Having a good time with the pillow fights and having a pizza party. Applejack then receives a phone call from Apple Bloom. That's when things took a turn. The room inside starts to deform. Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash starts to deteriorate. Applejack doesn't see as she heard static on the phone. Apple Bloom's voice sounds vicious and demonic.

"Why have you forgotten about me?!"

Applejack drops the phone. The phone is on speaker, it repeats the same message over and over.

"Why have you forgotten about me?! Why have you forgotten about me?! Why have you forgotten about me?! Why have you forgotten about me?!"

Applejack covers her ears as the phone continues to replay the same message. Apple Bloom emerges from the floor holding onto Applejack's rope. Apple Bloom has pitch black eyes with red pupils. Her body is red and her hair is on fire.

"Hey sis; forgot about me?!" Apple Bloom said as she ties the rope onto Applejack's neck.

Apple Bloom has a strong grip on the rope as Applejack stares at her sis in fear. Sunset Shimmer transforms into the Archfiend. Blaze is watching from Pinkie's window, waiting for the right time to strike.

"No, sugarcube...I haven't forgotten about you..." Applejack said calmly.

"Liar!" Apple Bloom said pulling the rope hard.

Applejack clutches onto the rope around her neck as she coughs.

"It," Applejack coughs, "the truth."

"Then why not bring me with you?!" Apple Bloom pulls harder causing Applejack to cough more. Her head is starting to change color. Apple Bloom loosens her grip allowing Applejack to breathe a little.

"Because...I intention of bringing you...with me. That biggest mistake. I should have...brought you with me."

Apple Bloom is then cast aside by the Archfiend who glared at the eyes of Applejack.

"I should personally thank you for being the cause of my summoning. Without you, Apple Bloom would have never created Anon-A-Miss in the first place."

Applejack gaze upon the Archfiend. She is silent as a ghost. Her regrets, her mistakes are now coming to haunt her. She deserves it for neglecting her beloved sister for so long. Applejack willingly accepts her fate as Blaze enters the room. He's behind the Archfiend.

"I see you've come to take me away huh Blaze?"

Blaze was a bit shocked that the Archfiend knew he was behind him. The Archfiend turns and stares at Blaze.

"Well, aren't you going to do it?"

This raise suspicion in Blaze's mind. The Archfiend knew that his fate is sealed but instead of Blaze using the HBC, he used Holy Water on the Archfiend. It wasn't expecting it.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! It burns! It Burns!"

The Archfiend wails in pain and agony. It rolls around the floor. Applejack is seeing Blaze. He isn't smiling. He's serious. The Archfiend is melting from the Holy Water. Blaze took out his sword and aim for the head. Blaze chops the head of the Archfiend and slices it multiple times. The Archfiend's body disintegrates as Pinkie's room is turning back to normal. Applejack goes up to Blaze.

"Is...the dream over?"

Blaze nods.

"When I leave your dream, you'll be waking up. The Archfiend has no power to manipulate your dreams anymore. You're free from its tyranny."

"Hey, Blaze?"


"Why didn't you use the Holy Bottle Containment like you said you would?"

"It knew that I was going to do that. It raises suspicions and now I have to be careful with my Holy Bottle Containers. See you in a few Applejack."

Blaze leaves Applejack's dream and saw the same mass going into another dream. This time he was able to see what the mass look like.

"A blue unicorn with wings? This is new." Blaze said as he walks around the realm of dreams. "I wonder if it can come over here to my side of the realm of dreams."

Blaze then leaves the realm of dreams. He and Applejack wake up 4 hours later. There was a knock on the door. Blaze gets up and opens the door. Big Mac comes in. He and Blaze stare at each other for a moment. Blaze saw something in Big Mac's eye but for now, he lets it be. Big Mac goes up to Applejack.

"Applejack, how are you doing?"

"I'm better Big Mac. I heard the news of Apple Bloom and Granny Smith but either than that, I'm fine."

"Good. As for you Blaze, don't you have somewhere to be?"

"I do. Thanks for reminding me. Applejack, I'll be in contact with you."

"Thanks, Bla" Big Mac covers his sister's mouth.

"Now, you get lost. You've caused enough problems in one week already."

Blaze takes a good look at Big Mac and smiles.

"As you wish, dick head."

Blaze leaves the hospital. He now knows that Big Mac has changed for the worse. Blaze knows that his work is not complete. There is much more at stake. For now, he needs to drive back to Sombra's house and hope everything works out with Scootaloo.